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Dark deck

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Well there was that too, although we usually played rock paper sicissors to decide first draw. Well I'm guessing you two didn't play when Yu-Gi-Oh first came out then did you? There was still some skill needed to build decent decks, but not too much.

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Guest Black Fang

I played Yugioh when it first came out IVE NEVER played at a tournament, i have NO self confidence X_X I've been an insect duelist 4life and i still run em even now, and i use to have the best dark deck ud even seen.


oh and, maybe u should get a MYstic Plasma zone? o.o

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My friend runs insects, and with every deck I've built since I've started playing again, except this one because it's never been used, he's beaten me. He also has a deck that we call his "Paranoia Deck." All face down effect monsters, and burn spells and traps. Although we've drawn when he used that one because he killed himself too. As of now, I've played in one tournament. I played four rounds, won one of them by sheer luck. ^_^

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Back when Yu-Gi-Oh first came out' date=' the game wouldn't have completely been "Whoever goes first wins" under No Banlist. However, nowadays, Exchange FTK ensures that every No Banlist duel ends on the first turn.



Well yeah, seeing as how most of my duels lasted until we each had less than ten cards left. Now I would hate to play no ban list duels though.

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Hmmm....Ok, I started thinking more along the lines of acomplishing a specific stratagy. Here's the idea I came up with. Create a lockdown/Return deck. Make it so your opponent can't summon monsters, or play spells and traps, while making sure the ones they've already brought get returned to their hand, or sent to the graveyard. Any suggestions on how to make that deck possible, or comments on if it's a good idea or not?

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