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God, Religion and higher powers

Yellow Jacket

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I don't believe in a god as I just don't see no proof. This is a HIGHLY controversial subject so I'm going to ask your opinions on the matter and I'm going to ask you to please keep this conversation logical and absolutely no jabroniing. The first signs I see of this getting out of control I'll take it down. We're all adults here I believe so we can keep this a nice calm discussion.

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I made this subject as the SCOTUS subject about gay marriage spun oout of control on religion instead. So to keep subjects like that free, this here will act as the redirectment thread to any religion references or god. I thought it would be a good idea. As long as we all can not try to change each others' mind. I don't believe in God just because he hadn't shown his face since the bible and I'd argue that the bible is half fiction half nonfiction.

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I don't believe in a god as I just don't see no proof.


I'm actually curious what you mean when you say proof. We talking 100% certainty here or what?


I bring it up because science itself doesn't claim to know anything with 100% certainty. In fact it's not science if it's absolutely true. For anything to be scientific it has to be testable and falsifiable. And as we continue to gather evidence and data on a certain subject we develop theories that in thousands and tens of thousands of tests seem to hold up but are never at any point stated to be the absolute truth.


I myself do believe in God because of the experiences I've had. And as scientists can say with more confidence the more data they collect that their theories are supported the more I experience the more confidently I can say that I do believe.

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Personally I'm not a believer, but just as others can't prove me God DOES exist, neither can I prove he DOESN'T. So while I'm not an active Christian/Catholic/whatever, I don't deny that maybe you guys are right. I guess I'll get to know by the end of my lifetime.

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And I do. Some people don't.


I'm really unsure what actual discussion can be held with this. Basically all i can figure is people sharing their beliefs. Which is fine, but that's about it.

It can be discussed why we believe what we do.


I'll drop into this thread later when I get on a computer.

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And. I can see your points on that but to me it just seems we make more finds disproving god than proving him. It first was he was in the skies then it became invisible in the sky or something like that.

Thing is, a big part of the things that the Church uses to prove the existence of the God, like miracles (statues crying blood etc.) are things that can't be disproven. It doesn't matter there are only a few evidences. They exist, and we have no way of disproving them in a scientifical way, but they do support the existence of God.

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What Medivh said. I can't prove he doesn't exist but I feel the same in vice versa. I can only give opinions. Limke we have enough nukes to destroy the world 100 times over and he doesn't do anything? And if god created the universe who created HIM?

According to the Church, God gave us free will. Free means free, we can do things good and bad and he won't interfere. That's why he does nothing about wars etc. It was our choice.

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Science only deals with the empirical or things our senses directly observe. The supernatural are not based in the senses and so there's nothing we can do with the scientific method to go about proving or disproving God's existence. We're not finding anything proving or disproving Him both sides are simply taking things they like and throwing them in the other's face.

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I am confused. Since when do you need proof to believe in something? It is an underlying idea that belief can be held whether you have proof or not, as it states in the definition as well: "confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof".

Well yeah, but we're talking about proof whether God exists or not.


Of course you don't need proof to believe in something, but we're not talking about that.

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Well yeah, but we're talking about proof whether God exists or not.


Of course you don't need proof to believe in something, but we're not talking about that.


This just a casual conversation. I'm just curious as to why most people believe in God. It puzzles me so I had to ask.


I am kind of confused by your statement now. This isn't a conversation about proof of whether God exists or not.

It is a conversation about why people believe in God, so the inclusion of proof can also be discluded and not a part of why people believe.

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I think the matter of "proof" is largely irrelevant here because it's almost impossible to disprove the existence of an all-powerful deity simply because they are an all-powerful deity and therefore any attempt at proof can be countered by God's ability to do anything to make the proof irrelevant. For example, one can say God cannot exist because the universe was created by science, but people can just say God created science so it's almost impossible to provide meaningful proof. 


I have no problem with believing either way but discussing proving and disproving God is not the way to convince people either way. After all, it's calling "believing" and not "knowing".

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Well. If God exists, then he would be a being that doesn't exactly follow the "rules" of the world, right? I mean he made it, what kind of proof would be able to be found? He by his very nature is beyond such things. If he exists, that means there are things that exist that cannot be understood. Which science has stated there are plenty of things that are uncertain. It's kinda one of the points of life.

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So would it be clearer/make more sense if I said I don't "believe" in things? For me something either exists or doesn't. I can't prove God doesn't exist, neither I can be undeniably proved he does, so I'm indifferent.


Absolutely. I'm not saying lack of what one considers proof isn't an argument for not believing in God, just that nobody should say "there is definitely a God" or "there is definitely no God" because it's impossible to find out.

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It's pretty much Devil's Proof in regards to 'proving' the existence of God.


Me I don't think about it enough to find it a necessity to decide whether to believe in God or not. Although I suppose that attitude lies closer to disbelief than belief.


And also do consider renaming the thread to something more accurate and specific.

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I believe there is a god/higher being as I don't think the universe could of happened by chance. There most have been something which made us as something as complex as life couldn't just happen. I'm not really religious, though I do keep my mind open and have grown up in a Christian background. I only really believe in something if there is decent proof for it and gods/higher beings actually make more sense than random chance. I've been told most of my life that it takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does in God. The same can be said for most things, if something can't be fully explained by science and has a chance of never being fully explained than a god isn't that far-fetched.



What Medivh said. I can't prove he doesn't exist but I feel the same in vice versa. I can only give opinions. Limke we have enough nukes to destroy the world 100 times over and he doesn't do anything? And if god created the universe who created HIM?

As was said God has given us free will, if we destroy the world he won't stop us, it was our choice. For your second point God doesn't exist in out time, all we know is that he has been here since the beginning if something has been here since before time began how could something create it.

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