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Can Polls be Discussed Again?


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This is the last thing I'm gonna say about this subject. I'm keeping it brief and simple because I'm tired.


I still think it makes sense to keep post count in Polls, as many of the post-count enabled places tend to be "Give your opinion on X" in many cases.


However. I'm tired of this constant arguing about something like this. Whatever the mods choose to do. Stick to it. Make sure it's what you want and STICK TO IT.


You can quote this if you want and I might check the thread but I am not going to post in a thread about Polls post count ever again from this point on.

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as many of the post-count enabled places tend to be "Give your opinion on X" in many cases.

You've linked to other sections' essential spam before, but now, I just want to show more than 1 thing in each section I normally go to, even just to lurk, that shows that members do indeed have interaction with each other, meaning a lot more discussion, than Polls does. I mean, the only time it comes close isn't even really in the polls themselves, but anything else that is pinned, which just fuels the point that any "normal" poll might be a better fit elsewhere. Misc if it's clear there will be little to no discussion, anywhere else that fits for others.






http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/322736-a-look-into-ycms-history-a-request-of-sorts/ (this I'm not sure about right away, but I do know that they started interacting with each other a lot more when it came to talking about how they are doing nowadays)



My god there's still a ton of spam in general, but the point is, I really see no other description for Internet forums other than being places of discussion, which I believe should be the main reason post count would be enabled. As it stands, that still goes for the vast majority of the site, but not Polls.



Proposals in summary:.

I also think a good number of points were made here. I mean, I'm agreeing with Fusion pretty much completely. "Free-for-all" just sounds weird as a section name, the way it is is a lot more catchy, and I don't really see it as being too bad a fit.

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