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Word Assassination Game


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I was looking around the oldest pages of the forum and found some gaames like this, so I thought I would try to make my own version.


So basically the point of this forum game, is to post a word with the first letter being the same as the last letter in the word posted by the previous/above person. (In this case, punctuation dosent count as letters in the game.)

It can be anything, as long as it isn`t too inappropriate.


You can post any amount of words, or even a sentence or two if you want, as long as it dosent take up more than 1 line of text. If you do so, just make sure the first letter of the first word is the same as the last letter of the last word previously posted by the above user. If the above user posted multiple words, just make sure your post has it`s first letter being the same as the last letter of the last word from the above user.

Just follow regular YCM rules, be respectful, and have fun word assasinating!

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