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Because I Can't Decide [X-Saber...Decks?] (April 2015)

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Haven't played Sabers in a while, but build 2 looks better. Faultroll should go to 2 for consistency reasons, and Saber Reflect needs to go to 3. Also, BTH > CEV. Saber Slash is somewhat unneeded, and can be replaced with Lance. MST should be sided, IMO, but you could keep it there.

Ever try the E-Tele engine for anti-Nekroz?

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Haven't played Sabers in a while, but build 2 looks better. Faultroll should go to 2 for consistency reasons, and Saber Reflect needs to go to 3. Also, BTH > CEV. Saber Slash is somewhat unneeded, and can be replaced with Lance. MST should be sided, IMO, but you could keep it there.

Ever try the E-Tele engine for anti-Nekroz?

it's better just to tech 1 T.G striker cus you have RotA, Psychics dead too much.

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