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Monsters: 5




Effect: When this card is sent to the Graveyard: Send this card to your opponent's Graveyard instead. While this card is in your Graveyard: You can only Special Summon once their turn and only during your turn. You can return this card from your Graveyard to the original owner's Deck, discard 1 card. You cannot activate this effect the same turn it was sent to the Graveyard.




Effect: When this card is sent to the Graveyard: Send this card to your opponent's Graveyard instead. While this card is in your Graveyard: You cannot banish monsters during your Main Phase. You can return this card from your Graveyard to the original owner's Deck, return 1 card on your side of the field to the original owner's hand. You cannot activate this effect the same turn it was sent to the Graveyard.




Effect: When this card is sent to the Graveyard: Send this card to your opponent's Graveyard instead. While this card is in your Graveyard: You cannot activate cards in response to your opponent's card effects and activation. You can return this card in your Graveyard to the original owner's Deck and shuffle it, destroy 1 card on the field. You cannot activate this effect the same turn it was sent to the Graveyard.




Effect: When this card is sent to the Graveyard: Send this card to your opponent's Graveyard instead. During each Standby Phase, while this card is in your Graveyard: You take damage equal to the number of cards in your Graveyard x 100. You can return this card from your Graveyard to the original owner's Deck, banish the top card of your Deck face-down. You cannot activate this effect the same turn it was sent to the Graveyard.




Effect: When this card is sent to the Graveyard: Send this card to your opponent's Graveyard instead. While this card is in your Graveyard during your End Phase: You must tribute 1 face-up monster you control, otherwise all "Trickster" monsters in your Graveyard are Special Summoned onto your opponent's side of the field. When this effect resolves, your opponent takes 1000 damage.




Spells: 3




Effect: Send 1 "Trickster" card from your field or hand to the Graveyard: Draw cards equal to the number of "Trickster" cards in your opponent's Graveyard. At the End Phase of this card's activation: Send all cards from your hand to the Graveyard.




Effect: Once per turn, when a "Trickster" monster is sent to your opponent's Graveyard: You can add one "Trickster" monster whose level is equal to or less than that sent monster from your Deck to the hand. If this card is sent to your Graveyard: Send it to your opponent's Graveyard instead. While this card is in your Graveyard: Banish cards that are sent to your Graveyard, except by the effect of a "Trickster" monster. You can return this card from your Graveyard to the original owner's Deck, send the top 3 cards from your Deck to the Graveyard. 




Effect: When a "Trickster" monster is sent to your Graveyard: You can pay 1000 LP, return all "Trickster" monsters to your Deck and shuffle it, then your opponent can Special Summon 1 monster whose level is +3 or lower than the number of sent monsters from their hand or Deck. When this card is sent to the Graveyard: Send it to your opponent's Graveyard instead. While this card is in your Graveyard: You cannot draw cards (except during the Draw Phase). You can return this card to the original owner's Deck, your opponent Special Summons 1 "Trickster" monster from their Deck to the field in face-up Attack Position.




Trap: 2




Effect: If a card is activated in response to your card effect, while your opponent have "Trickster" monsters in their Graveyard: Send 1 "Trickster" monster from your field to the Graveyard, negate the activation, and if you do, return 1 card in your opponent's Graveyard to the original owner's hand. When this card is sent to the Graveyard: Send it to your opponent's Graveyard instead. While this card is in your Graveyard: You cannot activate Spells unless you pay 500 LP. You can pay 1000 LP to return this card to the original owner's Deck and shuffle it.




Effect: While you have no "Trickster" monsters in your Graveyard: You can Special Summon as many monsters up to the number of monsters on your opponent's side of the field from your hand. When this card is sent to the Graveyard: Send it to your opponent's Graveyard instead. While this card is in your Graveyard: You cannot activate Traps or monster effects when a "Trickster" monster attacks until the end of the Damage Step. During the turn this card is activated: You can only attack with 1 "Trickster" monster you control. You can return this card to the bottom of your opponent's Deck, set 1 Trap from your hand or Deck to the opponent's side of the field.



[spoiler=Extra Deck]

Extra: 2




Effect: 2 "Trickster" monsters

Must be Special Summoned by sending the Fusion Materials listed to the Graveyard. (You do not use "Polymerization") If this card is sent to the Graveyard: Send this card to your opponent's Graveyard instead. While this card is in your Graveyard: You cannot add cards from your Deck to the hand. Once per turn: You can send 1 monster from your Deck to your Graveyard, your opponent can draw 1 card after this effect resolves. 
Effect: 4 "Trickster" monsters
Must be Special Summoned by sending the Fusion Materials listed to the Graveyard. (You do not use "Polymerization") If this card is sent to the Graveyard: Send this card to your opponent's Graveyard instead. While this card is in your Graveyard: You cannot add or send cards from your Deck to the hand, field, or Graveyard. During each of your opponent's End Phase: Your opponent gains LP equal to the amount of monsters in his/her respective Graveyard x 200. Once per turn, during either player's turn, when a monster effect is activated: You can discard 1 card, negate the activation, and if you do, Special Summon 1 "Trickster" monster from your opponent's Graveyard.
I had forgot to put this effect on all the "Trickster" card. "This card's effect cannot be activated unless there is a "Trickster" card in either player's Graveyard."
Anyways, give me some opinions about this archetype.
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Hmm, so the point of this Archetype is throwing them in your opponent's Graveyard, and they're prevented from doing certain things.



Mizuka shuts off CoTH shenanigans and any swarm tactics the opponent might use. Of course, your opponent can get rid of it, assuming they are willing to ditch a card to enable their summons freely again.


Honoo-ka stops banishing strategies (which includes Infernoids and Chaos to some extent), and they have to bounce a card of theirs to get rid of it.


Kaze-tarou stops negation effects, so you're essentially free to do whatever you want for the most part. This one could be a bit problematic, as you basically have a free turn to set up and do whatever.

However, the opponent does have the opportunity to pop one of YOUR cards in order to send this away; unlike the others.


Yami is constant burn, although depending on the gamestate, it can end up becoming nasty if too many cards are in your Graveyard (for the opponent anyway).


Twins of Fate forces the opponent to Tribute monsters every turn; else you get free monsters and they get burned. Or vice versa (although I could probably see you chaining it to one of the others, and forcing the monster into the Graveyard)


Pass is basically grave setup; get the appropriate Trickster into the opponent's Graveyard, then draw after that. Of course, you are forced to discard your hand, but if you have plenty of unused Tricksters, it'll end up screwing the opponent big time.


Soul stops searchers cold, and essentially sets the Graveyard up again (at the cost of the opponent getting a free draw).


Ultimate Perfection stops a lot of things from triggering: LS can't mill themselves, Nekroz can't use Kaleidomirror and stuff, searchers can't do anything and so forth.

Then again, it also grants you an LP bonus (although given your monsters will be in the opponent's Graveyard most of the time, you won't really gain LP much).



In terms of Paradiso, WHERE are you adding the card from? I will assume the Deck, but you need to specify this.



Indeed, these are capable of making the opponent brick hard if you shut down their options.

A few of these cards alone can do it.


Having that limitation effect is important, since otherwise things will get really crazy and the opponent is essentially locked from doing things.

It also plays mindgames with the opponent; should they destroy your cards, then they lose access to certain things for a turn or so.


As a whole, I find these interesting.

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I just added "from the Deck to the hand" to Paradiso.


Thank you for your opinion and criticism, I just came up with this deck because people were complaining about Decks being too alike, so I decided to make a deck that had a different gimmick. Although I'm not sure whether this type of deck has already been made with this gimmick or not. The purpose is as you state, to throw them in the opponent's Graveyard as fast as possible.

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Immediately, I thought this archetype would have no originality, "When this card is sent to the Graveyard" is an effect that's been overused. However, you added a twist on that premise so they don't boil down to a cheap gimmick. As mentioned before, some of these cards did/will need sone limitations so that they'd be fair. Regardless, I like this archetype and applaud your effort.

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Okay, i see that these cards do need limitations so i will think on what to come up with to limit their effects. This deck is also a double-edged sword because if they somehow land into the graveyard of the "Trickster" deck side, then they have to put up with the effects also for at least one turn. But i do agree that this archetype needs limitations, like maybe "only one "Trickster Mizuka" can be in the opponent's graveyard" or "this card's effect cannot be applied until the opponent's next End Phase".

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The first one sounds fine (only 1 copy of each can be in the Graveyard); although it'll cause a bit of ruling issues later for multiple copies.

Basically, if one is in the opponent's Graveyard already and then another one goes (and by its effect, it hits the opponent's Graveyard instead); how will it resolve?


(For this purpose, I'd likely say that it'll go to your Graveyard instead of something)


Second one won't cause as much, if any, but doing so will allow the opponent a turn to get rid of them from the Graveyard, simply by getting rid of cards they do not need.

Then you'll be the one at a disadvantage (although if you do this, might be a good idea to design cards to get rid of them from the Graveyard so they don't clog you as well).

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These are new support cards for the "Trickster" archetype. 


1 Quick-Play Spell Card - "Bad trickster, Good Trickster"


1 Counter Trap - "Trickster Finale!!"


1 Normal Trap - "Jokes on You!!"

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