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Swaying Gaze Qli

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2 Effect Veiler

1 Qliphort Monolith

2 Qliphort Scout

3 Qliphort Carrier

1 Qliphort Disk

3 Qliphort Helix

1 Qliphort Shell

3 Qliphort Stealth


1 Raigeki

1 Saqlifice

3 Summoner's Art

3 Swaying Gaze

3 Upstart Goblin


3 Lose 1 Turn

3 Mind Crush

2 Mirror Force

1 Qlimate Change

1 Re-Qliate

1 Skill Drain

1 Solemn Warning

1 Vanity's Emptiness


1 Armades, Keeper of Boundaries

1 Abyss Dweller

1 Cairngorgon, Antiluminescent Knight

1 Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer

1 Constellar Pleiades

1 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon

1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight

1 Evilswarm Orobouros

1 Gagaga Cowboy

1 Number 103: Ragnazero

1 Number 80: Rhapsody in Berserk

1 Shark Fortress

1 Stellarknight Constellar Diamond

1 Stellarknight Delteros

1 Tellarknight Ptolemaeus

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Maybe, depends on how often you can clear scales. How backroad heavy is TCG ATM?

BA, Tellars, Yang Zing and Qli mirrors are really heavy on backrow, Shaddolls are light-ish and Nekroz run none. Interpret that as you want.


Hey, mind if I test out this deck? I've been meaning to use pendulums for a while now.

Go ahead~

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It's a bit tough for me to give a solid opinion since you're missing the two best tools swaying Gaze Qli's have in OCG :/

I mean, might as well completly flop, but remember that using Gaze isn't a dead-end since you grab a Pendulum as well, so probably another Scout, so you can just value Xyz for a turn and then restart your regular Qli game, which Heavy Storm didn't allow.


Ditch the Catastor for a Pleaidies, it's probably the best rank 5 you can make with Ptolemaeus if you're using the Delteros method. Otherwise, looks solid.


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Didn't qli run Trampolynx at one point, for more scout power and Xyz?

They still do, it's just a bit redunant with 3 Swaying Gaze being in here.


Also a cool thing I realized about Swaying Gaze is that it can be used to pop any 2 random scales to find Scout so you got even more ways to get it and start going. It's nice.

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