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Mega Zaborg/Saffira Clownblade Ritual.dek

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x1 Djinn Releaser

x1 Glow-Up Bulb

x2 Heroic Halberd

x1 Heroic Blades

x2 Manju

x2 Mathematician

x2 Maxx "C"

x3 Mithra the Vassal

x2 Tricklown

x3 Mega Zaborg

x3 Saffira

x2 Eccentric Archfiend


x1 Foolish

x2 Hymn of Light

x2 Miracle Synchro Fusion

x2 Photon Sanctuary

x1 Raigeki

x2 RotA

x3 Tenacity of the Monarchs

x2 The Monarchs Stormforth


x1 Judgment Scales



x3 Elder God N'tss

x2 Elder God Norden

x1 Naturia Exterio


x3 Herald of the Arc Light

x1 Naturia Beast

x1 Naturia Barkion


x1 Castel

x1 Constellar Pleiades

x1 Lavalval Chain

x1 Ptolemaeus




So I've been messing around with things like Infernoid Tierra and whatnot dealing with Extra Deck removal, until I encountered a guy on Devpro that used an ingenious way to remove Extra Deck monsters using Mega Zaborg, and made interesting use with the dumping as well as Ritual Synergy. In this case, I put my own spin on it with Clownblades. Not sure if there are more people who are aware of this, but the norm for this build is:


-Activate Photon Sanctuary/Summon Mithra or Tricklown/Monarchs Stormforth using a LIGHT attribute material

-Tribute Summon Mega Zaborg, use eff to target self

-You select 8 monsters to send from both player's Extra Decks; Send x3 Arclight, and other crap

-Activate x3 Arclight, adding x2 Saffira & x1 Hymn of Light

-Activate Hymn of Light, use spare Saffira for material


From there you could try to rely on the Clownblade engine to go somewhere, or make good use of Miracle Synchro Fusion, since you will mill both Naturias, and have Exterio available, or Norden being another option. You can also use Dragon Knight Equiste and then use its eff on some Dragon Synchros like Stardust Chronicle or Michael, but that's another time to test.


Math/Glow Up = Arclight tech is minor to help draws and get Arclight if Zaborg doesn't pull off. Eccentric Archfiend added for S/T removal and is Zaborg fodder if there's an Extra Deck sending deficit. Judgment Scales is in testing to see how truly inconsistent this deck is and if its acorrect source of draw power. The Clownblade engine itself is a bit iffy, since there's only 4 Xyzs, so if anyone is a true Clownblade expert or at least knows I need a better Xyz lineup, do tell.

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