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Poor-man's Nekroz


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Or... poor, woman's(?) I guess.... Meh, you get the idea...





[spoiler=Written List]


x1 Nekroz of Decisive Armor

x3 Nekroz of Catastor

x3 Nekroz of Unicore

x2 Exa, Enforcer of the Nekroz

x2 Great Sorcerer of the Nekroz

x3 Zefrasaber, Swordmaster of the Nekroz

x3 Zefraxa, Flame Beast of the Nekroz

x1 Shine Knight

x1 Performapal Turn Toad

x3 Manju of the Ten-Thousand Hands


x3 Nekroz Cycle

x2 Nekroz Mirror

x1 Nekroz Kaleidoscope

x2 Dragon Shrine

x2 Mystical Space Typhoon

x2 Umiruka

x1 Terraforming

x1 Preparation of Rites

x1 Gold Sarcophagus

x1 Foolish Burial

x1 Book of Moon

x1 Torrential Tribute


x1 Herald of Rainbow Life

x1 Naturia Beast

x1 Leo, the Keeper of the Sacred Tree

x1 Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer

x1 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK

x1 Diamond Dire Wolf

x1 Number 85: Crazy Box

x1 Number 103: Ragna Zero

x1 Abyss Dweller

x1 ZW Leo Arms

x1 Number 61: Volcasaurus

x1 Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh

x1 Shark Fortress

x1 Number 29: Utopia

x1 Number C39: Utopia Ray





I've been working on trying to make Nekroz work without their most expensive cards, so this has no Brionac, no Trishula, no Valkyrus (even though Valkyrus fits pretty well), and no to that searcher spell for Zefra that came out as a Secret Rare.


At least for now. For CNC, feel free to suggest things regardless of price if you must though, mainly I want to make something different with Nekroz, but the Main Deck monsters should be able to search for non-Rituals (seriously).


[spoiler=How does it work]

Sorcerer acts as a Foolish Burial when it gets banished via Gold Sarcophagus, Ritual Spell recycling effects, or Nekroz Mirror's Ritual Summon. It often goes for Zefraxa so it can float later, or for Exa so I can banish it in the same ways. Exa with the Ritual Spell in Graveyard revives a banished copy of itself (note that it just prevents its own copy of the card from being revived). They also both act as searchers for the Rituals when Tributed.



Zefraxa is meant to get searched once in a while to float and eventually charge up the Extra Deck for when/if I can Pendulum Summon. 

Shine Knight is an alternate Scale 7 because I save Zefraxa for P-Summon if possible, and because it is a Level 4 so it doesn't oppose the deck as much as others would.

Turn Toad is beater potential and just having a 4th low Scale, this and Knight aren't meant to be Pendulum Summoned here, ever (in fact, Zefra Scales don't let them), and when it comes out, that new Scale 3 Entermage that drops Pendulums from the Extra Deck into the Graveyard will likely replace it and I even might add a little more Scales to the deck depending how that goes.


Unicore is 2800 thanks to Umiruka (I couldn't find a better Field Spell for them sadly) and has a bunch of funny plays being Unicore.

Catastor is my revival of 2k monsters and, well, it turns the whole field into Catastors for ED monsters. Just found out it isn't OPT and it doesn't care whose side is the one attacking, which is cool.


Then I think the rest of the cards are pretty straight-forward.




Thoughts/suggestions welcomed.

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Idg why you're not running Clausolas when he's like $3 a playset. Shuritt too.

Making budget Nekroz isn't very hard and you don't need to run bad cards for it. Or at least, unsynergistic cards.


Clausolas tried to be fit in here for a while, but it pretty much is the search and nothing else. More than 2 different Levels in the deck made it less synergistic, as unbelievable as it might sound. So that one is by choice and not by budget. 


Same thing with Shurit. It does fulfill the Levels of any Nekroz Ritual, but having only 4 and 5 as the focus makes that ability pretty much useless beause it is not very hard to fulfill with cards that will search for something when used. Of course, I could add in a pair of Clausolas for the Warrior search, but the attempts were, how do I put it? a clusterfuck. 


You could answer me two things though.

1 ] What you think I need to minus in exchange for them and how many of each you think would work.

2 ] You could elaborate on those budget Nekroz that are easy to make that you are speaking of, because that was too easy to say but I'd like to see a list or something so enlighten me.


Besides, I think you mostly just read the tittle and skipped what I said about trying to give them a different focus being more important than the budget aspect of it.

Of course Nekroz have become more affordable than when they were released even though there are still a few 30 to 50 dollar cards needed in there, and of course there's a general idea of what an optimal build consisting on the best you could have is.

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Clausolas tried to be fit in here for a while, but it pretty much is the search and nothing else. More than 2 different Levels in the deck made it less synergistic, as unbelievable as it might sound. So that one is by choice and not by budget.

Same thing with Shurit. It does fulfill the Levels of any Nekroz Ritual, but having only 4 and 5 as the focus makes that ability pretty much useless beause it is not very hard to fulfill with cards that will search for something when used. Of course, I could add in a pair of Clausolas for the Warrior search, but the attempts were, how do I put it? a clusterfuck.

You could answer me two things though.
1 ] What you think I need to minus in exchange for them and how many of each you think would work.
2 ] You could elaborate on those budget Nekroz that are easy to make that you are speaking of, because that was too easy to say but I'd like to see a list or something so enlighten me.

Besides, I think you mostly just read the tittle and skipped what I said about trying to give them a different focus being more important than the budget aspect of it.
Of course Nekroz have become more affordable than when they were released even though there are still a few 30 to 50 dollar cards needed in there, and of course there's a general idea of what an optimal build consisting on the best you could have is.

I did not just read the title and ignore the op, also I'd be happy to give you an example when I get the chance.
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