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Lost Souls in the Endless Time [Shaddolls]

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3 Effect Veiler
1 Ghost Charon, the Underworld Boatman
1 Heroic Challenger - Thousand Blades
3 Mathematician
1 Performage Tricklown
1 Peropero Cerperus
2 Shaddoll Beast
1 Shaddoll Dragon
3 Shaddoll Falco
2 Shaddoll Hedgehog
2 Shaddoll Squamata
1 Thunder King Rai-Oh
1 Book of Moon
3 El Shaddoll Fusion
1 Foolish Burial
1 Instant Fusion
1 Raigeki
3 Shaddoll Fusion
2 Breakthrough Skill
1 Mind Crush
2 Shaddoll Core
3 Sinister Shadow Games
1 Vanity's Emptiness
1 El Shaddoll Anoyatyllis
3 El Shaddoll Construct
2 El Shaddoll Shekhinaga
1 El Shaddoll Winda
1 Elder Entity Norden
1 Arcanite Magician
1 Dragocytus Corrupted Nethersoul Dragon
1 Leo, Keeper of the Sacred Tree
1 Abyss Dweller
1 Castel, the Avian Skyblaster
1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight
1 Lavalval Chain
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Sorry for late respones! Got kinda wund up in stuff yesterday and today but now I got a bit.


Why this much effect negation?

No problems with x3 Falco clogging so far?

x2 Shaddoll Roots? I guess is for faster access to Anomalilith if needed?

I run a total of 5 effect negating cards, and both have different purposes really. Veiler is mostly a LIGHT monster for Construct, and BTS is reusable. They're both really good cards and I wanna keep them.

Nope, it's actually really good. iHop told me to run 3 if I can and I was skeptical, but it works out pretty well, letting you juggle Shaddolls all over the place and be able to do things even after you run out of fusion materials.

Yup, plus it's just a really good card overally to be milled and grabbed with Construct.


I feel triple mind crush might be a better idea over the 2 BTS, considering triple veiler.

As I said, both have different purpose so I'd rather keep all of them. Plus not that there is a shortage of targets for them.


how is it testing the lone trickclown?

I just run it as a cute thing to dump with Shaddoll Fusion/Mathematician. It basically takes the Felis slot, except it's constantly reusable/has the small engine with Thousand Blades/works off being milled in any way not just monsters.

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Thanks for the reply.

I have 1 more question (well, 2 questions in 1):

How have the x2 Beast and x2 Lizard worked for you? I ask because, as far as I knew, Beast was a 3-of since it is good in general with its card draw effect, plus it helps in the mirror. And Lizard, well, personally I run it at 3 since it doubles as any Shaddoll and can also mill Roots.

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