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MECHANIC 1: Dark Matter


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First of all:

  ¹Deduct that all cards have this text: "except "Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon"", when they refer to a "Dark Matter" monster.

  ²Sorry about my bad english!


- Archetype: Dark Matter

This archetype is based on 0 ATK/DEF monsters with some strong effects to empower them;

This set have a lot of card manipulation, but they're restricted to the archetype;


[spoiler=Effect Monsters]createcard%208.jpgcreatecard%2019.jpgcreadtecard%203.jpgcreatecard%2010.jpg


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[spoiler=Xyz Monster]createcard%205.jpg


[spoiler=Ritual Monsters]createcard%2013.jpgcreatecard%209.jpg


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More cards coming soon!

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Just a friendly reminder, Dark Matter Release gives an unwanted support to Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon. 2500 buff on its ATK is already a nasty thing, but it also allows you to Xyz Dark Matter Dragon using 2 level 4 monsters. This is pretty scary.

Main Deck monsters:
-Fear: You made its OPT effect mandatory, making Synchro Summoning Dark Matter monsters actually impossible(except for Somber), unless you use skill drain and other negation effects. His ATK/DEF buff is not OPT which can make some very silly ATK if you play against a swarmer, but since all of the D.M monsters have 0 ATK, it's fine.
-Warming: A really straightfoward monster, but can lead to a 3-mat Xyz fairly quick.
-Born: This card is strong. A two-Monster Reborn really speeds the deck up during mid to late game. Would be broken without the D.M restriction.
-Evolving: Just a protection to D.M monsters, nothing spectacular unless you count Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon(which i'm not).

-Vision:It is a searcher that can be searched with manju/senju/preparation of rites. Not much else to say here.
-Siren: Basically a invincible monster that can give a 400 ATK buff OPT during either players turn. It's fine because your monsters don't have any ATK.

Fusion monsters:
-Face: This card is pointless because the ATK boost is only for that turn and you cannot conduct your Battle Phase.
-Mist: This card is awesome, it can bring out Siren using Ancient Dark Matter Ritual, give something an ATK boost with Dark Matter Release, clean the Field with raigeki, negate effects with MST without setting, the possibilities are endless!
-Manipulator: Straight up better Gold Sarcophagus. I like it
-Queen: Like Judgment Dragon, except easier to summon and doesn't hit you like a truck afterwards. Love it.

Synchro monsters:
-Squishy: You need a non-Tuner to summon synchros, that's just how the game works. It's a nice searcher for your S/T though.
-Fire & Water & Earth: Just some negation effects that are very welcome to this set.
-Somber: This can get some very ridiculous ATK and it cannot be stopped. This card is way to easy to summon to be this good.

Xyz monster:
-Chaos: I love this card and it deserves its name. Bear-style searching and massive spam of D.M monsters. Just... wonderful.

Spell/Trap cards:
-Ancient Dark Matter Ritual: This gets your extra on the grave to banish later while summoning Siren for a impressive wall(if your opponent doesn't do Piercing). The draw part seems unnecessary, but whatever.
-Dark Matter Release: Works well with the Ritual spell and gives a 2500 buff. Would be strong with Somber, if he didn't negate it during the Damage Step.
-Cauldron: Makes your monsters last longer by increasing their ATK with Face OR summoning Mist and Manipulator on your opponents turn OR resets the field with Queen. Nice.

Overall, I like the idea but a good chunk of the cards felt either lacking or way too strong(looking at you, Somber). You are going in the right direction, though.

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