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Archetype Game


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An archetype of Level 1 Dragon-type monsters that provide support for Dragons (ATK buff, Dark Resonator-like effect, and so on) that, when targeted by a card effect, banish themselves to summon a Level 5 or lower Dragon from your hand.


Crimson Queen (Must be a series of LV monsters)

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Crimson Queen


A group of FIRE Spellcaster-type LV monsters who only level up when they are banished. They are very anti-spell/trap with discard effects that destroy spells/traps and inflicts burn on the opponent. Their highest monster is LV 9. To avoid dead hands, the higher leveled ones can shuffle themselves back into the Deck for a draw, but you take damage whenever you do this.


(Various letter)-Linker

Ex: V-Linker

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The -Linkers are a series of EARTH Aqua Union monsters that can swarm the field quickly and equip themselves onto other -Linkers for various effects. Whenever a -Linker is sent to the Graveyard because it self-destructed off the standard union effect, they may search for another -Linker and add it to hand. Their trumps are A-Linker and Z-Linker, both boasting a sizable body and very good union effect. 


Next up: Jewelairy

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A trio of EARTH Fairies that act as support for both Gem-Knights and Melodious, a la Crystal Rose. One swarms, one searches (both summon/search for other Jewelairies, Gem-Knights, or Melodious, but only on summon), and one substitutes for Fusion Summons.


Ordo Explorator

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Archetype of Warrior-Type monsters that are treated as Machine-Type monsters, and vice versa. Their effects require discarding cards from your hand, such as:"During your Main Phase, you can discard 1 card from your hand; Special Summon this acrd from your hand" and "Once per turn, you can discard 1 "Metal Knight" monster from your hand to banish 1 card on the field; you cannot conduct your Battle Phase the turn you activate this effect." They all have varying Levels, but no Extra Deck.


Malicious Manufacturing

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Triboil Archetype


A group of little but destructive WATER & FIRE Fairy-type monsters whose effects work when 3 monsters with the same name are on the field. They have powerful effects when this happens such as a Raigeki effect, a Harpie Feather Duster effect, Draws, opponent discards...etc. Of course, to compensate for their enormous power, they have to shuffle two copies into the Deck when they use their ability and they are quite easy to run over.



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The Bounty Hunters are a set of Warriors with various attributes (mostly DARK) based around your opponent controlling certain Attributes. They all have the effect of "When this card destroys a (insert attribute) monster by battle, you can draw 1 card." They also have effects that let you change your opponent's monsters attributes, and one of their S/T support cards lets you summon a Bounty Hunter whose attribute is the same as a monster on the field once a turn.


Next archetype: Forsaken.

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A set of DARK Fiends that focus on attacking directly ("going ghost"). To make up for their bypassing of monsters, they all have rather low ATK. Their S/T support is more based on disruption and stalling than actually winning, making the archetype very slow and grindy.


Of the Forward Order.

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Of the Forward Order


Archetype of LIGHT Insect-Type monsters. They vary in Levels and focus on Xyz Summoning. They all share the same effect of "Your opponent takes no Battle Damage from battles involving this card", but in exchange it gives them slightly more freedom for effects that would be considered somewhat broken otherwise. The monsters are fast to Summon and/or add, but unless you have their signature Quick-Play Spell "Execution Order" (it's effect being:"Target 1 Of the Forward Order" monster you control; its effects are negated and it is unaffected by other card effects. These effects last until the End Phase. During your Draw Phase, you can add this card from your Graveyard to your hand instead of drawing a card.), your opponent's not going to take any damage.


Mortis Pax

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The "Naval" monsters are a set of mostly low-leveled WATER Machines that focus on Tributing the lowest-leveled monsters (levels 1-2) as ammunition for the higher-leveled monsters' (3 and up) effects. Each of the ammo monsters summons another copy of themselves when tributed, which is balanced out by having a hard OPT cause on the higher-leveled monsters' tributing effects. Their boss monster applies the copying effect of the ammo monsters to all other monsters you control, and can tribute a Naval monster to either summon one with a different level from your Deck or popping a card on the field.


Next archetype: Angelic Sphere.

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A linear archetype of Fairy-Type monsters that set up the Field for their boss monster, Primum Mobile. They have 2 cards that support them outside the archetype: A Field Spell named "Empyrean" and a searcher that links them to the Burning Abyss, "Beatrice, Guide through the Burning Abyss". They all have discard and milling effects, to encourage running Burning Abyss monsters.

The Forgotten.
Must have relation to older cards.

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The Forgotten are a retrain set of monsters from the Duel Masters era. They have a slow summon speed, but once on the field, they are capable of preventing your opponent from activating effects. They are summoned by banishing the original from your deck. They then have spell cards that prevent them from being destroyed and traps that destroy your opponent's monsters.



Must include a Labyrinth field spell

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Archetype of FIRE Insect-Type monsters. Their effects focus on the Battle Phase, with effects that activate in response to destroying monsters by battle, inflicting damage, or removing monsters that can't be destroyed by battle. And for monsters that are unaffected by such card effects, they have a Quick-Play Spell Card that makes their attack equal to the monster they battle in exchange for your opponent taking no damage from the attack.


Legacy of Roses

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A set of high-leveled EARTH and FIRE Beast, Dinosaur, and Reptile monsters that focus on supporting each other and their respective types. They're very beatdown-oriented, and have effects that give other Apex Predators and monsters of their type things like more ATK, piercing, and the Ancient Gear effect (opponent can't use S/T when one attacks).



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