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05/24/205 ([Alter White]War Ghost)

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[spoiler='Shadows fallen from the war of the Four Kingdoms. Their reanimated bodies are reminders of the grim and horrific entities of war, creating a twisted and devilish type of fiend that replenishes itself when defeated.']


Faction: Veritas

Level: 3

Max HP: 60

Attack: 30

Defense: 0

Agility: 2

Damage: 2


Text: •[DEATH SKILL]: Send 1 copy of "War Ghost" from your Deck or hand to the Graveyard. If this happens, this Unit is fully healed, and 1 friendly gets +10 ATK, except this card.[/spoiler]


Veritas can hold and maintain field presence with their "Refresh" cards that also give bonus effects specifically when they die. However, their power is not unlimited. This type of Veritas Deck would rather bide it's time, and then wait for the opportune moment to strike, rather than relying on combos. 

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