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aly's chem race


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Looks like a g-map clusterfuck, sheet works though. Colors are fire, my only real qualm is that it's apparent (at least to me) where you erase the g-map, and it's kinda stark. Could use some blending, though it could just be that my eyes are hyper-sensitive towards distinguishing g-mapping at this point.


Lighting's weak, the depth and atmo would be 10x better with some solid lighting. 


dope overall, more sheet plox

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I love how it looks like watercolor.  In fact, I disagree with Night on this one, I think it's better flat and without definitive lighting.  It adds to the style.  Not everything needs the "basics", or else we wouldn't be artists.  Artists are called to work outside the box and against the norm.


sheet is dope, could use some touch ups but yeah keep this up and see what you can accomplish with it.  The only real complaint I have is the sharpness is a little too much, really just in the upper right hand corner.

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sheet didn't know there were actually comments on this.


But yeah I def see the point about the erasing; not sure what happened in the top corner, thought I tried to fix that with more clouds and sheet bc it looks pretty weird as is


thanks yo

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