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[Deckbuilding] I need some help with building a deck.


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Ideally, you should be running this alongside other Dragons that can benefit from the use of Silver's Cry (assuming that is up on DP also).

However, not sure if there are any suitable ones that go well. [i can't check because DP acts stupid at times, and sometimes makes browser crash]


Darkness Metal Dragon is a definite must, along with other generic support cards for them (and everything else).

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use a super-mill normal Dragon deck with some geminis for the Aloy, and abuse of its effects~

the spell that sends 2 dragons, trade in, blue eyes, another lvl 8 dragon like the rabbidragon, Dragons mirror and normal stuff like swing of memories and things like that

is fast as hell and since yours is gemini, fits very well

the only problem i see is that the card is only treated as a normal monster in your field, so isnt a real Gemini cuz they are treated as a normal monster everywhere except the deck~

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the only problem i see is that the card is only treated as a normal monster in your field, so isnt a real Gemini cuz they are treated as a normal monster everywhere except the deck~

Uh. No. It's treated as normal in the Graveyard, too. Did you not read?

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I guess you can dump him to the grave with Dragon Shrine, Trade-in and maybe Featherizer. Possibly build it similair to how a Blue-eyes deck would function or incorporate it to a Blue-eyes deck. Champion's Vigilance is another option you can consider if it's not Gemini Summoned. Also, using Supervise would be be interesting! Now only if Gemini Spark worked with higher level Gemini x_x

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