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I Did a Thing. [Hunger Games: Duel Monsters Edition]


Which District Will Win  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which District Will Win?

    • District 1
    • District 2
    • District 3
    • District 4
    • District 5
    • District 6
    • District 7
    • District 8
    • District 9
    • District 10
    • District 11
    • District 12
    • They all die.

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After seeing how horribly amazing the YCM edition went, I decided to make my own Hunger Games thing, complete with poll.








The Districts, in case the image is too small, are:


District 1:

Boo Koo, Genin


District 2:

Robotic Knight, Giant Mech-Soldier


District 3:

Elemental HERO Avian, Elemental HERO Burstinatrix


District 4:

Monster Tamer, Beautiful Beast Trainer


District 5:

Kuriboh, Winged Kuriboh


District 6:

Barrel Rock, Catapult Turtle


District 7:

Dokuroizo the Grim Reaper, Rigorous Reaver


District 8:

Barrel Dragon, Blowback Dragon


District 9:

Gagagigo, Marauding Captain


District 10:

Gaia the Fierce Knight, Curse of Dragon


District 11:

Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl


District 12:

Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Kaibaman


Vote which district you think will win, and the games should be done by Monday.


Also, if this goes well, I might make another one.

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Well after reading the comments about my first run, IF I ever host another one, I've got lots of helpful ideas. So I'm not gonna breeze through these or that one if I get another chance. I'll most likely message you when I've decided which I'm gonna do and you can help me come up with who to put where, since you've taken an idea I had an ran with it.

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Well after reading the comments about my first run, IF I ever host another one, I've got lots of helpful ideas. So I'm not gonna breeze through these or that one if I get another chance. I'll most likely message you when I've decided which I'm gonna do and you can help me come up with who to put where, since you've taken an idea I had an ran with it.

Sure. I'd be glad to help. ^^


I'm going to drop down the minimum amount of votes required before I start to 10, since this is taking longer than I thought.

...I lost the code.


...I'm gonna have to redo this bullshit. Gimme a few minutes.

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Okay, I got it saved now.


For reference, the code is [REDACTED]


So no one mess it up, please.

Alright, the vote count has hit 10.


I'll get the games started, give me a minute or so.


Since it's late, Day 1 will be after I wake up, AKA next time I'm online.

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This oughtta be good, especially some of the odd ball things that happen, I could just imagine Catapult Turtle or one of the dragons climbing a tree and falling on someone, killing them both

That'd be hilarious. XD


Anyways, let the games...









The Bloodbath:


As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.


Elemental HERO Avian runs away from the Cornucopia.


Boo Koo runs away from the Cornucopia.


Dokuroizo the Grim Reaper runs away from the Cornucopia.


Kaibaman, Dark Magician Girl, and Catapult Turtle work together to get as many supplies as possible.


Winged Kuriboh and Dark Magician fight for a bag. Winged Kuriboh gives up and retreats.


Kuriboh takes a handful of throwing knives.


Barrel Dragon runs into the Cornucopia and hides.


Elemental Hero Burstinatrix runs away from the Cornucopia.


Robotic Knight and Gaia the Fierce Knight fight for a bag. Gaia the Fierce Knight gives up and retreats.


Marauding Captain, Blowback Dragon, and Gagagigo work together to get as many supplies as possible.


Curse of Dragon, Monster Tamer, and Genin get into a fight. Monster Tamer triumphantly kills them both.


Giant Mech-Soldier runs away from the Cornucopia.


Blue-Eyes White Dragon grabs a sword.


Beautiful Beast Trainer runs away from the Cornucopia.


Barrel Rock runs away from the Cornucopia.


Rigorous Reaver runs away from the Cornucopia.


...this is amazing so far. I laughed when Kuriboh took the knives. XD

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So Curse of Dragon and Genin are dead... interesting and Kuriboh grabbed knives and Winged Kuriboh ran (flew) away from Dark Magician, smart furballs

Monster Tamer exercised a bit too much control, it seems. XP


And yeah, those sneaky little chestnut critters. X3


Anyways, I'm gonna take a few minutes and start out day 1, then I'm off to sleep.

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...oh my god.


Day 1 was hilarious.







Day 1:


Gaia the Fierce Knight fishes.


Boo Koo searches for firewood.


Barrel Rock discovers a cave.


Kaibaman hunts for other tributes.


Beautiful Beast Trainer scares Catapult Turtle off.


Kuriboh constructs a shack.


Dark Magician Girl, Elemental HERO Avian, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and Giant Mech-Soldier raid Dokuroizo the Grim Reaper's camp while he is hunting.


Rigorous Reaver receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.


Marauding Captain cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.


Dark Magician bashes Elemental Hero Burstinatrix's head against a rock several times.


Blowback Dragon diverts Robotic Knight's attention and runs away.


Gagagigo practices his archery.


Winged Kuriboh discovers a river.


Monster Tamer receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.


Barrel Dragon fishes.


That last one, though. Oh my god. XD


I have no words for this insanity.


Anyways, that's about it for tonight. I'll see you guys in the morning. Don't forget to comment on this insanity thus far.

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An early double kill for Monster Tamer? Quite the tamer he's living up to. He even gets a hatchet for his efforts.


Dammit, Marauding Captain, you're not living up to your implied manliness.


Barrel Dragon camps in the cornucopia? Maybe it provides it a good vantage point for sniping.


Blowback seems a little more sociable and knows a little better about picking its targets.


Team Guns'N'Dragons performing well so far.

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