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[spoiler=]x2 12*

x2 11*

x2 Yubel

x1 Zeph

x3 Arma

x3 Tomato

x1 Farfa

x1 Calculator

x1 GuB


x2 RotA

x2 Ass hole

x2 MST


x2 Battle Mania

x2 Fiend Griefing

x1 Remove 11 from Field

x3 Limit Reverse

x1 Vanity's

x2 Metal Reflect Slime

x3 Fiendish

x3 CoH

x1 Warning


Star Eater






Gustav Max


Key Beetle is garbage




Diamond Dire




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Having a lot of experience with Yubel, I can easily tell you one thing: NEVER make her the star of your deck. She's very slowly, highly vulnerable, and requires you to run bad cards so your opponent rams her. It's cute when it works, but it only hurts the deck. One build I have learned that can use her expertly well is Archfiends, as they can combo with her pretty well, as well as taking advantage of her unique attributes. Yubel is a CHAMPION at taking hits, as, if your opponent doesn't expend the effort to get rid of her, Terror Incarnate will continuously tear up their fields.


However, if you want to keep with this idea, I recommend bumping all Yubels down to 1 each, as that is literally all you will ever need. Replace them with 3 Dark Grephers to ensure the mill happens, as you NEVER want a Yubel piece in your hand, ever. From there, you should increase the number of Calculators to 3, and use them as a main offensive force in conjunction with Yubel. Work on making the Calculator and Rank 4 plays be the star of your deck.


-1 of each Yubel
+3 Dark Grepher

-2 Battle Mania
+2 Calculator

-2 Fiend Griefing

+1 RotA

+1 Allure of Darkness


-3 Rank 10s

+3 Rank 4s


(If you want my Yubel Archfiend deck PM me)

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For some reason, I keep forgetting the SS from the Graveyard part, which makes them literally useless at more than 1. And I see you didn't touch the Metal Reflect Slimes even after taking out the 10s, do I keep them to stall or something? Because there's probably better stuff that could go in.


But yeah I'll test it out with your other suggestions. I'm not the fondest of Archfiends tbh, but facing them a couple times, it seems like they'd work with Yubel, so it'd be great if I could see your decklist.


Also I suck at rulings, why does the Zeph bounce not trigger Terror Incarnate's effect, does it miss some sort of timing because the Zeph SS?

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Zeph won't trigger Terror because it's bouncing as a cost. Terror can't activate as it misses the timing because Zephyros is SSing itself. Also, I didn't know what to replace the Metal Reflect Slimes with, and they are technically a bonus 3k ATK for Calculator. If you want to get rid of them, go for Raigeki and Book of Moon. In fact, if you increase your spell volume you could also potentially run Summoner Monk.

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