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[MTG] Green/White Heroic Deck Standard

Cool Girl

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So, I've been learning how to play Magic for over a month now. My friend built me a modern swamp aggro deck. So, I've mastered that deck. A week later, we made a deal that if I finished my research paper without filling out an extension paper form, he would give me a Magic card...and he did. He gave me a heroic card called "Dawnbringer Charioteers" and I though "Hey, why not build a second deck" and so I did, however, I'm not very good at deck building and need a lot of help. But anyway, here's my deck. It's a green/white heroic standard deck.

Land (16)

x8 Plains

x8 Forests

x4 Blossoming Sands

x4 Temple of Plenty

Creature (19)

x1 Dawnbringer Charioteers

x3 Akroan Skyguard

x1 Centaur Battlemaster

x2 Fabled Hero

x4 Favored Hoplite

x4 Lagonna-Band Trailblazer

x3 Phalanx Leader

x1 Staunch-Hearted Warrior

Instant (19)

x2 Feat of Resistance

x4 Domoka's Command

x4 Tread Upon

x4 God's Willing

x4 Defiant's Strike

x2 Solidarity of Heroes

Enchantment (2)

x2 Hardened Scales


So yeah, I need a lot of help. This deck might not be that great. And...there is 58 cards total, which isn't really good. However, he told me the cards to keep are Lifelink, Lagonna-Band Trailblazer, Dawnbringer Charioteers. If possible, I would also like to keep Moonsilver Spear. Any help would be great! Thank you! ;)

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Start by cutting your Deck size down to 60. Things that can be cut:

  • Nature's Panoply - Most of your Heroic cards already get counters off their heroic trigger.
  • Giant Growth, Selesnya Charm, Lifelink, Moonsilver Spear - They're not in Standard anymore. Unless you change the format to "Modern" or "Casual"...
  • Hero of Iroas - Impractical due to your lack of Auras.
  • Setessan Battle Priest - Doesn't buff, and the lifegain is rather mediocre.
  • Hero of Leina Tower - The fact that you need to sink in mana to buff her more is just terrible.
  • Vanguard of Brimaz - More practical to go a little taller than wider.
  • 2 Blossoming Sands, 2 Windswept Heath - You can only hold a maximum of 4 copies of nonbasic lands. Replace them with appropriate basic lands.
  • Setessan Oathsworn and Wingsteed Rider - A bit too tight on the mana restriction to come out early efficiently.
  • Pheres-Band Thunderhoof - Comes out too late, doesn't grow as efficiently, and gets outclassed by Battlemaster.

So we've cut out a lot of things, reduced the Deck size to roughly 60. Let's think about things to add now:

  • Tread Upon - Your next best parallel to Giant Growth. Adding trample lets you push through for damage. This replaces Aerial Maneuver.
  • Center Soul - By far my favourite protection-granting card, due to how rebound means more heroic triggers. Can swap with Feat of Resistance.
  • Gods Willing - Very efficient protection-granting, with a scry 1 on top.
  • Dromoka's Command - It does everything. Instant speed fight effects let you not only trigger Heroic, but take out potential threats. Burn-blocking and enchantment-wiping are just icing on the cake. It's a little expensive, but if you plan to purchase 4 Windswept Heaths, there should be little in the way of you getting 4 Dromoka's Command.
  • Solidarity of Heroes - Run a few for surprise buffs. You can target Heroic creatures with no counters on them and because of how the stack works, they will get some nice things.
  • Hardened Scales - Effectively multiply the efficiency of Heroic triggers.
  • Defiant Strike - Cantrips and reduces the problems of you running short on steam.
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Remove (32):

  • -4 Nature's Panoply
  • -4 Giant Growth
  • -4 Selesnya Charm
  • -4 Aerial Maneuver
  • -1 Lifelink
  • -1 Moonsilver Spear
  • -3 Hero of Iroas
  • -2 Hero of Leina Tower
  • -3 Vanguard of Brimaz
  • -1 Setessan Oathsworn
  • -1 Wingsteed Rider
  • -1 Pheres-Band Thunderhoof
  • -3 Setessan Battle Priest

Add (18):

  • +4 Dromoka's Command
  • +4 Tread Upon
  • +4 Gods Willing
  • +4 Defiant Strike
  • +2 Hardened Scales


  • 4 Center Soul (exchange with Feat of Resistance if you see fit)

Landbase ideally comprises of, assuming 24 lands:

  • 4x Heath
  • 4x Temple of Plenty
  • 10x Plains
  • 10x Forests

Cut Plains and/or Forests if you want to reduce the count to open up slots for other cards. Ideally don't drop below 22.

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Generally, Ajani isn't that good when you'd rather be having Heroic creatures or heroic-inducing cards. Caller of the Pride can end games but the same can be performed by just using a protection-granting spell on Fabled Hero. Mentor of Heroes is acceptable, on the other hand, for being able to help you regain steam by picking up heroic creatures or Auras, but is better-suited for an Aura-focused Heroic build.


So cut both copies of Caller of the Pride.

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The deck is currently a little centered on heroic-inducing instants for flexible offensive and defensive purposes. You can safely remove all copies Mentor of Heroes.


This puts your deck size down to 60 cards, but right now your land base is a little small. Ideally you want your deck to be 35-40% lands - meaning about 22-24 lands. Variations can ensue depending on the mana curve.


You top out at 5 mana with Centaur Battlemaster, so it's best to have about 23 lands. In exchange, this means needing to cut some copies of the cards you have to optimize your chances of drawing necessary things.


You can afford to reduce the number of Feat of Resistance (to about 2) since you've got plenty of Gods Willing for your heroic-triggering protection needs.


If needs be, shift Solidarity of Heroes to the sideboard.


Building heroic tends to be a little tricky due to the need to balance heroic creatures and heroic-inducing spells. Give the deck a bit of field tests to get a better feel of what you'd need.

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If you're an aggressive deck with a low curve - that is, a lot of cards that cost 1-3 mana, you don't want to be playing more than 21 lands, usually. If it works for you, than cool, but in an aggro deck like Heroic you want more spells and creatures than lands going into the late game and should ideally be able to function well with only 3 lands in play. 

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