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SMITE, for those who don't know, is a MOBA where all the characters are gods and figures from various pantheons, such as Greek, Egyptian, and Norse. Instead of a standard top-down view, the game features a third-person camera angle and utilizes WSAD + mouse controls.


The gamemodes include:

Conquest - A standard 5v5 MOBA gamemode in a three lane map with jungle. Destroy your opponents' Towers, Phoenixes, and finally their Titan to win.

Arena - A 5v5 team deathmatch in a large arena with no lanes or Towers. Kill enemy gods and push minion waves through the enemy base portal to deduct points to 0 to win.

Joust - A simplified version of Conquest, 3v3 in a single lane with side jungles. Destroy your opponents' Towers, Phoenix, and finally their Titan to win.

Siege - A 4v4 fight on a two lane map with jungle. Destroy your opponents' Towers, Phoenixes, and finally their Titan with the help of occasionally spawning special Siege Juggernaut minions to win.

Assault - A 5v5 fight using randomly picked Gods, in a single lane with no jungle. Destroy your opponents' Towers, Phoenix, and finally their Titan to win.

Match of the Day - Special gamemodes that change daily and feature variations on the standard gamemodes.


It's my favorite MOBA and it's really fun to play. If you like MOBAs and haven't tried it out yet, I definitely recommend it.


[spoiler=Player List]Shradow - Shradow

Tentacruel - ShinyChocobo

Big Bad Pennar - Veirus

TheLocalSpinda - KingOfOblivion[/spoiler]

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I prefer it to the top-down view of stuff like LoL, since I like the WSAD controls more than just clicking everywhere. Plus, there's no guaranteed auto attacks, you gotta skill shot pretty much everything, which is neat.

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i actually really like the 3rd person perspective. the wasd to move is so much better than clicking to move. i'm trying to get enough favor to buy Ratatoskr right now, and i really like that there's a daily login bonus cause it guarantees that everyone gets the same amount of favor (for the most part). 

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What I usually do is play games of Arena using gods I want to practice with until I get to know their kit as well as what I like to build on them. I know about the rotation of certain free gods but are there any that are always free?


I've been max level for awhile so I'm not sure how the low levels are working right now, but if no one's calling roles, and no one says anything if you ask them, you can usually at least tell where they plan to go based on their god pick (though with some people you never know), since each god is listed as a specific role. For the most part, Mid usually goes to Mages, Solo (the lane with the shorter distance between your tower and the enemy tower) is most often taken by Warriors, Duo (the opposite lane with the longer distance between your tower and the enemy tower) is for the Hunter and their supporting Guardian, and Assassins are usually junglers.


There are, of course, many exceptions to this. Such as Hades (Guardian) and Chang'e (Mage) making good Solo lane gods, Freya (Mage) and Ao Kuang (Mage) making good junglers, or Aphrodite (Mage) making a good support in Duo lane.


Also something to watch out for, there used to be a normal Conquest queue where you could only queue with a party of up to 3, and a separate premade Conquest (which used League rules such as picking bans during god selection) queue for full parties of 5. The premade queue was recently removed and now anyone can queue up for normal Conquest with the standard blind pick even with a full party of 5.

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I don't know for sure, I bought the Ultimate God Pack back in beta so I just get every god unlocked automatically. I assume you pay Favor, less than the amount needed to unlock them fully, in order to use them for a certain amount of time, maybe a week. Though iirc, you can practice any god you want for free in Jungle Practice, unless it's been changed.


Also, what's everyone's SMITE name? I'll put a list in the OP so we can all add each other.

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So Ao Kuang = yay


Arachne = ech


That sounds about right. Ao is quite popular (and he's a good example of a god who's different from his role in that he's listed as a Mage but is essentially an Assassin) but I don't see Arachne that often.

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Ratatoskr is the newest god, he's actually getting a pretty significant nerf in the next patch on the 16th. New gods have a tendency to be a bit OP on release. Nox is also getting a big rework then as well, since they nerfed her into the ground.


My favorite thing is the new Gold/Legendary/Diamond skins for Bellona and Anubis, they're doing them differently from previous ones in that only their wardrobe is changed and they retain their skin color, which I love. The gods having pure gold/diamond skin with their current ones looks really dumb for most of them, imo. It really only works on gods like Thanatos (who has the best diamond skin, btw, love those wings). Can't wait to see how they look on the older gods once theirs are redone.

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Ninja Tabi > Jotunn's Wrath > Executioner > Bloodforge > Rage > Deathbringer is my standard build. Sometimes subbing Magi's Blessing in for Deathbringer earlier in the build if they have a lot of CC.

Mine is
Ninja Tabi, Jotunns Wrath, Mail Of Renewal, Asi, Quinsais, the executioner.
Does quite well.

Also, last arena match, I went 10/1 with ah muzen cab.
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