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[HS] How to Beat Hunter

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I actually hate this meta, but this is basically what I've come up with. With this list you should find it quite hard to actually lose to Hunter. We have Zombie Chow so you can trade efficiently with their early minions, he usually takes down two of them on his own, most commonly a Gnome and a Mad Scientist, but also things like Webspinner, Haunted Creeper, etc. Srhinkmeister and Cabal Shadow Priest are exceptionally good in this meta, CSP can take a large amount of Hunter drops and Shrinkmeister in combination with her lets you take Yetis and such. Shadow Madness allows you to take their minion and trade it into one of theirs, essentially a 2 for 1. Dark Cultist is insanely efficient, and Deathlord screws Hunter over unless they have Mark. Late game we transition into big bomb control creatures like Boom and Ysera. 


 Sludge Belcher is also an MVP against Hunter.

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Isn't this basically Chinese Priest with some modifications? Why cut Velen's and Lightbombs? They're amazing vs Aggro. I assume you might not have Lightbombs, but I don't see a reason not to run Velen's Chosen.


Plus I'd argue whether an anti-aggro deck should be even running Ysera or Mind Control.

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