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Agro Does Zombies


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Zombie World is still a card I'd rather keep in the side deck.


Polymerization is a bad card. Dragon's mirror is better, as it's a good topdeck, but I don't feel like running it over anything else in the deck and the Extra is already cramped and offers monsters that I can go into with a variety of options. with Dragonecro I have one card that can be brought out by only one other card in the deck. It's just not necessary.


Revived Ruler Ha Des will probably take out that other Machine thing I had in there for kicks. Seems like a good play against Shaddolls too to an extent.


Yup, not running doomkaiser.


Dark Rebellion: see previous statement about extra deck space. Exciton and Castel are good for monster removal, what need do I have of another beater? May add him if I feel I need more for Tristan and Isolde.

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I'd argue about Poly. It's good nowadays since it gets a crapload of support, but in this deck specifically, it puts Goblin Zombies/PSZ/whatever really into the grave and gets out a huge boss. It's really solid.

But why would you run it over other cards? Sure it can get stuff from your hand into the Graveyard, but the deck already has Zombie Master for that, and he isn't a -2 to do it.

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