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I... Hope ~ World of Smiles! [Joker Performapal]


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3 Performapal Lizardraw

3 Performapal Pendulum Wizard/Sorceror

3 Performapal Skullcrobat Joker

3 Dragoknight Luster Pendulum

2 Performapal Drummingkong

2 Performapal Friendonkey

2 Performapal Partnaga

2 Performapal Whip Snake

2 Noble Dragon Magician

2 Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon

3 Supply Squad

2 Pot of Riches

2 Sky Arc

1 Raigeki

1 Book of Moon

3 Fiendish Chain

1 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Vanity's Emptiness

1 Skill Drain

1 Solemn Warning


2 Explosive Dragoknight Ignister Prominence

2 Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon

1 Black Rose Dragon

1 Clear Wing Synchro Dragon

1 Stardust Spark Dragon

1 Scrap Dragon

1 Castel the Skyblaster Musketeer

1 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon

1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight

1 King of the Feral Imps

1 Lavalval Chain

1 Number 103: Ragnazero

1 Performage Trapeze Magician



gonna be brief because tired and doing this on a break from writing


Also, trying to keep this as TCG/future TCG as possible. Yeah, I know I have Pendulum Wiz/Sorc, but it does have an unofficial TCG name released by Konami, so should be here before too long. The SD cards are a ways off, but all the same, funsies.

  1. No more need for cast change. WHOOHOO
  2. Silver Claw kinda sucks now. Rip Silver Claw.
  3. Partnaga's back. Not the best scale (may lower it to 1 to fit something in), but it helps you finish games faster. Dropping it is just hard because of Luster Pendulum.
  4. Lacoodown got significantly worse with the new support. Drummingkong actually does the job better becasue 3+5=8 for Synchros, and that comes up a lot more often than being a level 4 short for a Dragoknight + 4 play.
  5. Speaking of, Kong has been very useful overall. I haven't used its monster effect, but being more decently sized P-pals makes otking and the like easier. However, not opposed to better cards in the future. I just tried Dragonvein in the slots and it was blech, too.
  6. Skullcrobat Joker gives the deck a fucking ton of speed it needed. Even being able to search a T1 Odd-Eyes can be nice, provided you aren't going to make more plays that turn.
  7. Noble Dragon Magician is brooooooooken. Being searchable by Joker is just too damn good.
  8. Sky Arc is cool. I might run it over that 2nd Partnaga, because being able to turn any given pendulum into odd-eyes, which is then protected and can be turned into most of your other cards in the EP, is nice. Which allows scale cleaning. It also eats dead Fiendish Chains, monsters that were NS'd/negated, and so forth. I did test 3/3 of it and ODd-Eyes, but they cost a bit too much space, so I reduced to 2 OEPD/1 Arc and then back up to 2/2. Being able to NS a monster, acti Squad, and then use Arc is nice, too, for slower hands.
  9. Its protection is also fucking awesome.
  10. Supply Squad is more needed than ever. Dammit Konami. At least Sky Arc synergizes with it.
  11. Unlike the past, Skill Drain helps you win past, like, turn 3/4. If you've resolved 2-3 searches, you can flip skill drain and coast while you summon big ass beaters thanks to your assorted ++++ATK scales. Bonus points for sky arc letting you play the pendulum swapping game.
  12. Trapeze is one of the new bosses. You don't Xyz a ton, mostly utility, but Trapeze is probably the most common after King Feral. He also plays nicely with Clear Wing + Whip Snake, Odd-Eyes, and the pendulum scales that add ATK.
  13. While Xyz aren't as common, Synchros are much more common. Meteorburst makes early Pend Wiz/Sorc much more consistent, not to mention makes power plays the whole game, CWSD is just a safe boss in a lot of scenarios, BRD's a nuke (IDK if I want her, never need her, but Moonlight wasn't doing anything, either, and Ancient Pixie seems like it would be overkill), Stardust Spark's protection, Ignister's broken as hell, and Scrap Dragon... I don't make, it's in there because it can pop anything, not just pendulum scales. I am open to suggestions for replacements for Scrap Dragon/BRD, for sure, though I def wanna keep them synchros considering how often I need to go into synchros. Logic me pls.
  14. Oddly, Ignister rarely pops Pendulum Scales... unless they're the opp's, then it does so a fair bit unless you have multiple Squads up.
  15. No OE Vortex Dragon because Odd-Eyes fusion is kinda mediocre, eats up ED space, and gives me a 1-of boss that's not great early and just not worth wasting space on a potential dead draw. *shrug*
  16. This deck is all about using your assorted pendulums as quick and easy +0s that add up, not to mention your other cards that search and shit and Supply Squad. You clear at least one pendulum card every turn, if not both, and just use them as a means to pack the ED full (got to like 28 cards in the ED one game, with Xyz/Synchros having been summoned) then explode. Lizardraw, Luster Pendulum, Pendulum Wizard/Sorcerer, and so on just get you free value. Unless you're under skill drain (sometimes even then), you should be abusing the hell out of clearing your scales for value.
  17. A final note is that the deck is a lot less ED focused now. You use it to get ahead/regain advantage, but... the deck relies on just pendulum summoning a lot more now, as there's more consistency and power to it, overall. It's back to being a beat-em-up.
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Eh, I'd rather use the Odd-Eyes Magician build but this does look intriguing. I guess I'll have to try it out. And I'd keep Scrap and Black Rose dragons. Scrap can pop a scale that you don't want anymore and black rose can blow up the field in a losing predicament. Just my opinion.

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Have you considered running odd-eyes fusion. The card is searchable and provides you with an easy to summon boss monster.



No OE Vortex Dragon because Odd-Eyes fusion is kinda mediocre, eats up ED space, and gives me a 1-of boss that's not great early and just not worth wasting space on a potential dead draw. *shrug*

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Have you considered running odd-eyes fusion. The card is searchable and provides you with an easy to summon boss monster.

To expand beyond the OP...


Opp controls 2+ and you control 0: Unliklely.

You want to fuse Odd-Eyes + P-Pal/Noble: Unlikely

Vortex: Only live later, requires ED devotion and isn't the strongest card in the world. Sure, it's technically a Cydra Infinity, but it can't just be cheated out. 

Odd-Eyes Fusion: dead draw

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To expand beyond the OP...


Opp controls 2+ and you control 0: Unliklely.

You want to fuse Odd-Eyes + P-Pal/Noble: Unlikely

Vortex: Only live later, requires ED devotion and isn't the strongest card in the world. Sure, it's technically a Cydra Infinity, but it can't just be cheated out. 

Odd-Eyes Fusion: dead draw

I don't necessarily agree with that. In a Magician build it can easily be summoned, and provides some much needed support and protection. Although in your build it is unlikely you can summon it using the extra deck, since P-Pals don't usually run Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon who provides instant access. So that's understandable, but the card is still a very helpful and useful card. At the least it can  force your opponent to use their resources, mainly traps, to get rid of it, but with support, the card is very powerful. I personally have never found the fusion to be dead, and always provides some helpful back up to the deck. Although I understand why you don't run it since it doesn't synergize as much with P-Pals as it does with Magicians. 


P.S I have no idea why I skipped over your discussion on Vortex, I must have had a "brain fart" or something around that. My mistake.

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