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Need help for building my new deck

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I have some cards thatn i wanna build a deck around, you have any ideas, since my last deck was onyl good for getting the cards into my hand the first turn, and getting sacrifices, but not winnning


THe cards are ( I want to keep most of these cards in)



1 Cyber Dinousaur

1 Kazejin

1 Wicked Dreadroot

1 Y-Dragon Head

1 z-Metal Tank

1 THe Light-Hex Sealed FUison

1XYZ dragon Cannon



1 Monster REborn

3 Creature Swap

1 DIfferent DImension Capsule

1Mystical Space Typhoon

2 de fusion

2 remove trap



Pole Position

Trap Hole

Dust TOrnado


Plz tell mewaht cards to include from the ones above, and which cards i need to find and addto make a good 40-45 card deck


PLZ dont flame me, cus i need to have a beter deck than befor

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