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Checkout these sweet Hydraulics [TCG Traditional Atlantean Synchro]


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[spoiler=Deck List]

2x Abyss Soldier (gets off effects and can set up the fishborgs/tidal)

2x Atlaantean Attack Squad (gets really good ATK, also good fodder for tidal)

Atlantean Dragoons (searches and direct attacks? Yes please)

3x Atlantean Heavy Infantry (an extra normal is essential, free pops are nice, and also adds variety to the synchro pool)

3x Atlantean Marksmen (SS's more atlanteans and pops potential threats)

Deep Sea Diva (gets out almost every atlantean, and makes synchro plays a snap)

2x Fishborg Archer (Surprisingly useful. Good fodder for blaster and soldier, gets of atlantean effs, and makes brio faster than anything else)

Fishborg Blaster (a recurring tuner that discards? Oh yeah)

Sangan (Universal Searcher 1)

2x Spined Gillman (nice boost to atlanteans, also good fodder)

Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls (gets off so many atlantean effs, also is a nice recurring monster)

Witch of the Black Forset (Universal Searcher 2)


Cards of Safe Return (with recurring fishborgs, draws galore. Also a dewlorn target)

Foolish Burial (sets up fishborgs and tidal)

Harpie's Feather Duster

Monster Reborn

Pot of Avarice

Pot of Greed


3x Salvage (gets hand back for shenanigans)

3x Surface (synchro set up is a wonderful thing)


Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Bubble Bringer (can stall a bit, is a valid target for Dewlorn, also more synchro set up)

Compulsory Evacuation Device

Ring of Destruction

Solemn Warning

Ultimate Offering (Like I said, extra normal summon is much needed)


2x Armades

Armory Arm




Goyo Guardian

3x Gungnir




Nightmare Shark

Fortune Tune


Tribe Infecting Virus

Forceful Sentry

Imperial Order

Time Seal

Tri-Edge Levia


[spoiler=Old Version]tumblr_npsxfmAqF11r5ukuro1_540.png

[spoiler=Deck List]

2x Abyss Soldier (gets off effects and can set up the fishborgs/tidal)

2x Atlaantean Attack Squad (gets really good ATK, also good fodder for tidal)

Atlantean Dragoons (searches and direct attacks? Yes please)

3x Atlantean Heavy Infantry (an extra normal is essential, free pops are nice, and also adds variety to the synchro pool)

3x Atlantean Marksmen (SS's more atlanteans and pops potential threats)

Deep Sea Diva (gets out almost every atlantean, and makes synchro plays a snap)

2x Fishborg Archer (Surprisingly useful. Good fodder for blaster and soldier, gets of atlantean effs, and makes brio faster than anything else)

Fishborg Blaster (a recurring tuner that discards? Oh yeah)

Sangan (Universal Searcher 1)

2x Spined Gillman (nice boost to atlanteans, also good fodder)

Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls (gets off so many atlantean effs, also is a nice recurring monster)

Witch of the Black Forset (Universal Searcher 2)


Change of Heart

Foolish Burial (sets up fishborgs and tidal)

Harpie's Feather Duster

Monster Reborn

Pot of Avarice

Pot of Greed


3x Salvage (gets hand back for shenanigans)

3x Surface (synchro set up is a wonderful thing)


Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Bubble Bringer (can stall a bit, is a valid target for Dewlorn, also more synchro set up)

Compulsory Evacuation Device

Ring of Destruction

Solemn Warning

Ultimate Offering (Like I said, extra normal summon is much needed)


2x Armades

Armory Arm

2x Nothung



Goyo Guardian

3x Gungnir

Mist Wurm

Powered Inzektron






So, any TCG Traditionalests got any CnC?

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