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Monster Hunter


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They are using the 4U game engine. I forget why the team decided to stay on 3ds, but there was indeed a reason that wasn't sales.


I personally don't mind it being on the 3DS, seeing as that's the only game system I still buy for anymore.


Also, can someone convince me to or dissuade me from getting 4 on 3DS? I have 3 but I stopped playing for a while and lost my edge, and I was wondering how 4 handled. Is it a significant enough upgrade from 3 to warrant picking it up, or should I wait for this new Cross one to come out?

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I personally don't mind it being on the 3DS, seeing as that's the only game system I still buy for anymore.


Also, can someone convince me to or dissuade me from getting 4 on 3DS? I have 3 but I stopped playing for a while and lost my edge, and I was wondering how 4 handled. Is it a significant enough upgrade from 3 to warrant picking it up, or should I wait for this new Cross one to come out?

Get 4 now!  It's amazing and has new weapons and monsters and mounting!  You'll have to wait for winter for cross!  Let's hunt together bb!

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Cross wont be out for quite awhile longer outside of JP. They aren't getting it until Winter, and we're only on the 4th month of DLCs.


Anyway, Aye, it's definitely worth picking up. I never played 3U but my friend who got me into the series, says its a pretty big improvement from 3. And, me, being new to the series fell completely in love with it.

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