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Transformers Jr. [Morphtronics Feat. WHAT ARE THESE THINGS YOU ARE SUMMONING]

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Monsters (17)
x3 Celfon
x3 Smartfon
x2 Lantron
x2 Scopen
x2 Remoten
x2 Radion
x2 Boomboxen
x1 Glow-Up Bulb
Spells (23)
x3 Reasoning
x3 De-Synchro
x3 Junk Box
x3 Upstart Hoban
x2 M. Repair Unit
x2 Iron Call
x2 Machine Duplication
x2 DDR
x1 Foolish
x1 One for One
x1 Soul Charge

Traps (0)
What kind of pansy needs them anyway?
Extra (15)
x3 Formula Synchron
x2 Quasar
x1 Red Nova
x1 Red Dragon Archfiend
x1 Stardust Dragon
x1 Shooting Star Dragon
x1 Black Rose Dragon
x1 Power Tool Dragon
x1 Armades
x1 Catastor
x1 Hyper Librarian
x1 Samsara Dragon
So I found out about Morphtronics recently and as of now this is one of my favorite decks to play. The idea is to use your ridiculous combos to basically boss rush for an otk, but alas this is not as consistent as I would like because of the dice tolls. If RNGesus is feeling particularly spiteful, I will cry and enter scoop phase turn one, but if I sacrificed enough goats,I will be able to either double Quasar or Quasar+Red Nova.

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The reason I don't do it is because it's a trap. This is built to otk and a very situational trap card won't really help. It's not really the dice rolls to be honest, just not finding targets with Celfon and Smartfon. Mostly Celfon though since the idea is to use his effect to swarm and hopefully get tuners so you can synchro and he can get you Smartfon without having to banish a card.

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