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Archetype Game


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The amount of coin flips is strong with this one. Basically, all of the monsters require a coin flip to trigger and they must be Heads to do anything. So...what's the point of having a Deck with a 50% chance of functioning? Well, there exist a few support cards that can force any coin flip results to be Heads, so effectively a slightly less effective Light Barrier for Arcana Force, but always on hand. The bosses have effects that trigger for Tails results, but they aren't as amazing (but still potent enough).



Eternal Life


[spoiler=Reference, but obviously, do what you want with this]



I assume you all know who this is by now. Also, this is in the AGM generics, so those of you participating in Deck challenges...



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Eternal Life

What happens when Melodious and Aroma get together? This archetype. They're mostly a mix of LIGHT Aqua and WATER Fairy, and their main shtick is that they have 3 effects: One trigger effect when your LP is increased, one Continuous Effect that's in effect if it's Special Summoned, and a third effect that aids one goal or the other. True to their archetype name, their idea of a good time is being absurdly difficult to kill: it is entirely possible for them to create boards that essentially say "hope you have Reficule and some piercing lol", because they even have members that prevents their members from being Tributed, bounced, and spun, on top of familiar effects that prevent destruction, targeting, and being used as Material. The ideal first turn is to get out the ones that prevent destruction, targeting, and Tributing in Defense Position, and then just letting your opponent kill themselves by Deck-out because most people don't carry non-targeting bouncing/spinning to out your board, and if someone topdecks Super Poly at that point they likely deserve to win. Just . . . be careful not to get too greedy and overextend, because then some Decks can win by doing absolutely nothing. Also, burn is your worst enemy, because your in-archetype LP gains are tiny. They have very good Synchro bosses, but like Ice Barriers, their good bosses practically cuckold them by being nigh-impossible to Summon in their own archetype.



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An archetype of different types and attributes. They are all level 4 FLIP effect monsters that have a positive effect and a negative effect. When they are destroyed by an opponent's card though, you can Special Summon a "Surprize" monster from your hand to your field and one from your Deck to the opponent's field.


As a deck, they're fairly incoherent and pretty weak, typically becoming a slow Rank 4 deck, or forcing your opponent to pay too many negative costs.



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A FIRE Rock-Type archetype, whose members are named after the sub-variations in lava and igneous rock. Not only that, but their strategy is quite similar to how lava behaves- they're slow to come out, but thankfully they burn through your opponent's resources fast enough to drag their speed down to your level. It's a creeping, inevitable death that gives you ample time to realize you're screwed before going in for the kill . . . because if your opponent does have anything set up, Overflow does a very slick 3-step kill one they get up to the point where they do things:

Step 1: Negate. All your opponent's stuff has its effects negated, killing their momentum.

Step 2: Obliterate. They excel in shuffling things they've negated, as well as your opponent's Graveyard and hand resources, back into their Deck. After all, lava never permanently kills off life- it just buries it to leave room for new life to flourish.

Step 3: Poke. Seriously. At the end of the day, you're expected to beat your opponent down with 300-900 ATK monsters after you've killed all their hopes and dreams of playing YGO today.

And there you go.


Volt Crest

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Thunder-Type monsters that focus on quick Xyz Summons and Rank-Ups. The Main Deck is just called "Volt Crest [x]" and the Extra Deck is called "Imperial Volt Crest [x]", their corresponding crest Rank written in various languages (and obviously their own Rank). They have internal ways of Ranking Up, but like Raidraptors, have a few RUMs to play with for their own amusement. Just make sure you can continually summon because the Xyz Monsters die out after a certain number of turns, or really just keep refilling their materials. 



Hazardous Material Zoo

(You can use the portmanteau if you want)



  • Be competent enough to make this. (So yeah, please actually make a viable theme for this; reminder that we'll end up making these)

(By Tinkerer's request, don't make this a Link-based Archetype; Cyverse-Type monsters are fair game if you can pull it off. If anyone wants to argue about the no Link rule in this game, take it up with him OUTSIDE this thread.)

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Hazardous Material Zoo


Hazardous Material Zoo, or H.M.Z. for short, is a series of DARK Beast types that can very easily go into most any Extra Deck stuff, with a fair amount of high level tuners and fusion substitute clauses. They have nice swarming capabilities, but low stats pretty much forcing them to go into their Extra for plays. However, if they are used as Material, they give the monster they summon extremely negative effects from self-banishing, to burning yourself, to letting your opponent draw. Fortunately, all these things happen at the End Phase, meaning you have the ability to do something about the monster before it begins killing you.


...which is where the archetype's Spell/Traps come in. They have several in-archetype variations of Creature Swap and Symbols of Duty. They also have a fair amount of monster effect negation just in case. They also have a single field spell that works as generic Beast-type support: "If a monster that was Special Summoned from the Extra Deck is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can target 1 level 4 or lower Beast-type monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target."


Ancient Metropolis

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Ancient Metropolis

This archetype focuses on their self-named Field Spell, which acts as a OPT Parallel World Fusion- you can shuffle the required Materials for an archetypal Fusion into your Deck from your Banished Zone to bring out the required Materials. This is on top of floating, having an on-activation search, and song like Seraphinite and giving a second Normal Summon. Your Main Deck monsters are a mix of Psychic and Rock, that can all self-revive almost entirely for free, with the condition of being banished when they leave the field like Quillbolt or Paleozoics. In addition, they have effects that, like Fluffals, are activated when they're Normal Summoned or Special Summoned from your hand, mostly searching and additional Special Summons. Then, you get a bunch of Fusion Summons, their Machine-Type Fusions generally requiring one or two named Materials and then a looser Material or two. Ancient Metropolis generally plays the long game, wearing down your opponent's resources and outs for things, especially given that your Fusions can send themselves back to the ED from the Graveyard for some targeting destruction, and that you have a monster that can add your Spells and Traps from your Graveyard back to your hand. Essentially, your opponent will waste resources at you while you can keep throwing your cards on board until they're out of ways to fight you.


Revisethan (based on the mistranslation of "Leviathan Dragon" as "Revise Dragon" from just before ZeXal started)

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Revisethan is a rank 3 engine comrpised of WATER dragons that excel at high ATK. Due to not being able to attack directly, they have a lineup of Spell/Trap cards that allow them to inflict ever increasing amounts of damage and piercing damage. They have little to no protection, so cards such as the Mirror Force cards are really neccessary to protect them. They have a boss monster that can be summoned by using 3 Revisethans as materials(some have UTL clauses where they can summon using other Revisethans as materials) that has 0 ATK, but when battling, swaps ATK with the monster it is battling and it has protection from effect destruction.



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Welcome to a post-apocalyptic world where the human race is on the verge of extinction and only a select few exist. Remember The Last Warrior from Another Planet? Yeah, basically high Level monsters that lock off the summoning of another monsters while they exist on the field. OK, not really as bad, but something along the lines of "you can only summon 1 monster per turn" (unless you're an SCP monster in which case you can make another one). They have access to Monarch support cards, but not enough speed to really abuse them. There exist smaller Level 4 members that don't lock off summons, but are low power and really only exist to make summoning the Level 6/8/10 bosses faster (a la Edea/Eidos). 


Just make sure you don't brick because you will have a high tendency of doing so, but if you can get one boss out, you win.



Report Abuser


(No, this isn't an actual user group, but you can guess who would be given this.)

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Report Abuser

Has Toadally Awesome hurt your soul enough yet? TOO BAD! Here is an archetype with a similar gimmick: they're pseudo-Trap Monsters (Paleozoic, Phantom Knights of Shadow Veil) that can prevent a card from hitting the Graveyard by stealing it to your field face-down. Not only that, but their condition for Summoning themselves from the Graveyard is absolutely evil: each time your opponent Summons in a turn beyond the first, you get a Report Abuser, and if you run out of room on your field, your opponent cannot Summon at all- "If you do not have an unoccupied Monster Card Zone, your opponent cannot Normal or Special Summon monsters, also monsters cannot be Set to your opponent's field". So, essentially, the game is slowed down by the existence of these jerks- your opponent has to either topdeck field nukes or wait until Main Phase 2 to make their plays, because immunity to targeting means your opponent's ways of making your field open enough to use typically involve either Raigeki or running these things over. Luckily, they're not completely stupid- as Level 1 Insects when Summoned, they have no noteworthy Xyz to go into, and using these things for beatdown doesn't work either given their pathetic ATK. In that regard, they're not a Deck in their own right, they're a toolbox other Decks will occasionally dabble in.



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Exvice is a group of DARK Fiend-Type monsters that specialize in rapid Fusion Summons, surpassing Fusion happy Decks like Fluffals, Eidolons and the like. Or really, consider these as the love child of Fluffals in terms of Main Deck and Eidolons in the form of support cards and the multi-Attribute Fusion bosses. None of the bosses are summonable by Instant Fusion though (so no Caligula/Raideen; uh, do Eidolons even run Instant Fusion for this outside Elysion?), but you don't need it to ladder. Just enjoy milling yourself though, because a lot of their combos go off in the Graveyard (and they have a Future Fusion clone).
Time Out User
(Most of you guys on Discord know this exists if you misbehave)

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Time Out User


Time Out Users are a group of Level 4 EARTH Warriors with impressive (around 2000) ATK and DEF that can go into almost any type of Summon: Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, you name it they can do it. However, when they attack or when they're summoned, they can't attack for a certain number of turns. The Fusion/Synchro/Xyz Monsters of the archetype also can't attack for a few turns, and when they do attack (or use one of their effects) they get bounced back during the end phase. To make up for these flaws, their Spells and Traps can do things like negate all EARTH monsters' effects at a cost (allowing the Users to attack), deal their ATK as damage or be an in-archetype Neo Space for the ED monsters that doesn't suck. Unfortunately, using one of these spells and traps requires you to destroy 1 Time Out User you control, and they have no grave effects to speak of.


aaaand now I want to make these gdi



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(You can, but be mindful that it is an actual role on Discord [which is equivalent to getting post locked here]. Oh hell, we even have a Time Out group here that does the same thing. But seriously, get accepted in AGM and you can do this.)




Aqua-Type monsters with a heavy focus on halving the ATK/DEF of all other monsters on the field, well, at least for the higher members. Lower ones rely on small drops for non-Dicicle monsters, but they add up over time. Their support cards are limited in a sense and ATK/DEF don't go very high, BUT...they are Salvage targets and their halving effects stack (so enjoy having to deal with stuff like 1/8 ATK/DEF, 1/16 ATK/DEF, etc)



Post Flooder

(You can assume this either refers to dams that constantly overflow, or someone who continually floods this site with their threads and doesn't read comments)

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2 questions:

a. Is this AGM thing still accepting members?

b. Is every archetype you suggest going to be based off some sort of punishment/punishable offense on Discord?



Post Flooders are a group of monsters that, as their name suggests, flood the field with their Spell and Trap cards. These Spells and Traps are very simple, but can get annoying if there are many of them. However, because all these monsters can do is flood the field with Spells and Traps and don't have big bodies (being Lv.1 Fish doesn't help anything), they're taken out easily. However, these monsters ignore all outside feedback and attempts to eject them from the field, because they are all unaffected by card effects. 



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1. If you do the monthly Deck challenge and succeed, then you'll be up for consideration. (idk, ask Draco why he has this policy outside of activity)


2. For the most part, no.


For the record, some of the prompts are either non-related to YCM / Discord or if they are, are just user groups and not actual punishments. Reminder for this one is I did give you another assumption to work with, and that correlates to actual dams that hold back water.


(Still though, behave if you don't want us putting you there)





Graviturtles are Aqua-Type WIND monsters that have immunity to your opponent's card effects coupled with high DEF (as expected). They are mostly comprised of Level 5+ members, but do have smaller members that can be summoned via Surface. Banisharks can somewhat combo with them effectively, but it's usually better to play them pure. 


As you get higher in Level, the bosses start taking on Towers-levels of immunity, so...you'll have to work hard to break them.



Lunar Breaker 

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Lunar Breaker


A series of monsters that are capable of doing amazing things... if they get off the ground.


They are an archetype that revolves around equip spells.  If they are equipped with none, they are treated as Normal Monsters with fairly pathetic original ATK, however the more equips are equipped to them, the more effects they unlock and the greater their ATK and DEF grows.  For consistency, their 1-Equip effect is usually along the lines of swarming or adding cards to the hand.  As a win condition, when any Lunar Breaker has 5 Equips, they can nuke the field and then get 5 attacks.  The biggest problem with it all?  They have no in-archetype equips.


Their Spell/Trap line-up consists of a single field spell which works as generic equip spell support, and traps which offer the ability to be temporarily equipped to a monster and have floating effects when destroyed while face-up.


Next: Celestial Jewelry




aaaand now I want to make these gdi


Go ahead; that was actually my original point for this thread.  AGM is kinda like an extension of that, but you don't have to join the AGM in order to use the ideas from this thread.

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Archetype of Equip Spell Cards that grant their wearer several different effects, ranging from Majespecter-style immunity up to destruction/banishing capacities, and they do stack. They are a support Archetype for Celestial Dragon Warriors, who utilize this in a similar vein to NKs but with far greater efficiency; also they're generic so anyone who has space can play them. The great part of these is that they will automatically attach another Celestial Jewelry to monsters you control if they get blown up or leave the field. As the "replacement" is mandatory, just make sure these aren't clogging your S/T zone if you want to set generic backrow.





Celestial Dragon Warrior


(Because I made this prompt somewhat involve these, then yeah; though for obvious reasons, you can have them do something totally different and Jewelry can be adapted to whatever comes up for this one)

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Celestial Dragon Warrior


Archetype of LIGHT Wyrm-type monsters with a heavy focus on their Equip Spells, the Celestial Jewelry. Each Jewelry card gains an extra effect when equipped to a Celestial Dragon. Each Celestial Dragon also gains effects depending on how many Jewelry cards there are on the field. For even more plays, their Extra Deck monsters can gain the effects of Jewelry cards in your hand or graveyard. Their non-Equip Spell backrow lineup is very small, though.


Wind Rider

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Archetype of WIND monsters. Some of them are Union monsters. The Union monsters tend to be Winged Beast, Dragon, and Machine-Type, and their effects range from protection to recovery. They're not too hard to bring out, as some of the non Union monsters have self-Summon effects, and some of the Union monsters have other Summoning or adding effects (for example: When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 "Wind Rider" monster from your hand or Graveyard). They do have Xyz monsters, but their Summoning requirements are strictly Union monsters (for exmple: 2 Level 4 Union monsters), so don't count on bringing them out on Turn 1. Each Union monster has a Special Summon effect that triggers upon their destruction, so don't feel too bad if you lose them.



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Named for the Romanian word for "iron", these Machines like to bulk up their defenses and make it so nothing can pass them. This involves varying amounts of effect and battle immunity; the Extra Deck bosses have a combination of both and are otherwise very tanky in DEF. They have the Superheavy Samurai gimmick of attacking in Defense Position, and can benefit off of Musashi as a tech. A drawback though; like Superheavies, they have very low ATK so if they're "exposed", something like Watapon can kill them with ease. Yeah, they do have backrow so they aren't as screwed over as Superheavies, but just make sure you aren't forced into Attack Position. At least you have Machine Dupe support...


Needless to say, they do NOT have Links.


[if you can get steamrollered with Watapon, something is wrong with you]



Hearts Riding Club


(This should probably be themed on actual riding, but do as you will with this. Just no Link Monsters; again, this is what Tinkerer mentioned so don't complain to me about it.)

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Hearts Riding Club

This is another of those two-part archetypes- think Kozmos with Psychic and Machine, or Dragunity with Winged Beast and Dragon. Notably, like the latter, it's a master/rider dynamic, with Spellcasters that ride and tame their Beast of choice. However, it combines a bit of the style of both- the Spellcaster "masters" can Tribute themselves on a Quick Effect to snatch the Beasts from your Deck, or get them out of your hand/Graveyard. Then, the Beasts all float, and they carry a Majespecter clause while their specific rider is on the field (ie, If you control "Hearts Riding Club - Quick Caster", this monster cannot be destroyed or targeted by cards or effects.), and often carry some method of protecting all the riders on the field, either by attracting attacks, negating effects that target the riders, or by carrying some quick destruction. However, if for whatever reason you get an incompatible rider/beast pair out, or if you know your opponent will be able to crack your board, the Spellcasters are Tuners, and their Synchros are surprisingly pretty generically good, if awkward to make outside HRC (requiring Spellcaster Tuners, Beast non-Tuners, or both).


Rafflu (raffle + flu)

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A garish group of ghouls dressed up in brightly colored suits. These odd fiends are ones that mix flip summoning with die rolling. They all are flip monsters with certain easy conditions that let them flip face-up whenever they're met. Once they flip up, they cannot be destroyed unless your opponent rolls two specific numbers with other beneficial effects that trigger when your opponent rolls other numbers (ie. One might get destroyed if your opponent runs a 1 or 6). Also, if your opponent trips their flipping conditions while they are already face-up, they're forced to roll a die.


As annoying as these things are, they have little in the way of ATK/DEF, so a single piercer monster should suffice with dismantling their entire strategy.


They have several quick-play spells that can be cast from the hand during the opponent's turn if they roll one of 3 different numbers on the die. These spells are usually used to get rid of opponent's monsters or help put more of these Polka-dot-sporting creatures on board. They also have an in-archetype (but actually generic) Field Spell that burns the opponent and weakens their monsters whenever they roll the dice.


Hope you get lucky, or you'll win a lifetime supply of Frustration.



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What Arcana Force wanted to be.


This archetype of WIND Fairies includes one Main Deck monster for each Major Arcana, with three effects apiece- one if Normal or Flip Summoned, one if Special Summoned, and an OPT effect that helps you accomplish one goal or the other (ie, one acts like Seraphinite, one acts like Darkness Metal, so on and so forth). In addition, they carry some backrow that lets you treat a Normal Summoned monster as having been Special Summoned, and vice versa, to swap between the effects as necessary.


In terms of what they actually do, the NS/FS effects are generally control-based, borrowing from archetypes like Ojama, Majespecter, and cards like the LV Horus stuff. The Special Summon effects, however, lend to OTK-focused beatdown, borrowing more from the effect rosters of archetypes like Frightfur and Blue-Eyes.


It's completely player preference whether you want to run Control Transfortune or OTK Transfortune, but either way you'll likely have a lot of fun.


Spyne (spy + spine)

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Level 3-8 Beast- and Reptile-type EARTH monsters that specialize in Xyz Summoning their Beast-Warrior- and Reptile-type EARTH Xyz Monsters. (The Reptile-type ones require any Reptile-type Xyz Materials, and the Beast-Warrior-type ones require the Materials to just be "Spyne" monsters.) When they're destroyed by battle or your opponent's card effect, you can target one monster your opponent controls and destroy it. Most of them resemble real-life animals with spikes, like porcupines or bearded dragons, but with spy gear.


Link-D (pronounced like "Linked")

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Well, given that Tinkerer specifically said no Link requests, or prompts for Links . . . I'll just do something fun with this.



Oh hey look, a Deck that can borrow ABC support.


Long story short, LIGHT Machine-Type Unions that borrow ideas from Noble Knights and Raidraptors. Primarily Xyz-focused, each one generally has different effects when equipped to a monster or used as Xyz Material, and all their archetypal Xyz can swap out archetype Materials for Equips and vice versa, even swapping mats and equips with one another where necessary. Then, you'll generally use one of their in-archetype RUM cards to go into higher Ranks when you don't need the Equips' protection anymore, so that you can banish the buggers from the Graveyard to go extra extra plus- searching, revival, and removal by the bucketload are available just by banishing used-up "Link-D" monsters, and then you can use cards like Union Scramble to put them back in the Graveyard to be re-Summoned and/or banished again.


As for what they do, it's like ZeXal, but better- sitting on and upgrading a boss, playing protect the castle, and dodging potentially harmful battles or targeting effects through use of Quick-Play RUMs.


Calibug (caliber + bug)

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