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[MtG] [ORI] Sphinx's Tutelage


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This would be an amusing card to work with come draft-time.


In regards to the image and quote, though...I am now wondering just how many Ravnican...correction, Azorian sphinxes are actually telepathic now... I'm pretty sure young Jace here was probably really close to getting spooked out of his own head, probably literally, after that.

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In MtG lore, sphinxes are certainly not telepathic by nature. I assume this a Vyrn-only thing. All of them are smart, quite a few of them can see into the future, but telepathy is not a common sphinx trait.


This would be an amusing card to work with come draft-time.


In regards to the image and quote, though...I am now wondering just how many Ravnican...correction, Azorian sphinxes are actually telepathic now... I'm pretty sure young Jace here was probably really close to getting spooked out of his own head, probably literally, after that.

It's a sphinx from Vyrn. Judging by the newly spoiled card, it's the head honcho himself, Alhammarret.
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