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Need Help Finding Design



2 answers to this question

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I believe that is a customized background... You can make your own using GIMP or PhotoShop.


If not I'm sure the YCM such as Sakura and Less Important Staff Members will upload onto the Card Maker for y- *held down and gagged by random YCM Staff Member*


(if you couldn't tell that second part was a joke... GIMP or PhotoShop would be your best option)


EDIT: You can also ask for a template of it here at YCM. There should be some shops. There you cam edit in picture and text via GIMP/PhotoShop

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It's a custom template that another member made; however the name is rather small to be read.

Likely, it's from a member in the old days of YCM (or whenever we still had the old card maker templates)


As the above user already mentioned, you can ask for someone to make a custom template for you; or make one yourself (assuming adequate skills in GIMP or Photoshop).

Right now, there are no shops that offer custom templates, so you'll have to request one separately (in Requests).



Also, moved to Q&A because this doesn't fit in the Banlist Theory forum where you had put this.

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