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Brilliant Seahorse Synchro Chicken Turbo ~ (Hooray for stealing ideas)

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x2 Galaxy Serpent

x2 GK Lazuli

x2 Jet Synchron

x3 Junk Synchron

x2 Mathematician

x2 Paternal Seahorse

x1 Tricklown

x1 Synchro Fusionist

x2 Synchron Explorer


x3 Brilliant Fusion

x3 Chicken Race

x1 Foolish

x1 Instant Ramen

x2 Magical Mallet

x3 Pseudo Space

x1 Raigeki

x2 RotA

x1 Soul Charge

x3 Terraforming

x3 Tuning




Yeah, I took Progenitor's idea and then made my own build with it using Chicken Race engine, including additional buffs to the main and Extra Deck. The combo video and the potential in the decklist was very inspiring though. Got any problems with that?


For refreshers if anyone else does not know the basic Synchro shenanigans:


1) Activate Brilliant Fusion; Send Lazuli and Galaxy Serpent for Gem-Knight Seraphinite

2) Activate Lazuli, adding back Galaxy Serpent

3) Using Seraphinite, NS Serpent and Synchro into Yazi

4) Use Yazi's eff to target itself and at least 1 card on your opp's side of the field

5) Use Yazi's eff to Summon Paternal Seahorse from Deck


From here, you can use Seahorse's ability to Level Eat itself into multiple Tokens, and then you can possibly go into Ancient fairy and get more Races. You also have a spare NS available, so NSing Junk Synchron, explorer, or Jet would be viable choices, and from there you can  create multiple, favorable combos such as:


>T.G Librarian (5) + Mist Valley Clausolas (3) + Accel Synchron (4, by milling Jet)/Phonon Pulse (4) = Quasar (12)

>Red Dragon archfiend (8) + Junk Synchron (3) + Jet Synchron (1) = Red Nova Dragon (12)


The only viable problems with the deck are not drawing into the right cards, and possibly bricking by drawing cards like Serpent, Lazuli, and Seahorse, which you want to keep in your deck; that's why Mallet is there. But most important thing is having Brilliant Fusion in play, so Fusionist can easily search Brilliant Fusion as well as Instnat Fusion, and what could be a more better set up than the Math guy?


Any other thoughts?

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Triple pseudo-space feels like it has potential to clog. I am all for triple race and triple terraforming, but in my experience pseudo-space is better at 2. Replace with RoTA or a second Instant Fusion? Magical Mallet also feels a bit awkward, but it's ability to put seahorse or fusion materials back in deck is a fair enough justification, I would say.
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Triple pseudo-space feels like it has potential to clog. I am all for triple race and triple terraforming, but in my experience pseudo-space is better at 2. Replace with RoTA or a second Instant Fusion? Magical Mallet also feels a bit awkward, but it's ability to put seahorse or fusion materials back in deck is a fair enough justification, I would say.




I guess I can take out one Pseudo Space and possibly 1 Terraforming or Mallet out to make sure there are no clogs. I don't really rely on Pseudo Space too much if I have most of the things I need already.


I'm a bit iffy on RotA, since there's only 1 target for it and it might brick lategame, but I might as well test it out and see the results. There's no point in having another Instant Fusion though. 1 Noden is enough, and I can't make anymore room for another in the Extra.

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So you stole my idea that I stole from Kogarasho.

*mind explodes*

But yeah adding the chicken race engine really helps. How is the lack of Watch Dog working? I sometimes find myself really needing it




Watchdog seemed a bit slow. It prohibits any other Special Summons for the turn, forces me to move into MP2, and leaves itself wide open for a heavy attack target. Add on top Brilliant now being MST bait until next turn and then I realized Watchdog was a problem.


Luckily Brilliant Fusion is a "Fusion" Spell card, so I figured Synchro Fusionist does the job better, since he has a lot more applications to the build.

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