Not-so-Radiant Arin Posted July 16, 2015 Report Share Posted July 16, 2015 I'm making my next post as well. I'll have Lena break Icarus' fall, if that's okay with you, Neph. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maeriberii Haan Posted July 16, 2015 Report Share Posted July 16, 2015 Oh, about that, Caeil already did that. The two of them were now near the entrance to the college proper. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Not-so-Radiant Arin Posted July 16, 2015 Report Share Posted July 16, 2015 Oh. Whoops. Going back to make some edits then. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Merci Posted July 17, 2015 Report Share Posted July 17, 2015 Uhh, excuse me. Judging by the title, is it still possible for me to make an application? I've been planning to do so for some time now, but the Wifi just so happened to die at an inappropriate time >.<" If so, then what is the current status of asthma, and how is it considered/recognized? Right now I'm working under the assumption that it's a known condition but no proper treatment exists yet, like how it was IRL, but the presence of things like Anima might change things a bit. Some clarification on that would be appreciated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Not-so-Radiant Arin Posted July 19, 2015 Report Share Posted July 19, 2015 Yep, of course. Just speak with Nai when you're done with your app and she'll take a look at it. ^.^ That is to say, though, I guess all apps at one point or another will be accepted unless you're dumb and don't put any work into them. EDIT: I'll be making two NPCs that will appear later on who will maybe be Lena's friends since she's kind of a lonely loser at the moment. xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Merci Posted July 20, 2015 Report Share Posted July 20, 2015 Alrightio then~ [spoiler=Isaiah Faccio de Neirland - The Seed of the Fallen Apple] "Science is a force for the Holy Empire to conquer, as much as any other nation. Treating it any other way wouldn't be wise, but foolish." Name: Isaiah Faccio de Neirland Age: 20 Sex: Male (although this may not be easy to tell at first glance) Role: Senior [spoiler=Appearance:] Height 5'3", weight 95 LBS, thin build. Wears a mechanical gauntlet called the Gantfall on his other hand in combat, and carries around an activated charcoal respirator mask wherever he goes due to his asthma. The suit he wears is itself designed to work with a helmet, which he sleeps with and wears into any place considered dangerous, though due to its size, he doesn't carry it around the school everywhere. [spoiler=Personality:] On the outside, he gives off the presence of an collected, rational, and highly determined if somewhat queer intellectual, with habits that may at times seem quite strange. Being a prodigy obsessed with the workings of science, he is excellent in many areas, especially design, and considers every little flaw in his creations to be a serious problem, handling them with the utmost determination. He also directs a certain amount of his concentration towards politics and world affairs, viewing such things to be be branches of science as well. Considering that he is inflicted with a condition called 'asthma', which affects his lungs, and that he carries the pressure of being the descendent of a historical figure, it is quite impressive that he's able to make it this far. However, no matter how talented he might be, those who get to know him will come to realize that he's quite smug, lacking a certain amount of respect towards others and presenting his own ideas as if they were fact. He also has a tendency to analyze everyone he meets in order to gauge their usefulness - the ones that he deems have 'potential' he'll make an effort to befriend, but on the other hand, the ones that he deems 'useless to society' he ignores from thereon out. His mind operates on cold utilitarian logic, and thus, he won't hesitate to get his hands dirty, willing to do whatever it takes if it'll help him succeed. Of course, should he perceive that a certain lesson or conversation isn't gaining him anything, he may complain incessantly about how it's a waste of time. This particular applies to things related to do with physical exercise, partially due to his thinness and partially due to his asthma. Not only that, but he's actually quite the coward deep down, as the one thing he wouldn't want to do is risk his own life. Should he realizes that he's in such a situation, it'll become much harder for him to think rationally as he'll fly into a panic, lose control of his breathing to asthma and thus be unable to properly channel Anima too. His complex to prove himself to his family no matter what, as well as his occasional asthma attacks (and horrible experiences with them), have only served to make his fear of mortality much worse. Ultimately, everything about Isaiah is defined by his heritage as the great-grandson of the historical Sir Isaac de Neirland, a figure he highly reveres, as his fascination of science draws greatly from Sir Isaac's own past ideology, so it's not hard to imagine how anyone who insults or criticizes him gains Isaiah's immediate ire. He aspires to be able to surpass his ancestor despite his own illnesses, and perhaps someday even reach the level of the legendary Daedalus. [spoiler=Biography:] The top-scoring graduate in his final year at Warschool Brittania. A brilliant scientist who developed calculus, proposed the theory of universal gravitation, highly elevated the study of alchemy, and made many other contributions to the various fields of science. An even more brilliant military leader, responsible for utilizing Knight-Operators - still a relatively-new concept that was only beginning to gain weight after the conquest of Eldaria - in armies unlike any before him, greatly advancing Britannian warfare. A man that is, today, both respected...and despised. These are all traits attributed to Sir Isaac de Neirland, a man who is remembered in history specially for leading the "Battle of the Reichstag Tree" that took place over a hundred years ago, almost unquestionably considered by scholars to be the key event responsible for the defeat of the Great Empire of Almain. In the span of a mere week, he had a specialized team of Knight-Operators tear through flaws in the capital city's defenses, opening their gates to an army of soldiers that stormed its unprepared forces, and then had automatons scattered throughout it, modified so as to slaughter known important figures and everyone else in their families on sight, based only on facial recognition technology of the time. With this, he broke the deadlock in a war that seemed like it might go on forever, giving the Holy Empire of Britannia the advantage it needed to crush its last true rival once and for all. Despite ensuring Britannia's place in the world as a great power, however, he only served on the military for a few more years before quitting, having been so distraught by the sheer bloodshed he witnessed, happening due to his own orders, that he could no longer go on. What he had done was something he considered logical at the time in order to ascertain their victory beyond any doubt, but it still haunted him. He spent his last remaining years delving into forbidden topics such as necromancy, perhaps hoping to undo his own actions, and soon enough no one wanted anything to do with him. In the end, he died by drowning, in what is suspected but not confirmed to be suicide. Nonetheless, these details have been glossed over throughout the past century, Sir Isaac being made to appear as a war hero after his death, and the Battle of the Reichstag Tree itself being glorified in Britannian history books with its high death toll (aside from the slaughter of the figures themselves, the technology of the automatons themselves had been rather unreliable) and political consequences (abrupt vacuums in essential positions created ripples of instability throughout the empire, causing more deaths by the resultant chaos than by all their battle casualties combined) toned down. Soon after Sir Isaac had passed away, the Neirland family he left behind began to fall further into disgrace. Naturally, due to his fame, his son Ismail had been offered a place at Warschool Britannia when he came of age, but he was just barely able to scrape by with less-than-remarkable results, ending up serving in the artillery as a normal soldier, although he was still granted special privileges. It was hoped that the case would be different for his granddaughter Ira, also being offered a place when she came of age, but she turned out to be even worse, dropping out halfway through the first year after the peer pressure got to her. Thus, once they found out that Ira's son, and his great-grandson, was a sickly boy who was blind in one eye and had trouble breathing, with a low life expectancy, Warschool Britannia and the rest of the Holy Empire's military decided to abandon faith in the Neirlands... Now then, with all that background info done, this is where the story of Isaiah de Neirland truly begins. Long story short, he grew up hearing stories of his dad while dealing with his asthma, was motivated to study about science on his own initiative, experimented with both animals and machinery constantly, helped by how his family remained quite rich. Eventually, he came to convince himself that he was naturally more brilliant than anyone else in order to cope with the pressure, and ultimately opted for Daedalus College over Warschool Britannia when he came of age. He made this decision not only because they had lost faith in his family, but also because Daedalus College seemed to be the more appropriate place to aim for anyway - he reasoned that if Eldaria had been conquered during his great-grandfather's youth, then Sir Isaac would've undoubtedly gone there too. Throughout his time at Daeedalus College, he has maintained consistently high scores in accordance with his great-grandfather, becoming quite well known by the board, though he spent much of his time being seclusive, barely interacting with his classmates at all. Within his first year, he developed and completed a unique automaton design called 'Jupiter II', perfecting it throughout his second. However, once he got to his third year, something seemed to click in his head - that he wouldn't be able to do much on his own. Thus, Isaiah has decided to take an interest in those around him, whilst looking towards to the future, hoping to prove himself as a Neirland. And all in the name of science. [spoiler=Equipment:] [spoiler=Automaton - Artemis II] Name: Artemis II Classification: Terminator-class Battle Automaton Height: 13.5 feet Composition: 60% Beryllium (majority of exoskeleton, frame, and weapons) 30% Copper (minority of exoskeleton and frame, to decrease the toxicity just enough to make it handleable) 10% Silver (joints and inner workings) Description: Based the original Artemis model owned by his great-grandfather,that participated in the bloodbath that was the Battle of the Reichstag Tree, this new automaton - that is, if it could even be called an automaton - is an absolute monster, a death machine that is barely recognizable as an automaton at all. While it originally had a humanoid apparance, the modifications that Isaiah has done to its design to make it more practical has also given it a far more unsettling, monstrous one ((has the overall form of a Xenomorph)), in order to make up for his own physical shortcomings. It possesses a reflective surface, and its form is such that if somebody were to see it from afar, they would most likely mistake it for a real metallic monster. And they wouldn't be mistaken in thinking so. The Artemis II appears to possess intelligence equivalent to that of a bloodlusted beast, and acts like one too, being remorseless as it tracks down prey and tears them apart upon reaching them. It even knows how to utilize the fear factor, as at times, it may let out a piercing inhuman screech that one wouldn't expect to come from an automaton. Due to its form and composition, it is unusually fast for its size (able to run quadrupedally if need be), durable (with a beryllium frame stable enough to absorb a constant stream of heavy impacts), energy efficient (utilizing technique to minimize consumption whilst maximizing power), viciously deadly (its tail, jaws, claws, and inner structure are all made of the toxic metal beryllium, reversed scythes are attached to its arms, it can deploy up to sixteen grenades, and an Anima-powered energy cannon is hidden within its 'jaws'), and even silent to an extent (all mechanical sounds and footsteps are muffled, joints thoroughly lubed to allow for as much quiet movement as possible). It also has four gear-like objects installed, too on the front of its head, one on its chest, and one on its back, all less advanced versions of the gadget Isaiah wears over his eye, enabling it to see really far away and track down its targets (normally to find a far-off opponent, but could be used mundanely to find a missing person). Along with this, it possesses the mundane ability to take photos of whatever it is fighting against, letting Isaiah study their designs further - each photo is indicated by a bright flash. In the event that the opponent isn't right in front of it, he can provide a photo of the target for it to hunt down using face recognition. And of course, he can just use it to substitute for a camera if there aren't any. While it is made to function mostly independently, it is connected remotely to the Gantfall via a method not unlike walkie talkies, so he is able to issue commands via either hand movements or speaking into it. If need be, he can also commands to it directly, though that would be harder in the thick of battle. Apart from that, Isaiah is experimenting with echolocation and acid to see if they can be incorporated into the model as well. In the improbable, worst-case scenario that the Artemis II has fallen in a life-or-death situation with Isaiah in the thick of it, it is capable of a form of 'emergency self-destruction'. However, this method is highly unconventional in that, instead of detonating, it will begin to burn its own beryllium with an internal laser. This will cause it to quickly fill up the air with traces of beryllium, making the immediate environment toxic and extremely dangerous for anyone to breathe in - anyone, that is, except for Isaiah, who is always prepared with his respirator mask. Doing this not only ensures his survival against human threats, but also gives him a chance to potentially salvage his automaton in the future. The Artemis II is Isaiah's most prized creation, something he developed throughout his first year and improved vastly throughout his second, having put a lot of effort and calculations into it. To him, it is a symbol of his pride as a Neirland. [spoiler=Weapon - Gantfall] Name: IDN 072-B Gantfall Classification: Directed-Anima/Smoothbore Dualpurpose Firearm Gauntlet Effective Range: 75m (Power Mode), 200m (Energy Mode), 500m (Laser Mode) Firing Rate: Low (Power Mode), High (Energy Mode) Description: Valuing practicality over 'rule of cool', the Gantfall is the weapon which Isaiah employs to maximize his own talents in combat. It was one of his first successful projects before coming to Daedalus College, and he has come to make improvements to it over the years. It has no targeting, and Isaiah relies purely upon his understanding of motion physics and mechanical eye in order to aim, which is more than enough for him. Should the battle be underwater, within heavy winds, or should he be firing through something such as a wall, he'll pour his own anima into his bullets as he fires them. While this will increase the recoil, it will minimize outside forces and help the bullet travel on-course. While he really dislikes close combat and admittedly isn't exactly the best at it, he is not against punching people and shooting them at point-blank range at the same time. The Gantfall's appearance appears to be relatively simple at first, being a long gauntlet that is worn over his right hand (with a small Anima Core on its backside), reaching all the way to his elbow, with eight thin barrels attached around it, each of which coming with small lever to function as a trigger to be pulled back. The Anima Core fuelling it is a small one, placed on the backside of his hand. The weapon itself is capable of switching between two separate modes, determined by whether or not he is clenching his hand. It will be in Power Mode when his hand is open, and Energy Mode when his hand is clenched. In Power Mode, he has a total of eight solid projectiles to be shot, each of which possess the destructive strength of a shotgun slug, though he saves his arm from getting crushed by the heavy recoil via a combination of internal pressurization and Anima. It's still necessary to hold his arm in place when he fires, however, since he would otherwise break his elbow, and it certainly wouldn't be wise to fire all at once. He uses this mode when it's required of him to take down a particularly large enemy or penetrate through their defenses. In Energy Mode, the ammo is switched from ordinary bullets to highly-concentrated anima that come from the Anima Core on his palm. Thus, 'energy bullets' are fired out - while they may not possess the same strength normal bullets have or be quite as lethal, they're still strong enough so as to pack quite a punch. Each barrel is capable of sustained fire for about fifteen seconds before overheating, putting it at 120 seconds in total, and it takes ten minutes for each to recharge anima and cool down. He uses this mode for smaller, faster enemies whereupon Power Mode is virtually useless. ... In the event that neither of the two modes are sufficient to deal with his opponent, he will speak the passcode "Nothing is permitted to surpass the light", activating its third, secret Light Mode. At that, all but one of the triggers will retract back. Then, once he has aimed at the enemy with the backside of his hand, pulling the last remaining trigger will cause an immense blue laser to shoot outwards directly from the Anima Core. This laser possesses ridiculous range, is sustainable for about five minutes at the ABSOLUTE. MAXIMUM, and is intense enough that it is capable of melting through metal a hundred feet away in a mere few moments. At point-blank range, even the strongest materials may not be able to withstand it. Naturally, it comes with its own consequences. While the laser is being fired, heated carbon monoxide will need to be expelled in the other direction to maintain it, requiring Isaiah to wear his respirator merely to be able to breathe somewhat, and he'd just have to withstand getting baked. Once Laser Mode has exceeded five minutes, its design won't be enough to handle the extreme overheating, and Isaiah will be forced to deactivate it with the words "And yet nothing is eternal but the darkness" before taking it off - it can't be used again for at least another three hours. There is still one more way this can be taken advantage of, as there's a switch on the inside of the gauntlet to release all the hot smoke created by the laser into the air. (If, hypothetically, Laser Mode is extended for longer than five minutes for whatever reason, then the first thing that will happen is that the laser will intensify out of control, causing two things. First, the finer internal workings will melt, making it no longer capable of recognizing the deactivation command, or any other for that matter. And second, the pressurization will fail, expelling seething hot smoke directly onto the arm and body of the user, inflicting third-degree if not fourth-degree burns...and that's merely external, as the lower arm still wielding the gauntlet will be literally, painfully melted down to bones. Once this has occurred, it shouldn't take longer than ten seconds for the Anima Core and system themselves to be melted down, gradually reducing the laser's intensity until it ceases entirely. Assuming the user is still alive, then he will be unable to remove the Gantfall beyond that point due to the fact that its metal will have melted such as to fuse with whatever's left of his fleshy arm, undoubtedly requiring amputation. Needless to say, the weapon will be irreparable beyond this point, and all of its parts will become useless.) Other Equipment: >Apart from the Gantfall, Isaiah carries around a backup flintlock pistol wherever he goes that can be drawn at a moment's notice. It has both normal rounds and beryllium rounds, the latter to be used for the more dangerous enemies. >Since he is near-blind in one eye, he wears a gadget over it, which magnifies his sight in that eye immensely to bring it up to normal. Unfortunately, that is the limit of that particular eye, and he is still colorblind in it. >The other gadget he has on his head is more of a visor, to be worn over his other eye. Via channelling Anima into it, this enables him to truly zoom in on far-away targets. It comes with night-vision and X-ray vision. >The suit he wears around everywhere itself could be a gadget, in that it's meant to work together with either his respirator mask (composed of activated charcoal, like a cup) or helmet (resembling that of a diver's helmet), both designed to filter the air and manage his asthma. >Back in his dorm room lie plenty of machinery, both successes and failures. The ones he utilizes in particular are crane-esque robotic arms that enable him to construct things beyond his own physical capacity, though he possesses a great variety of gadgets and tools that enable him the freedom to construct what he so wishes. [spoiler=Abilities:] Isaiah is a physicist first, an engineer second, and a fighter third.. His asthma and small, thin body, giving him really low stamina, have discouraged him things like exercise, so he chooses to focus instead on mostly long-ranged tactics. Being more used to developing delicate, intrinsic machinery and calculating the laws of motion, these habits give him an advantage in the form of accuracy, vastly aided by the device attached to his near-blind eye, which highly amplifies his sight. In combat, if he is on the field by himself, he will typically attempt to end it as soon as possible, or otherwise he wouldn't be able to keep up with his opponent for long. He will also try to avoid direct and close-range confrontations as much as possible, being well aware of his own limitations. However, when his automaton is on the field, everything changes. He will typically hide away while letting it do all do the work; through its Xenomorph-like design, it is outmatched by very few in terms of speed, strength, and even Anima efficiency since he dedicated a lot of time into calculating the most appropriate ratios, taking into account force, mass, and energy. It is far from easy to take down, and when one considers that it was designed by someone who hasn't even been properly educated yet...well. His ability to channel Animus through inanimate objects is absolutely extraordinary, perhaps even superhuman, and he is able to use it in a great variety of ways. First off, he is capable of using a minimal amount of Anima in order to power any object, and he can also combine it with his mechanical skills so as to achieve a more efficient way of modifying complicated machinery. As long as he comprehends the structure and inner sizes (and if he doesn't, he can channel Anima throughout the entire thing in order to measure them), he is able to repair or improve damaged delicate parts via a combination of smelting, bending, hollowing, and other such ways, even putting materials in the form of scrap in through tiny openings if required. With enough effort and time, he may even be able to rebuild them entirely. Of course, he finds it difficult to apply this on anything that is larger or denser than a hardcover book. As for channelling it into biological objects, he is fairly talented at healing the minor wounds of others, and many times when it seems like his breathing is about to go out of control, he will use Anima to relax his own throat. Of course, by the kind of equipment he carries around, it's not hard to figure out that this technique only goes so far. His asthma is the one thing that holds him back most, messing with his concentration and work when he could otherwise go even further than he's already capable of, as well as preventing him from going into Overdrive Mode unless he is completely calm. Miscellaneous: Neirland Theme: A.O.E - Crystal Clocks & Music Box Artemis II Theme: Alien: Isolation OST - Mission 16 ~Always sleeps with a helmet attached to his suit on, to prevent asthma attacks. ~Perceives food as an annoyance, existing only to be consumed and prolong his own life, so he eats whatever is edible without regard for taste. ~Even though the Neirlands aren't quite as respected anymore, they're still indeed rich due to all of Sir Isaac's former patents. ~He rarely interacts with any of his classmates or teachers at all, preferring to stay reclusive and focus solely on getting the highest grades, never asking help from anyone else, though since the start of the year, he's begun to realize how impractical this will be in the long run. ~Well, due to this attitude, most of the teachers rarely bother him so long as he maintains his extraordinary academic scores. ~Hates it when people interrupt his work, but loves interrupting other people's work. Or really, he just loves learning about other people's designs that seem good. ~Looking forward to serving the military and succeeding his father. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Not-so-Radiant Arin Posted July 22, 2015 Report Share Posted July 22, 2015 Is there a side entrance to the institution? If so, I'd prefer to use that in my next post since Lena can enter and watch Icarus run and cry like a baby. e.e It would also make more sense for the next post I'm going to make after that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maeriberii Haan Posted July 24, 2015 Report Share Posted July 24, 2015 On 7/22/2015 at 5:17 PM, Arin the Radiant said: Is there a side entrance to the institution? If so, I'd prefer to use that in my next post since Lena can enter and watch Icarus run and cry like a baby. e.e It would also make more sense for the next post I'm going to make after that. There are several entrance to the main building, yes. Sorry for replying late. Anyway, plot progression post is finally made! Right now just have your characters rush to the rooms. Please try to have fellow player characters as a roommate, alright? Also, it's up to you guys whether the room your characters get will be the good one, the decent one, or the shitty one, but hopefully we won't get everyone choose the good rooms. All the wooden doors look the same from the outside. The floor is creaky and is also wooden, and the lighting on the corridors in the dormitory building is pretty bad due to the lack of renovation around the area. Stairs are available at the start and the end of the corridors, and each floor will have around 20 rooms, ten on each side. After all of you have gotten to your rooms, either me or Aix will post again to initiate the dinner. It shouldn't take long, and once we're done with that, we'll move on to the next day. Also, seniors and teachers are still free to do whatever for now. So, enjoy~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Merci Posted July 24, 2015 Report Share Posted July 24, 2015 Aaaannndddd my application is finished. I'll post when I can~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Not-so-Radiant Arin Posted July 31, 2015 Report Share Posted July 31, 2015 I'm done. I'm funking done. Dropping out. Feel free to take control of my character, whatever, I'm just funking done with this place. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aix Posted August 11, 2015 Author Report Share Posted August 11, 2015 Let's get this moving, alright? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cosmo. Posted August 11, 2015 Report Share Posted August 11, 2015 I need to sort a thing out then i'll post Char's reaction to the forced otp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aix Posted August 26, 2015 Author Report Share Posted August 26, 2015 Next time I post with Elizabeth, I'll start the next day. Anyone planning on posting should notify me and/or do so quickly. Also, I'd like a head count of who's still in this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cosmo. Posted August 26, 2015 Report Share Posted August 26, 2015 I'm still in this, i'll post rn the post where Charlotte goes back to sleep Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yui Posted August 26, 2015 Report Share Posted August 26, 2015 Still in. Just waiting for Giga on Morgan's end, not sure if me or Neph is supposed to post or if we're supposed to collab (again) on Verona's end, and idefk on Nola's end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral_Stalfos19 Posted August 26, 2015 Report Share Posted August 26, 2015 Still technically in, but have been too busy to post lately. I'll try to spare the time tonight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Love of Ghibli Posted August 27, 2015 Report Share Posted August 27, 2015 I'm still in. The story looks like its about to get interesting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aix Posted September 2, 2015 Author Report Share Posted September 2, 2015 After breakfast is a crash course on emergency procedures and basic survival with all teachers and mentors in attendance. We'll be hiding at the very back, safely behind a large Britannian army, but there will be a few field exercises. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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