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[MtG] Use your Disillusion (Modern)

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A Fish deck that doesn't run any fish. Weird, right? (For a not entirely competitive Modern scene. Eventually it'd be upgraded to Fish, should I desire to actually pull this together.)

Cards to consider: Dance of the Skywise, Monastery Siege, Muddle the Mixture

Creatures (26)
4 Krovikan Mist
4 Lord of the Unreal
4 Phantasmal Bear
4 Phantasmal Image
3 Adaptive Automaton
3 Jace's Phantasm
2 Illusory Angel
2 Spellskite

Instants (12)
4 Rune Snag
3 Spell Pierce
3 Vapor Snag
2 Dismember

Artifacts (4)
4 Æther Vial

Lands (18)
10 Island
4 Mutavault
2 Halimar Depths
1 Minamo, School at Water's Edge
1 Oboro, Palace in the Clouds

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Look into the landbase fish uses, you want to limit the number of islands you play so you dont get completely blown out by Choke.

Damnit, I knew I was forgetting something. I know Fish uses Oboro a lot to avoid that exact problem.

(Although I wonder which is more prevalent atm, Choke or Blood Moon.)
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Bloodmoon sees a lot more play right now since Tron and Bloom Titan are shitting on the format, but you're less effected by bloodmoon than those decks. Choke just shuts your whole deck off and blue can't really interact with Enchantments once they resolve.

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Bloodmoon sees a lot more play right now since Tron and Bloom Titan are shitting on the format, but you're less effected by bloodmoon than those decks. Choke just shuts your whole deck off and blue can't really interact with Enchantments once they resolve.

Ah, true. My brain derped for a second and thought Blood Moon would be hitting more of the landbase than it would.

- 2 Island
+ 1 Minamo, School at Water's Edge
+ 1 Oboro, Palace in the Clouds

Anyways, any other thoughts? Bit concerned about my removal suite atm.

EDIT: Also I can't count. Was two short of 60.

+ 2 Dismember
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This list is dope, and I am actually blanking on how to help you. I would suggest Tidebinder Mage because of how useful it is against Jund, Bloom, BGx, and Twin after sideboard. It isn't an illusion, but worth it as a 1-of main deck that can just win matchups out of no where.

Lol, I might as well discuss my choices from a theoretical standpoint, then. Maybe you can help poke holes in my logic.

Lord of the Unreal: Automatic 4-of. He makes the deck tick, and protecting him is what separates winning from losing.
Phantasmal Image: Another 4-of. Probably the one card that's better than Lord. Can clone any creature we have, and if he clones Lord, we got a 4/4 hexproof for 2. That usually gets us close to game.
Krovikan Mist: The last of the 4-of trio for the CMC 2 slot. This guy is our Tarmogoyf, for a fraction of the price. Gets big fast, and the flying's a nice pick-me-up.
Phantasmal Bear: 4-of. Since this deck needs one drops to get Vial firing on all cylinders, we'd need a critical mass. I like Bear a bit more than Jace's Phantasm because the extra P/T is relevant in the early game, and the drawback doesn't make much a difference when pretty much everything in Modern that targets would kill it either way.
Adaptive Automaton: The third lord effect for the deck. Not as good as either Lord or Image - even though he's an Illusion himself he doesn't do much else.
Jace's Phantasm: I don't see the threshold ability being relevant in many matches, particularly with delve now a thing, so Bear gets the edge over him.
Illusory Angel: She's powerful, but I'm afraid that if I don't have a Vial out she'd be dead in hand. I've seen Phantom Warrior take her spot in other lists, so right now I'll just try with her at 2.
Spellskite: Draws hate off our Lords and survives being Bolt-ed.
Rune Snag: I like this over Mana Leak because it becomes more and more a hard counter the more you use it.
Spell Pierce: Cheap countermagic is good.
Vapor Snag: Best removal spell for Fish, and I don't see why we wouldn't use it for our own ends. Can also save a Lord in a pinch.
Dismember: As Poc previously mentioned, here to kill Rhinos and Tasigur.
Aether Vial: Automatic 4-of. This is how the deck's gears turn.
Mutavault: More illusions!
Halimar Depths: Another card to test out. The deck stacking is certainly good but I don't know if it's worth having lands CIPT.
Minamo and Oboro: Really only here to counteract Choke.

And a few alternate considerations.

Dream Stalker: I've seen lists that play this as a way to save your Lord (Vial in response to a kill spell), but imo it doesn't seem aggressive enough to warrant further testing. Can also reset a Vial, if for some reason we want that.
Monastery Siege: I've seen this played as a 2-of in a few Modern Fish lists, and it's got my interest. Khans side helps us dig for threats and Dragons side helps us seal the deal. This I'd definitely like to experiment with.
Mirror Entity: Even if I don't splash for white, this could be a 1-of for the purposes of Vial. X=0 saves any Lords we have out.
Muddle the Mixture: Another way to get a Lord out. Strongly considering putting a copy or two in to test.
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I got the basis of your deck, and your logic isn't flawed, but your deck doesn't have good protection against other creatures. That is going to be the biggest thing as Green decks literally just go above you.

Mmm, good point. Any suggestions on what to put in to combat creature-heavy stuff? I know Hibernation is on lock for the sideboard, but I don't know what warrants going in the main.

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