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China Bans 38 Anime and Manga

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I'm quite surprised to not see a topic on this. I find it silly, but I'm more worried about other countries following this idea. Specifically the U.S. Also, what confused me about the list so far is that they've banned some violent and controversial ones, but I don't see Gantz, Mirai Nikki, Berserk, Rosario Vampire, and Fist of the North Star anywhere. Oh. And no Kill La Kill either. Not that I'm bothered by something being inappropriate; I just think that a banned anime loose should include ones that make more sense to ban. Anyway, America, please never, at any point in the future, ban anime in our country. Thanks.

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When have other countries ever followed China, though? Government controlled censorship is bad, etc etc. Sure it happens to a degree in basically every country but banning entertainment for being too violent or similar is silly. I highly doubt America would ban such a thing because of their general attitude towards citizens and their freedoms. Then again, pretty sure China still hates Japan and visa-versa, I wouldn't be surprised if that got involved somehow.

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We already have the FCC censoring Yugioh and a bunch of other animes once they come over here in the USA; the last thing we need here is for some over-sensitive politician(s) to take office and decide to ban anime for similar reasons.


If they do, needless to say that a lot of people are going to be pissed off (and that politician/group of them are going to be on our sheet lists for even doing so).

Then again, they have more important things to attend to over banning anime because it conflicts with Western beliefs and others. (So we're probably fine...for now)


As for this case, I'm not really surprised that China decided to ban more stuff due to being violent and questioning authority.

They have a habit for doing that quite a lot with other media.


Government censorship is pretty bad; as it effectively makes the citizens who live there into robots.

(Although China is lucky they even get to watch anime and stuff; I certainly can't say if N. Koreans get anything; likely not, except if they heavily edit it to their liking.)


Then again, they allowed Pokemon to be translated into Chinese [although I think only Gen 1 or something], so I don't know if the anti-Japanese sentiment from 75-80 years ago played a part.



I haven't watched a good chunk of the anime on that list to be honest (although I have heard of some to an extent).

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This isn't the end of it either, we will most likely be seeing more titles added to 'the list' as they have missed of some really obvious things. To me the move just seems like a dig at Japan's economy more than anything else otherwise I don't see why they didn't ban them at an earlier date. 

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oh look more government censorship that will do nothing helpful whatsoever and just make things worse. yeah i too wouldnt be surprised if Chinas attitude towards Japan played a part in this. of course North America wont do the same thing considering how nobody cares about violence in media and because of our love for freedom of speech

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This makes me think of book banning. We've had quite a few really classic books banned over the years here in America, but I don't think they ever actually lasted or were supported by the government in the long run. China's a lot different, though, and has had a rocky relationship with Japan (to say the least) so this doesn't surprise me.


America is more concerned with censoring out scenes or changing certain parts of the anime, like they did with Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh! so I don't think we really have to worry about outright banning.

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