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Chat Box

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If this has been suggested before, I apologize. A potential con I see is replacing status updates but other than that, how would everyone feel if there was a chat/shout box at the bottom of the forum? It could be limited to registered members only (or groups depending on what functions are available).

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It's been suggested and rejected before but I definitely would like one too. Certainly there are YCM skype chats but it's not the same. A skype chat requires a user to request someone on the forum, either through a private message or otherwise, to be let in, and provide them with your skype contact name. It's a lot easier to have a chat on the board that everyone can access with a click or two.


It's an IP.Board forum so having a forum chatbox is possible(DNF and DGz are proof), although it would most likely be costly. It might not be expensive but if this forum isn't active enough to justify paying for one(And I can't confidently say it's alive enough to justify one) then that's sad but can't be helped. But status updates would still be a thing, I'm sure, even with a chat.


But yeah I'd be up for a chatbox.

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It has been deemed redundant. There's really nothing it truly adds and it just will create a mess, plus more pressure on the mods. There's really no point to it with statuses, Misc, and PMs being around to allow whatever crazy stuff you want.


We get this question about every month it seems.

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You mean like live chat for YCM members?

That would be sweet, if we could pull it off, but there probably arent mods online 24/7 to monitor it.

Maybe live chat between users as private things (like PMs) could be nice, if we can get it to work.

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Definitely no support. Chat boxes usually lead to sites dying out due to inactivity, since everything can be handled in said chat box. If it's also not monitored, with no moderators to take action at any points of the day, it could escalate to some very bad situations. Trolls would be running rampant in the chat box instead of the main forums, which would just cause headaches for everyone.

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