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[MtG] IRL Blue/Black Control (Standard)


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1 Pearl Lake Ancient
1 Tasigur, the Golden Fang
1 Silumgar, the Drifting Death
1 Dragonlord Silumgar

4 Anticipate
4 Divination
3 Dig Through Time
3 Duress
3 Crux of Fate
2 Negate
3 Disdainful Stroke
3 Dissipate
3 Ultimate Price
2 Foul-Tongue Invocation
2 Murderous Cut

10 Island
10 Swamp
4 Dismal Backwater


[spoiler='Stuff i want to fit in/for another variant']

Stratus Dancer

Silumgar's Scorn

Silumgar's Command

Icefall Regent[/spoiler]Love playing this deck. Very dicky, yet very fun. Preventing from the opponent from doing anything fits me so well. Moslty need suggestions on how what to add in exactly. Not sure if I want to add in the Ojutai engine, even disregarding how expensive he is.

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You can swap Pharika's Cure with Hero's Downfall, but that too is beginning to rotate. Ultimate Price seems like the safe option unless Origins or BFZ reveals good substitutes.


4 Anticipate is recommended. If you can, also find 4 Dig Through Time.


Thoughtseize is both expensive and rotating, so the mixture of Duress and Despise will suffice. Main 1, board the other, then adjust accordingly in subsequent games.


Tasigur is great for recycling your answers or card advantage sources, in addition to being a sufficiently big body for beats and blocks.


Silence the Believers is also rotating out. Keep an eye out for potential substitutes.


As of now, it's a little difficult to make any novel suggestions while keeping the impending rotation in mind.

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Thoughtseize is both expensive and rotating, so the mixture of Duress and Despise will suffice. Main 1, board the other, then adjust accordingly in subsequent games.

I think this would be the time to look into picking up Thoughtseizes, though. They've got eternal appeal and probably won't be reprinted again for at least a year or two. Once Theros rotates out, the price will only go up. Plus, cards are spiking hard in Modern, so it wouldn't be a bad investment to get them now before more damage is done.

Hero's Downfall, though, can stay as Pharika's Cure if you're not looking to shell out that much more money. It's got zero Modern play to my knowledge.
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If you look in my spoiler, I did note what I knew was rotating, and what to replace.


I'm iffy on Tasigur. While I can control my grave pretty well with such high delve numbers, the mill seems like it'd hurt the longevity of the deck pretty badly. I already burn through it pretty fast with 10 draw cards. Plus, opponent's choice kinda sucks.

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Once you play with tasigur you'll see just how good the banana king is. If your smart with your delving you can shape your yard so your opponent always give you what you want. Also, play Foul Toung Invocation, even if your not playing any dragons. It's an instant speed edict thats very revevant in this meta.

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Once you play with tasigur you'll see just how good the banana king is. If your smart with your delving you can shape your yard so your opponent always give you what you want. Also, play Foul Toung Invocation, even if your not playing any dragons. It's an instant speed edict thats very revevant in this meta.

Noted. How many of each should I play, ideally?

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If you look in my spoiler, I did note what I knew was rotating, and what to replace.
I'm iffy on Tasigur. While I can control my grave pretty well with such high delve numbers, the mill seems like it'd hurt the longevity of the deck pretty badly. I already burn through it pretty fast with 10 draw cards. Plus, opponent's choice kinda sucks.

Oh, ofc. I was just making price-related suggestions. (:

Also, seconding Tasigur. You don't need more than 1-2 copies, though. Delve cards compete with one another for space.
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