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Your (actual) Voice

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Oh, reminds me. Yeah I have a bit of stutter and tend to slur my words a lot when I get excited. Used to not be able to pronounce "r"s correctly.


My throat dries out when I talk a lot and it sounds groggy and gross.

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I sound like a posh a****** on recording, although it's a fairly standard neutral English accent in person. Like Tormey's, except less Essex.

Maybe I should narrate posts on YCM for giggles.


What we need is to revive the YCM Podcast again obv


doge can be leading podcaster :'D

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It depends on my mood. Without any affect my voice can be abnormally deep, but it always tends to have some kind of affect because I'm pretty anxious and sensitive, there's typically a lot of calculation going on when I talk to people. 


If I'm flustered, curious or turned on it takes on a sort of soft and breathy ladylike affect. In these moods I tend to want to direct the conversation towards getting a result, whether it's assuaging what's making me nervous, answering my question, or getting to the point as it were. 


If I'm sad or angry I tense up and my voice gets low and rigid, I contain those side of me because I don't like them. I speak less when I'm angry and refocus energies on calming down. Ironically given my liberal use of caps lock here, I don't raise my voice in anger ever (I'm not sure I'm physiologically capable of it at this point because of the way my energy circulates when I'm pissed), but depending on how mad/sad I am it can manifest itself in various gestures like twitching, trembling, clutching my face etc to hold myself back. I'm generally very collected IRL so I do appreciate the internet in that it's an impersonal valve where I can vent frustrations without personal consequences for anyone. 

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French is my first language and that definitely impacted how I used to speak. My family would concisely describe my speaking "comments quelqu'un de Paris."

I used to have a very heavy Parisian accent despite being raised in Quebec. Teaching myself English and reading at three while playing Ocarina of Time, I also learned an unbiased form of the language and transcended my accents. This is also why I generally type without a notable vernacular and traditionally, sometimes using archaic or obsolete terminology due to being aware of various meanings without care for the contemporary.

Note where Beauty and the Beast takes place.

As I stand now, while my voice is regrettably the opposite of my gender, I am very glad that it is versatile enough to have earlier been offered a position as a voice actor.

I should have take it, honestly.

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As I stand now, while my voice is regrettably the opposite of my gender, I am very glad that it is versatile enough to have earlier been offered a position as a voice actor.

I should have take it, honestly.

want ;~;

also, for those of you crazy enough to listen to an hour of black and birdie go here
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My voice is some bastardized version of English. Think like Chris but less angry, and more posh. Well when it's not going squeaky high. 


My diction is really poor, and I slip into Americain terminology and vocal mannerisms, but never the less posh english. 

You forgot to mention that you randomly bleat a lot.

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I hate my voice with a passion, particularly since I seem to speak with this vague lisp (and I want it dead if it so ends up killing me in the process) and have trouble enunciating (mostly due to asthma making me having to pause).


According to old friends I have the standard accent, but I'm not sure how noticeable it is since depending on who I speak to they seem to notice it or not.

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I have like 2 distinct voices I use. My "regular" voice and my Hawaiian/Moke/Native voice. Honestly at this point I'm not sure which is my real one.

I can easily sound like a bit of everything after talking to someone with an accent for a while though.


... later I can try and record one in my local voice for prosperity or something. A lot of people online ask what I sound like when speaking IRL.

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