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Yaaay I'm playing Fluffals IRL because why not

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Meh, idk.  I like it.  It's a lot of fun.  Has a TERRIBLE HERO match-up, but it's decent against other stuff.


3x Fluffal Dog

3x Edge Imp Chain

2x Fluffal Owl

2x Edge Imp Sabres

2x Fluffal Sheep

1x Fluffal Rabbit

1x Fluffal Bear

1x Edge Imp Saw

1x Tour Guide from the Underworld


2x Toy Vendor

2x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Frightfur Fusion

2x Fusion Conscription

1x Polymerization

1x Fusion Substitute

1x Book of Moon

1x Raigeki

1x Allure of Darkness


2x Wiretap

1x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Solemn Warning

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device

1x Torrential Tribute


So it's fun.  Was playing Sheep at 3 but it's a slow draw sometimes and it's not really necessary.  Vendor is good too, but often times I can get the setup out to the point where I don't need three.  Fusion Conscription is so damn good.  Threw around the idea of dropping Wiretaps for Fiendish Chains/Breakthrough Skill, but I haven't decided yet.


I like it though.  Extra Deck is basically generic for Fluffals so yeah.

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