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Magical Scientist (Errata)

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Original Text:

Pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon 1 Level 6 or lower Fusion Monster from your Fusion Deck in face-up Attack or Defense Position. That Fusion Monster cannot attack your opponent's Life Points directly, and is returned to your Fusion Deck at the end of the turn.


Errata Text:

During your Main Phase: You can pay 1000 Life Points; you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except Fusion Monsters, also special Summon 1 Level 6 or lower Fusion Monster from your Fusion Deck in face-up Attack or Defense Position. That Fusion Monster cannot attack your opponent's Life Points directly, and is returned to your Fusion Deck at the end of the turn. You can only use the effect of "Magical Scientist" once per turn, and only once that turn.


Clause 1: This card is a 1 Card Trishula among other plays with Noden. 

Clause 2: Standard OPT

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>Clause 1: This card is a 1 Card Trishula among other plays with Noden.

>you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except Fusion Monsters

It was a 1 card trishula without that clause. Since MS->Noden->Lv4 Tuner



So now it's an Instanf Fusion that requires a normal summon, but lets it attack. Yeah, it sucks now.

Instant Fusion is an effectively unrecycyle-able unsearchable spell card. Its limited. Why would you want a rebornable, searchable, toolable version of that at 1?
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ihop is referring to your errata suggestion, rather than the original Scientist. Obviously the original is borked, it's just that summoning Norden with the errata'd effect doesn't really give you much, unless there's already a Level 4 or lower Fusion monster already in the Graveyard. I mean, it's not as if people IF him for that glorious 2000 ATK after all.

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ihop is referring to your errata suggestion, rather than the original Scientist. Obviously the original is borked, it's just that summoning Norden with the errata'd effect doesn't really give you much, unless there's already a Level 4 or lower Fusion monster already in the Graveyard. I mean, it's not as if people IF him for that glorious 2000 ATK after all.

I'd say the main use is for something like TER or maybe summoning a Shaddoll? It's an on demand winda
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Again, I'm not sure why this card was picked to receive an erratum. As stated before, there is no way you can make this card fair without making it entirely useless or outclassed by Instant Fusion. I see no purpose to errata a card that will become useless garbage tin filler, and will still potentially limit fusion design in the future.

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Again, I'm not sure why this card was picked to receive an erratum. As stated before, there is no way you can make this card fair without making it entirely useless or outclassed by Instant Fusion. I see no purpose to errata a card that will become useless garbage tin filler, and will still potentially limit fusion design in the future.

>_> you guys say this for every errata
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Stop arbitrarily deciding what's binary or not. Almost all of these cards could be made fine with an errata. Just maybe not this one.


I was more speaking on context of this errata in particular, but personally I disagree with that statement. Maybe overall I was being too hasty to call a good amount of the cards put up in these threads as binary, though.

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The (hypothetical) errata could be very interesting if Frightfurs get more Fusions that use other Frightfurs, such as Sabre Tiger, since a bunch of them are Level 6 or lower already, and you can still SS Fusions that turn. Not good, just interesting.


So I actually forgot why Scientist got banned originally. It wasn't Thousand-Eyes Restrict (though that helped, I'm sure). Wasn't it something with Catapult Turtle or similar?

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Considering that Catapult Turtle has been errata'd to a soft OPT, the OTK is no longer valid. A similar argument can be made for the new Dark Strike Fighter. Magical Scientist's use in this current day (without errata) will serve as a reusable pseudo-Instant Fusion to generate Synchro/Xyz plays. Not to mention how the Fusions can still use their effects, and the fact that Scientist is searchable with One for One.


Simply restricting the Summons that can be made afterwards will greatly reduce his potency. You can still fuse off the Fusions if used in the Decks that allow that, or Tribute off the Fusions for an impractical Tribute Summon. A hard OPT might just strangle this card's effects too much.

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Magical Scientist's use nowadays is to make whatever ridiculous Xyz it can make that requires very specific materials. You can make Infinity with 2 Cyber Saurus, Evolzar Solda with 2 Bracchio-Radius, Norito the Moral leader with 2 Sanwitch or a massive Rhongo, not to mention Norden. There may be other ridiculous combos that I haven't thought of but 2k for a Solda seems pretty good to me.

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Hard OPT seems fine, the first clause you put makes it useless though. Just put a summon restriction on it. I.e you can only special summon 3 times this turn. It's still potentially a trishula if you have a level 4 tuner in the graveyard,but you can't de-fusion it or summon anything else, and it requires some minimal setup so it wouldn't be as good as rescue cat in your opening turn.

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Hard OPT seems fine, the first clause you put makes it useless though. Just put a summon restriction on it. I.e you can only special summon 3 times this turn. It's still potentially a trishula if you have a level 4 tuner in the graveyard,but you can't de-fusion it or summon anything else, and it requires some minimal setup so it wouldn't be as good as rescue cat in your opening turn.

My only worry is that OCG already, and TCG likely soon have already limited Instant Fusion, and this card is superior to IF in everyway :/

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> This requires your NS

> Leaves you with a flimsy body

Not entirely.

THAT'S IT !!!!! "During the turn this is normal summoned" restriction on it!!!!


During the turn this is normal summoned: Pay 1000 Life Points; Special Summon 1 Level 6 or lower Fusion Monster from your Fusion Deck in face-up Attack or Defense Position. That Fusion Monster cannot attack your opponent's Life Points directly, and is returned to your Fusion Deck at the end of the turn. You can only use the effect of "Magical Scientist" once per turn and only once that turn.

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