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Your (actual) Voice

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I dont talk a whole lot but I don't really have an accent. Only when I pronounce a few words like imperative I have trouble pronouncing the t or sometimes I pronounce it weird. As well as "me to do". Ugh when I speak in Spanish I have a bit of noticeable accent when I talk. I sing better than I talk imo as well as other opinion. But I would rather keep that too myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ooh this is a fun one because I have a f***ed up voice/accent. I'm Bosnian but I for 90% of the English I speak I have the most average American accent, although I can pull off incredibly mediocre stereotypes as well. And according to my brothers, I have a Cologne accent when speaking German.





FWIW, I made a guy vomit while laughing at my shitty Indian accent

I list this as a major life accomplishment

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I've been told by a few people I have a British accent but I'm reasonably certain they are just crazy. I'm from New York so likely have some kind of New Yorker accent, but hell if I know what that would sound like to others.

Side from that I hate hearing my voice in recordings. I just sound high pitched and whiny which isn't at all what I hear when I speak.

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The only thing I specifically know about a New York accent is my one friend from New York who pronounced bagel like "bag-el" as in "rhymes with lag+el" but there was another New Yorker who pronounced it like I do: "bay-gel" so I have no clue, probably just depends on where you're from in NY.


My own voice is deep-ish and mellow, reportedly pleasant to listen to. Not posting it here cuz not only am I a paranoid b-----d when it comes to things like that but I also hate how it sounds on recording. I was always frustrated with it in the past because I had a deeper voice than other kids my age but after puberty the others caught up, so it doesn't stand out like it did before. But I also have a pretty decent vocal range--can go high and low--which I attribute to my choral experience.


I tend to say "you know what I mean" or "like" more often than necessary or wanted. I also tend to pronounce consonants a bit too hard, a byproduct of choir again, where the pianist would always scold us, saying nobody understood our words when we were singing, so that bled into my regular talking and now I just talk that way. XP Also I'm the type where I ended up reading and learning a bunch of words that I didn't learn how to pronounce correctly until later on in life so sometimes my pronunciations get a bit wonky, ugh.

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I just sound high pitched


It always sounds higher-pitched than it is.


What you hear on a recording is your actual voice. What you hear when you speak is a combination of your voice echoing off of walls and vrbatrating through your jaw and echoing through your brain till it hits your eardrum. The brain filters out of the the fuzzy shit, but what you are left with a version of your voice that is deeper, overall.

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What you hear on a recording is your actual voice. What you hear when you speak is a combination of your voice echoing off of walls and vrbatrating through your jaw and echoing through your brain till it hits your eardrum. The brain filters out of the the fuzzy shit, but what you are left with a version of your voice that is deeper, overall.

Yea, I know the recording is what I actually do sound like. I still hate it and wonder how anyone could stand to listen to me.
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  • 2 months later...

Uuuugh, a hard topic for me, haha. To be honest - I don't know how I feel about my voice. 
I have a German accent, because I'm from Germany. Sometimes I have a Bavarian accent as well (Bavaria is a part of Germany, a bit like the state-system in America), but I'm about to fix that, because I hate it, haha. Seriously.

Some of my friends say that I have a calm, cute and soft voice, but believe me, that's not the truth, it sounds like a cat getting raped by a 53 years old Senpai. Okay, just kidding, I acually like it, a bit at least, but it's defenitly not the most beautiful voice I've ever heard. I'm freaking out everytime I hear it, really, haha. 

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