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Help a Brother Help a Brother Out - Spell Counters

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So I'm trying to help my brother learn how to play Yugioh, and a deck he used to play a lot back years ago was the Endymion structure deck. So he wants to try a deck like that, since it's something he has a passing familiarity with. Thing is, I have no idea how to build a deck like this. THere are a few cards I'm considering, but I could really use some help on this. Anyone who has any expertise on using Spell Counters in a deck would be great. Here's a list of the cards I was considering including:




Again, any help at all is appreciated.

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If there's one thing that I 100% recommend for a deck like this, it's that you make sure there's at least 2 copies of Crusader of Endymion, 3 preferred, since it's a pretty good beater and how you'll be getting most of your spell counters. I also 100% recommend 3 copies of Spell Power Grasp. I suppose you could also run Skilled Dark Magician and Dark Magician, at most 3 copies of SDM and at most 2 copies of DM. SDM is a pretty good beater. Maybe you could run Eye of Timaeus and Amulet Dragon for those Dark Magicians, but I'm not sure. I'm not the best at deck-building, honestly. And since this deck is mostly, if not all Spellcasters, you could probably get away with 1 copy of Magical Blast. But again, deck-building isn't my strong point.

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The thing is, the majority of Spell Counter decks revolve around draw power for a Tempest Magician OTK/FTK. I have no idea of any other practical builds. I would build the tempest magician as a base, then add an Arcanite/Arcanite Assault Mode/Supreme Arcanite engine. That will give the deck some much needed power

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I found this deck while looking for something he could use. Feel free to use this as a base and modify it.

The objective is to use the Pendulums to support the Spell Counter strategy. Dragodeus searches for pretty much anything you need, while the Symphonic Warriors support your Synchro Summoning and make it easier for you to get out your Arcanites. Trickclown functions as a recurring LV4, and Eccentric takes care of any problems you might have. If you want a 40-card deck, I'd either take out a Terraforming or a Swaying Gaze.

Monsters : 20

3 Magical Abductor
3 Dragoknight Luster Pendulum
2 Dragodeus the Empowered Warrior
2 Frontline Observer
2 Symphonic Warrior Guitaars
2 Symphonic Warrior Piaano
2 Effect Veiler
1 Eccentric Archfiend
1 Symphonic Warrior Sizzers
1 Entermage Trick Clown
1 Endymion the Master Magician

Spells: 21

3 Upstart
3 Terraforming
3 Spell Power Grasp
3 Swaying Gaze
2 Magical Citadel of Endymion
1 Secret Village of the Spellcasters
1 Galaxy Cyclone
1 Forbidden Lance
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Soul Charge
1 Book of Moon
1 Wonder Wand

Extra : 15

2 Dragoknight Ignister Prominence
2 Arcanite Magician
1 Michael the Arch Lightsworn
1 Moonlight Dragon Black Rose
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Clear Wing Synchro Dragon
1 Metaphys Horus Dragon
1 Tempest Magician

1 Big Eye
1 Dracossack
1 Castel
1 Rebellion Xyz Dragon
1 Lavalval Chain

Side : 15

2 Maxx C
2 Swaying Gaze
2 Shared Ride
2 Decree
1 Veiler
1 Droll and Lock Bird
1 Kycoo
1 Tsukuyomi
1 Breaker

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