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Because I'm Feeling Weird. [Deckbuilding Help: The Last Warrior From Another Planet]

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That still doesn't clear the air up on the fact on you believing that King of the Swamp doesn't work when Prisma is copying something. It will work, in this case, at least.

i was asking whether it did or not.. i didn't say it didn't.. at all..


In any case, since this deck's really cool. I'm gonna try adding forbidden chalice and lance for protection and to be able to summon my monsters. Or maybe call of the haunted to bring it back as a pseudo-vanity's or something.

here's something that might be good:

[spoiler Vanity's got nothing on this]mQMfmBj.png


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Quick question: Why are you using Fusion Gate? I understand you don't care about the Fusion Materials getting banished, but it would make more sense to me to use Polymerization as King of the Swamp can double up as as a searcher for it. Of course, you could use Terraforming to search both Fusion Gate and Chicken Race, but that would require changing the deck further.

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3 Cardcar D

3 King of the Swamp

3 Maryokutai

3 Prisma


3 Chicken Race

3 Fusion Conscription

3 Fusion Substitute

3 Instant Fusion

3 Terraforming

3 Upstart

2 Pseudo-Space

2 Forbidden Lance

1 Book of Moon

1 One Day of Peace

1 Raigeki


3 CotH

1 Oasis of Dragon Souls


ED has Norden and stuff

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3 Cardcar D

(6)3 King of the Swamp

3 Maryokutai

(12)3 Prisma


3 Chicken Race

(18)3 Fusion Conscription

3 Fusion Substitute

(24)3 Instant Fusion

3 Terraforming

(30)3 Upstart

2 Pseudo-Space

(34)2 Forbidden Lance

1 Book of Moon

1 One Day of Peace

(37)1 Raigeki


(40)3 CotH

(41)1 Oasis of Dragon Souls

Ah. that's why your list doesn't want to sit happy in 40 cards. Cut Oasis.

ED has Norden and stuff

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