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Brilliant Seahorse Synchro Turbo [I stole Kogarasho's idea and made a deck]

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x2 Galaxy Serpent

x2 Parent Seahorse

x3 Junk Synchron

x2 Synchron Explorer

x2 Gem-Knight Lazuli

x2 Jet Synchron

x2 Watch Dog

x1 Raigeki


x1 Soul Charge

x3 Hoban

x1 Foolish Burial

x1 Magical Mallet

x3 Tuning

x3 Brilliant Fusion

x3 Reckless Greed

x3 Mirror Force

x3 Call of the Haunted


x2 Gem-Knight Seraphinite

x1 Divine Spark Dragon Stardust Sifr

x1 Shooting Quasar Dragon

x1 Red Nova Dragon

x1 Shooting Star Dragon

x1 Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon

x1 Red Dragon Archfiend

x1 Stardust Dragon

x1 Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing

x1 T.G. Hyper Librarian

x1 Accel Synchron

x1 Phonon Pulse Dragon

x1 Mist Bird Clausolas

x1 Formula Synchron


Basically the idea is to get Junk Synchron and Brilliant Fusion in your hand, at which point you can do a whole bunch of stuff.


The basic combo is:

  1. Activate Brilliant Fusion to make Seraphinite using Galaxy Serpent and Lazuli.
  2. Add back Galaxy Serpent with Lazuli
  3. Normal Summon Serpent using the additional Normal Summon Granted by Seraph
  4. Make Yazi
  5. Use Yazi to pop himself and anything else.
  6. SS Seahorse with Yazi's effect.

At which point you still have your normal summon and Junk Synchron.  You can make Quasar, Red Nova Dragon, Sifr, And pretty much anything else at that point.


[spoiler Video I stole the combo from]



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Indeed.  I can definitely cut the reckless greeds.  My main thought with Call was to get back seahorse, which it can't do anyway, so I can probably cut some of those.  And I really don't need 6 searches for 3 targets in a 30 card deck, so that about covers the swap.


I'll play around with it some.

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