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Yeah, that was pretty funking bad.


But it doesn't matter, because the funking fanboys will worship this show no matter what, because "LOLDONTGETATTACHEDERRYONEDIES"



I mean, I really don't care, but I feel like that should be a bad thing on the show's part.  

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[spoiler=The internet is a dark, dark place]Shireen-baratheon-fathers-day.jpg



Tbh, the finale cliffhanger wasn't the worst part of this season.

I think you've found the new Ed...ward meme.

For me, it was one of the most devastating in the show. I know the speculation behind reversing what happened, but it was still a grim reminder to not pick favorites.

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Personally I found it hilarious. Mostly because if I had tried to take it seriously I'd have burst an artery due to rage. 


It was just like really bad fan-fiction. So many things had huge logical fallacies, or were just outright dumb. I will however say the Walk of Shame was fabulously done. Truly fabulous.


Everything else was terrible however in my eyes.  

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I think you've found the new Ed...ward meme.

For me, it was one of the most devastating in the show. I know the speculation behind reversing what happened, but it was still a grim reminder to not pick favorites.


[spoiler=For me]Stannis burning his own daughter alive was beyond funked up. Of all the characters to kill off, they went with the least significant yet most lovable one. But yeah, goes to show you not to pick favorites.


I am glad that Tyrion is still alive, and that Danaerys got to ride Drogon. Varys ain't dead, Baelish ain't dead... personally, I'm rather satisfied despite what all's happened.


Of course, they took funk-all time to recover Cersei's humiliation with the Mountain being part of her king's guard.


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Personally I found it hilarious. Mostly because if I had tried to take it seriously I'd have burst an artery due to rage. 


It was just like really bad fan-fiction. So many things had huge logical fallacies, or were just outright dumb. I will however say the Walk of Shame was fabulously done. Truly fabulous.


Everything else was terrible however in my eyes.  

Can you explain?


I found the end just amusing and silly cuz of the et tu, Brute? moment.

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Can you explain?


I found the end just amusing and silly cuz of the et tu, Brute? moment.



I'll list everything I found dumb about the episode, and where relevant explain why that was stupid or illogical. 


Let's start with everyone's favorite place, Dorne; 

  • Bad Pussy. 
  • Despite the fact Ellaria has spent the rest of the arc trying to kill Myrcella, for some reason she's not only allowed to touch her, but give her a kiss goodbye. 
  • Doran Martell was still sending his son (And only visible Heir) to King's Landing, essentially giving House Lannister a Dornish hostage. The House that saw his brother and sister killed, and he's giving them a hostage and losing his own. (I know this was established in the previous episode, but it's stupid enough for me to cite here). 
  • Myrcella somehow being okay with being Jamie's daughter - That makes her and her brother Bastards born of incest. Things that they should rightfully be raised to despise, despite the fact it removes both her and her brothers claim to the throne, and would destroy her marriage prospect if it was ever proved.As well as probably lead to all 4 of them being killed. Why the funk would you be okay with this/happy for Jamie as Myrcella? It makes no sense within the boundaries of the setting, and makes no sense from an outside perspective easier. 
  • Ellaria's poison taking effect so close to the shore. Like what happens if they turn around and go 'Hey, the princess has been poisoned. Would people in the land of relatively well known poisoners happen to have a cure for this?' 
  • Ellaria poisoning Mycercella on a boat where Trystanne is on. Like, he is her nephew in law, does she have no feelings for him? Does she not understand that they will probably lock him up the moment he's in KL's or even kill him and have justification for doing so? Like, sure it'll probably fit in with her plan to start a war for vengance, but it's an incredibly sloppy way of doing it. But then again, everything she's done is sloppy, so it might be more of a character trait tan anything. 


Now everyones most hated Stannis, and the rest of Winterfell; 

  • So nobody noticed most of the army buggering off in the night and thought to maybe wake your king up to try and stop them? Because that many men leaving would be a noisy affair. 
  • Stannis, despite having been stated as the most proven battle commander in westeros loses all tactical sense; He advances into an open plain in full view of Winterfell without a picket line to prevent or delay the effect of a sally forth, despite having been in near perfect terrain to help counter a cavalry charge before then. Likewise ordering his men to dig a trench into frozen ground. And not spotting the massive Bolton army a little bit earlier, and thus being able to respond more adequately.
  • The Bolton Army being both that large (Like that was a lot of calvary for just one northern house. Sure the Bolton losses in the War of the 5 Kings were low, but shouldn't be that low), but also seemingly unnaffected by Winter in proportion to Stannis's - Just because you are in a castle doesn't mean Winter doesn't affect you. 
  • Brienne missing Sansa's signal (Despite the fact there's no way in hell you should see it from that distance anyway) by a few seconds was just so much like cliche television. It also made her sitting around for the past 3 or 4 episodes entirely pointless. And people said Brienne's book arc was pointless. 
  • Brienne finding Stannis in the aftermath of the battle without having had to draw her sword once before that, without there being hundreds of scavenging Boltons looking for valuables among the body. Like really? 
  • Apparently the character growth that allowed Reek to become Theon again and help rescuse Sansa happened off stage? Right, thanks for making the arc pointless. Because it was, they took Sansa out of her arc to slip into Theon's (For 'Shock' value of her getting raped), and then do Theon's arc half arsed by removing the true character development from it. Let alone any of the underlying tensions or anything to make it seem like th Bolton's aren't these all powerful villians who can't be beaten. 
  • Somehow thinking they can escape from Ramsey and his fully mounted army by simply leaping off of the walls in broad daylight. Not like clearly they will be seen from the walls, and there's nowhere near enough snow to keep them being ridden down. 
  • Oh and despite the Sellswords taking all the Horses with them in the night (How did Stannis not wake up again? Several thousand men and Horses leaving would make a hell of a lot of noise), Melisandre still manages to find one to get her to the wall a few minutes after Davos arrives. 

Let's pop over the Essos with everyone favourite Dwarf, and assassin in training; 

  • I still personally think making Meryn Trant an hebephile who beats children was just bad story-telling. The auidience does not need more of a reason to hate Meryn Trant, and adding this character element just makes Arya's actions morally right instead of morally grey (Which is stupid. What's the point of changing her arc to be focused on 'revenge' without at the very least making it not the right thing to do in the situations it happens in. It simplifies the universe down into black and white to some extent which is not what the series is about) 
  • The actual murder is gratuitious and far to violent - Like, Arya's prior character development gave her a very cold attachof the ment to murdering people, or leaving them to die (Think about the Hound last season, or the guys in the in at the start of it). And now, despite being trained in a guild of assassins who specialise in making murders look like accidents, she stabs him repeatedly in a position with potential witnesses. 
  • So... how did Tyrion Jorah and Daario get out of the pit? Since, the last I saw of them there were still a lot of Sons of the Harpy around them, even if a lot of them ran away. 
  • Tyrion has been there for barely any time, and yet now he is trusted with rule of the city? Like, are there no Meeren nobles who could be used in combination with some of Dany's advisers to rule the city? Tyrion clearly will demonstrate his greater cultural understand of Mereen despite being incredibly different to Westeros. 
  • Grey Worms Unsullied are the only things keeping the peace in the city? Really? Where the hell were they in the pit last episode? Why were there not more of them? Why if they were keeping the peace did the Sons get the change to rise up in the first place? 
  • Oh Varys is here now. And what's that? You mean we are just going to get Tyrion's season 2 arc all over again only without a clear political opponent to be battling against? How wonderful. 
  • Dany; I mean I know the Dothraki Sea looks a lot like a hillside in rural Ireland now, but is that any reason to leave the safety of your Dragon, wounded as he may be? You are hundreds of miles away from home, and yet you feel like you can walk all the way back there? 
  • Leaving the ring behind for others to find is so stupid because you know Jorah and Daario will find it. Despite there being huge amounts of north for them to wander. Like, by the time they get there, if they ever do, they will be so far behind the mounted Khalasar that the information will be useless. Not to mention the ring has to survive being trampled on by both that Khalasar, not picked up by any of them, not washed away by the elements ect ect. It's just... urgh. 

Finally the Wall... sigh; 

  • The individual bits before the Ides of Marsh were fine I guess? Like nothing much to say about them. The Sam scenes were weird, but make sense given where the show is right now in his development? (Not Storyline, because they've done all of his character development without any of his plot development). 
  • The Ides of Marsh itself; Why did it happen? Like, that's not me going 'Oh D&D why do you do this to my fav character I hate you I hate you I hate you' it's me actually asking, what was the in-universe reasoning behind it? Like, the sign said traitor (Such a corny reveal by the way. Like really, a damn sign?), but there's not enough elaboration behind it. 
  • I guess you could say tension with Wildlings but - a) Where are any wildlings? Like you don't see them around Castle Black that much... b ) What the funk do these tensions matter, when we have clear and established proof about the White Walkers and they are the only priority, unlike in the books where Wildlings are still the most immediate threat to the Wall. c) Why would you kill Jon over this now that you've let him and the Wildlings through the wall? If you wanted him dead for being a Wildling lover, Thorne should have just left him on the other side to die. Now there's (Apparently) hundreds if not thousands of Wildlings behind the wall where they can kill you in response for killing the only damn Crow they trust and respect 
  • Nothing else is there as reasoning. Like Thorne hating Jon is not reasoning for a mutiny. Olly's parents dying to Wildlings is not enough reason. (Because face it, lots of family's in the north will lose loved ones to Wildings. Brothers in the watch lose friends to the Wildlings. What the funk do your parents matter in the scheme of things Olly? Especially now you've practically taken vows?) 
  • Speaking of which; Olly. Just everything about this stupid character pisses me off, and he is the worst individual unique creation of the show in my eyes, because the things he has done are pretty cliche, and because the 'foreshadowing' of him doing this has been so bloody obvious all season. The fact those were Jon's last words are also infuriating. 
  • And once again (Because it's true of a lot of the season), where was Ghost? Where was he when his owner was being murdered? I mean, I know he got fat and thus it must be hard to move quickly, but where on earth has he been for most of the season? 

That's just one episode. And a lot of that isn't even criticisms based on the book. There are a lot of reason I think the series is awful nowadays, because so much of it is illogical, or cliche'd television. 

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Even in that respect the show has changed. Like sure, it's always been liberal as a show about killing off characters, but it wasn't for the sake of shock, (Or at least, in theory it wasn't) these deaths happened because they were the result of the natural progression of the story and the characters. Take Visyers in season 1 - He didn't die just to make the auidience go ':o omg that just happened' he died because he'd reached the end of the arc, and it was something you could understand happening. He was a weak man, broken by his life expierences, and had discovered his sister, whom he abused and treated like dirt, was a better ruler than he would ever be. His point in the show was to allow Dany to realise this and grow past who she was. And then because of his refusual to adapt to the culture of people he was relying on, he died. 


It might have been shocking, but it was a natural evolution in the story that stemmed from the growth of given characters. And that's what the show lacks nowadays. Now, the show is a series of big moments, but it lacks the small moments in between that connect between them. It tries to shock for the sake of shock, rather than making it a natural evolution of the character. 


You could see it clearly in this season, where events happened as if you were trying to fit a checklist, rather than because they were correct developmens for the characters it is portraying. 


Like the show will be popular because it relies so much on these big shocking 'water-cooler' moments. It can't be considered among the ranks of the best TV shows (Breaking Bad, The Soprano's, The Wire ect ect) because it lacks the rest. 

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