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[MtG][ORI] Renowned: Valeron Wardens and Citadel Castellan


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Castellan is quite literally build your own vigilant Tarmogoyf. If a Standard deck just want a a big vanilla, here ya go. Calderon Wardens is great in Limited too.


The deck in Limited probably goes over the top if we get one really good combat trick that grants evasion.

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Castellan looks standard playable. I mean, I have no clue what standard will be like after rotation, but it looks really freaking good.

I don't think so. Courser is going to be around for another 3 months and Deathmist Raptor is more than willing to block, even if you do have a combat trick. Card is super powerful, but I don't think its competitive. Still fun and I might try to make room for it in my cube though since GW has a +1/+1 counter theme.

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A vigilant 2/3 for 3 that turns into a 4/5 when it deals damage.

Remember that card collected company? This is some value if you flip it off of it.

But it has to deal the damage first, which is why I am speculative of it. Very unlikely for that to happen in the current standard format.


And still just outclassed for its manacost. Roast kills it, the other 4/5s aren't too far off from casting and do so much more. Languish can just kill this outright.

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It's definitely not good enough for this Standard, especially when this isn't really what the GW deck (which has fallen out of favour) is looking for anyway. It'll have to be post-rotation for this to see something, and depends entirely on the rest of the format.


It's fairly close to Loxodon Smiter in function, going over the top of other midrangey decks, but it obviously has more variance than Smiter.

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