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Pokemon vs Digimon HUNGER GAMES!

Face McShooty


17 members have voted

  1. 1. Which district will win?

    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7
    • 8
    • 9
    • 10
    • 11
    • 12
  2. 2. Who will win?

    • Hookmon (District 11)
    • JumboGamemon (District 10)
    • Linoone (District 6)
    • Ninjask (District 6)
    • Pikachu (District 2)
    • Sorcerymon (District 7)

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Ponyta breaks LadyDevimon's nose for a basket of bread.



LadyDevimon: "ARGH!!  You BROKE it!!"
Ponyta: "Aww~ send me the bill." :Kappa:


Moltres breaks Ophanimon's nose for a basket of bread.


Jeez, Moltres, I know you're a bird and all, but DAYUMN!
Moltres: "SQUAAAWK!  Send me the bill." :Kappa:


Magnemite severely injures Quetzalmon, but puts him out of his misery.


Magnetism is nothing to f*ck around with. @__@


Dragonair sets an explosive off, killing Starmon, Flymon, Piloswine and Cherubimon.


... and neither are explosives. @____@


Mewtwo rips a mace out of Mew's hands.


Mew: "Why, you inbred muthaf--"

Mewtwo: "Send me the bill." t(-_-t)


Magmar snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.


Magmar: "'Bout to get CRUNK up in dis b!tch!" :Snoop Dogg:



Bakemon rips a mace out of ToyAgumon's hands.


ToyAgumon: [his detached hands are still clutched on the mace] "Uhh... mind giving me my hands back?"

Bakemon: "Aww~ send me the bi--actually, sure, here you go."
ToyAgumon got his hands back!


Garchomp grabs a jar of fishing bait while Angewomon gets fishing gear.


Angewomon: "Hey, not cool, man--"
Garchomp: "UP YOURS, FAIRY!!!"

Angewomon: O___o


Myotismon throws a knife into Raichu's head.


Myotismon: >=D


GranLocomon snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.


(see Magmar's caption)


Unown takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia.


Unown: "My Level.  Got on it.  B!tches."


SkullMeramon scares Hookmon away from the cornucopia.


SkullMeramon: IMMA RAEP U!!

Hookmon: [shrieks like a girl and runs]


if someone DOESN'T like this stuff, something is wrong with them!

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DAY 1!


JumboGamemon travels to higher ground.

Monferno camouflauges himself in the bushes.

Zephyrmon begs for Dragonair to kill her. She refuses, keeping Zephyrmon alive.

Magmar explores the arena.

Ninjask questions his sanity.

Ophanimon stalks Lucemon.

Larvitar makes a slingshot.

Mewtwo, Garchomp, Unown, and Magnemite raid Myotismon's camp while he is hunting.

LadyDevimon picks flowers.

Articuno discovers a cave.

SkullMeramon searches for firewood.

Angewomon receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Pikachu throws a knife into Umbreon's head.

Kumamon attacks Moltres, but he manages to escape.

Golem fishes.

Espeon sprains her ankle while running away from Chamelemon.

Linoone kills Mew for her supplies.

Blastoise begs for ToyAgumon to kill him. He refuses, keeping Blastoise alive.

Piedmon tends to GranLocomon's wounds.

Hookmon is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Angemon, Seraphimon, Bakemon, and Sorcerymon hunt for other tributes.

Krookodile dies of dysentery.

Zapdos attacks Furfrou, but she manages to escape.

MetalGreymon tends to Stingmon's wounds.

Ponyta searches for a water source.


9 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Quetzalmon.jpg Quetzalmon District 12
Starmon.jpg Starmon District 10
Flymon.jpg Flymon District 12
250px-221Piloswine.png Piloswine District 4
Cherubimon_%28Good%29_dm.png Cherubimon District 8
250px-026Raichu.png Raichu District 6
250px-197Umbreon.png Umbreon District 3
250px-151Mew.png Mew District 2
250px-553Krookodile.png Krookodile

District 6






For those unsure of what dysentery is, it is

Inflammation of the intestines accompanied by bloody diarrhea.
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JumboGamemon, Bakemon, and ToyAgumon successfully ambush and kill SkullMeramon, Golem, and Furfrou.

Zephyrmon loses sight of where she is.

Larvitar receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Monferno loses sight of where he is.

Articuno sets up camp for the night.

Sorcerymon, Angewomon, and Mewtwo cheerfully sing songs together.

Pikachu, Hookmon, Magnemite, and GranLocomon sleep in shifts.

Chamelemon and MetalGreymon huddle for warmth.

Espeon looks at the night sky.

Piedmon thinks about winning.

Myotismon poisons Stingmon's drink, but mistakes it for his own and dies.

Zapdos receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Unown tries to treat his infection.

Magmar sets up camp for the night.

Ophanimon and LadyDevimon run into each other and decide to truce for the night.

Kumamon and Ninjask huddle for warmth.

Ponyta receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Garchomp stays awake all night.

Blastoise, Angemon, Lucemon, and Dragonair tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.

Moltres tends to his wounds.

Seraphimon receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Linoone passes out from exhaustion.

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One underdog killed another! :O

Mewtwo cheerfully singing anything just seems weird. XD

Just going off of the image, but Kumamon looks like the type who'd prefer the cold.

And Ponyta's strange quest for water does not go unheard!

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DAY 2!! (putting this up before I go to bed)




Articuno, Hookmon, and Blastoise hunt for other tributes.

Piedmon shoots an arrow at Stingmon, but misses and kills Unown instead.

Ponyta and Larvitar hunt for other tributes.

Pikachu tries to sleep through the entire day.

Mewtwo, Magnemite, Lucemon, and Zephyrmon form a suicide pact, killing themselves.

Angemon picks flowers.

Zapdos, Seraphimon, and Chamelemon get into a fight. Chamelemon triumphantly kills them both.

Moltres discovers a cave.

Espeon overhears Dragonair and JumboGamemon talking in the distance.

Magmar thinks about home.

LadyDevimon forces Linoone to kill Angewomon or Garchomp. She decides to kill Angewomon.

Bakemon and Ophanimon split up to search for resources.

Kumamon discovers a cave.

Monferno overhears MetalGreymon and Ninjask talking in the distance.

ToyAgumon discovers a cave.

GranLocomon attacks Sorcerymon, but he manages to escape.


12 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

SkullMeramon_b.jpg SkullMeramon District 10
250px-076Golem.png Golem District 4
250px-676Furfrou.png Furfrou District 5
Myotismon.jpg Myotismon District 8
250px-201Unown.png Unown District 1
250px-150Mewtwo.png Mewtwo District 3
250px-081Magnemite.png Magnemite District 1
LucemonSM.jpg Lucemon District 9
Zephyrmon.jpg Zephyrmon District 9
250px-145Zapdos.png Zapdos District 2
Seraphimon.jpg Seraphimon District 7
Angewomon.jpg Angewomon

District 9



DANG! In 1 night, District 9 went from having 4 to just having 1... Kumamon is District 9's last hope!

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actually, I'm looking at the status of everyone, and right now the Pokemon that's dead that has the most kills is Magnemite with 1, the rest have 0. Digimon, it's Myotismon with 1, the rest have 0 there too. and as far as alive, Dragonair has 4 kills right now, and right behind her, all with 3 kills, are JumboGamemon, ToyAgumon and Bakemon (the 3-on-3 ambush gave all three of them 3 kills)

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well what about all the ones that are talking? because USUALLY we just hear their names over and over again, with the exception of Team Rocket's Meowth... and as far as I know that's the only one that can speak English

Well, I've always thought they could understand each other anyway, but considering they're also speaking with the Digimon... guess there must be a lot of oddities here.

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