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A Tea Party of Sinners ~ [OCG] Infernoid Edition

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x2 Cyber Stein

x2 Infernoid Beelzebul/Antra

x3 Infernoid Adramelech/Attondel

x3 Infernoid Dekatron

x1 Infernoid Lilith/Devyaty

x3 Infernoid Lucifuge Royale/Harmadik

x1 Infernoid Namaah/Onuncu

x3 Infernoid Astaroth/Patrulea

x2 Infernoid Satan/Pirmais

x2 Infernoid Ba'al Zebuul/Seitsemas


x2 Book of Eclipse

x1 Card Destruction

x1 Dark Hole

x1 Harpie's Feather Duster

x3 Monster Gate

x1 One for One

x3 Reasoning

x2 Void Seer


x3 Mistake

x1 Torrential


x15 Generic & Select Extra Deck shit




I'm a big fan of these guys, but they're pretty lackluster here in TCG, so I figured this would be the first time I'll try OCG. Good fricking lord these guys are insane; No wonder they're pretty much Tier 1.5-2 over there. This deck is pretty much a standard build a lot of OCG Infernoid players would most likely build, but if anyone has thoughts about that or other techs than feel free to critique.



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The Problem with 3 dek is everyone guesses 1 nowadays. Cut dek down to 1. 2 Lilith +2 Onu is become more standard. You don't see much of the lv 1 guy. DMoC is a personal tech for me. Easy Felgrand. Removes threats like Stratos and Infinity from the game effectively perm. Gets back w/e the hell you need. Main Deck Tking over Mistake. Hmm what else

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The Problem with 3 dek is everyone guesses 1 nowadays. Cut dek down to 1. 2 Lilith +2 Onu is become more standard. You don't see much of the lv 1 guy. DMoC is a personal tech for me. Easy Felgrand. Removes threats like Stratos and Infinity from the game effectively perm. Gets back w/e the hell you need. Main Deck Tking over Mistake. Hmm what else




While it's true that Dekatron is now more expected to  be called upon by the opponent, it's still a card guaranteed to remove field problems by selectively sending Infernoids, and I would like as much fodder as possible. Yet I can always test 1-3 Dekatrons, but minimum I'd say is 2 Dek at best. Out of the testing so far, there are no smart people who have declared 1 even if they had known I'm already playing OCG Infernoids.


DMOC sounds nice, only if the Spell adding eff wasn't during the EP. Sure it gets rid of so many floaters and key techs with it battling, but if I wanted to use the full potential of DMOC, I would have wanted to get a free Spell. By then I'd already make DMOC into a Felgrand. At most I could probably side it, but Kycoo, Kristya, and End of Anubis have their own plans too.


Rai-Oh though, I might as well place in by replacing 1 Dekatron or 1 Mistake. Mistake is still a very good card in any format.

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