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b-but I thought MMOs are singleplayer games...


Have I been playing these games wrong all this time?


On a more serious matter, hasn't this been announced for NA release for a while now? Or am I just remembering wrong? Either way, looks kinda fun but I have a toaster for a laptop so...

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On a more serious matter, hasn't this been announced for NA release for a while now? Or am I just remembering wrong?

This is the first I've heard of it. I know it was big in Korea, and a CB is slated to start this fall (I think September someone said, however, they didn't cite any information so I wouldn't bet on it). 


I'm more upset about the fact that Korean MMOs are getting released into the states when they have no idea what the NA community is like. Elsword was ruined (based in Korea) because the NA community is so toxic and vehement, so I don't doubt the same thing will happen here.


I just hope the same thing doesn't happen to my other favorite MMO so far, Closers.

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