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Ra (sphere mode)


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I've been using this deck on devpro and it's pretty fun; it's just really nice beating someone with ra or sometimes 2. I was also wondering if there was a club for competitive duels?
The way I play the deck; if i don't have mbc (mound of the bound creator) and ra already, i stall long enough to destroy mbc or draw one of both. I can destroy mound to add sphere but i don't like doing that unless i have a second one. Sometimes I let the other guy do it for me which I try and bait so that my second one will have a better chance of staying out.
If I've stalled long enough to get a second mound and my opponent can't destroy mound or get rid of the sphere/ra, then i have my win condition. Sometimes I'm able to pull off a second sphere or ra with poc. If I can't win that turn, or think i can't, (sometimes I've used upstart) because double ra won't otk for some reason, i'll leave one sphere on board as well as the ra. 
Most of the time people either quit out, get rekt or tribute ra/sphere or destroy mbc and then ra/sphere. Cards like waboku and battle fader are their so I can survive turns but importantly the turn I've summoned sphere mode because I have nothing I can special summon my turn, besides thunder vassal. I didn't want too many board clearers because then I would have nothing to tribute next turn. dark hole and raigeki are ideally for when my play was successful and i have both a mound and ra/sphere and bottomless is too strong against pendulums.
I guess I'm particularly weak to fast deck in the first 4 or less turns, I normally have to take at least 1 turn of damage if I'm going second. after that I'll probably be fine, unless they have a deck that doesn't summon a lot of monsters but that's why i run the monsters I do. Effect damage is quite effective against this deck also, especially if I've just cleared board with ra. And obviously if my second ra play doesn't work that's essentially game; they're bound to be able to destroy mbc and spheres if they are going through their whole deck. This I suppose is another problem which is why jar is in the side deck; i never play matches though so it's not really helpful; maybe take out xyz encore; it's a good card because it technically destroys the xyz and i can get two monsters out of what was one, a lot of the time though the xyz has used its effect so it only has 1 anyway.
The Winged Dragon of Ra
Sphere Mode
Phantom of Chaos
Flying "C"
Battle Fader
Thunder Vassal
Dark Hole
Upstart Goblin
Pot of Duality
Mystical Space Typhoon
Xyz Encore
Mound of the Bound Creator
Bottomless Trap Hole
Superdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer
Skypalace Gangaridai
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Superior Dora
Dark Rebellion
Castel the Avian Skyblaster
Steelswarm Roach
Evilswarm Exciton Knight
Gagaga Cowboy
Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction
Geargiagear XG
Chronomaly Crystal Chrononaut
Herald of Pure Light
Dark Mist
The Winged Dragon of Ra
Wall of Ivy
Swords of Revealing Light
Demise of the Land
Field Barrier
Nutrient Z
Rainbow Life
Vanity's Emptiness

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I have tried grinder golem and the problem with it is that if you don't have a sphere to tribute summon you can't use it, the card is then rendered utterly pointless seeing as how you can't summon anything else during the same turn. I don't think you can tribute ojama tokens. There's also a trap card that summon 3 2000 atk tokens for a tribute, i prefer the chewbone but mite try it again

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