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Archetype Game


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The white, ivory horns of the legendary (and fantasy) creatures - like dragons and unicorns - that make up the "White-Horned" archtype, hold mystical powers that can be used to manipulate memories and minds of anyone around them. The creatures use these powers to make have their enemies become afraid of them; giving them the upperhand under different circumstances. Due to these powers, the horns are highly sought after. Which is also the reason most of these majestic creatures are poached.


Or in less flavourful words: The monsters in this archtype affect the hands and decks of specific players (mind), as well as cards in their graveyards and cards that are banished (memories), to become more powerful based on how much they affected it. (This does not necessarily imply they gain ATK and DEF; it could for example grant protection.) Their support Spells/Traps tribubute/discard/etc. the monsters to gain advantage in certain ways ("selling" the horns on the black market).


Next up: "Fabulous"

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A LIGHT archetype of various Types, with one of each of the seven colors of the rainbow, like Crystal Beasts . . . and, like ABC, you can banish all the Main Deck members from the field or Graveyard to Fusion Summon their ultimate boss: "Fabulous King of Rainbow". Their primary gimmick, however, is somewhere between Lightsworn and Darklords: sending the entire Deck to the Graveyard to power each other up and have them there for revival purposes. The Deck is very consistent and fast, but is admittedly lacking in power without Summoning their King. However, they're so accessible that they are an acceptable engine for other Graveyard-focused Decks.



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Archetype of LIGHT Rock-Type monsters that equip to other monsters and bound their target's bodies in a way that restricts them from moving (either by stat lowering, effect negation or otherwise the ability to be used for Xyz Material). The cool part about them is they can be equipped via the hand; none of this "I need to summon you to do stuff", Only problem is that the opponent can still wipe out the armor cards via common removal AND every time a Prison-Armor card dies, you get burned. In other words, make sure you prevent the opponent from blowing up backrow and your opponent is effectively chained up like a dog; oh right, and make sure you can defend yourself from general direct attacks.



Spinny Circler

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Spinny Circler

Do you enjoy complication? Well, then this archetype is for YOU! First off, every single member's stats are annoying, adding up to exactly 3140. Secondly, they're Pendulums that kinda break the concept of Pendulums: You explicitly can't Summon between the Scales, you Summon literally everything else. That's right, their Scale pairs are 3 and 9, and all their members are Levels 1-3 and 9-12. But that's not the weirdest part . . . you don't even Pendulum Summon to your own field. You clog your opponent's field with awkward, obstructive monsters that, similarly to OG Archfiends, you have no option but to pay Life Points every turn to keep. Then, of course, you use archetype-restricted Change of Heart clones to go on awkward beatdown rampages.


Thorn Barrier

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Thorn Barrier is an archetype of level 3 and 6 Plants. The level 3 pendulum monsters are perfect for swarming, but relatively easy to trample. Then you realize that the level 6 monsters gain defense for every Thorn Barrier in the Extra Deck, making short term defense a great tactic. They also have abilities that force you opponent to attack them, some on your turn. They have no ED, but once you have enough level 3's in there, it won't matter, because even if you run out, the level 6's can be used to Pendulum Summon them back as Tribute fodder.


Infinity Gear (Like TG Magicians effect, Infinity Gear Reverse? I need this for my Numerix, actually.)

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Infinity Gear

A Magitek archetype done right, put bluntly. Spellcasters, Warrriors, Psychics, Machines . . . but, despite the diversity, these Pendulums work amazingly together. Unlike Spell Counter Magicians, Infinity Gear monsters don't need a Spell Card to resolve before they get their Spell Counters, and with most of their effects being Quick Effects, you don't even need to fear slamming yourself with a Dark Hole if you want your monsters to get their effects off. As such, they tend to play fast and loose, shooting off as many Spell Cards as they can, as quickly as they can. Better yet, they can even freely recycle Spells with ease, and it's not like Spell Counters will be hard to come by. And when they're done toying with Spell Cards, they make Ranks 4 through 7 like nobody's business, and their archetype Xyz hit hard with negation and lock tactics, with their own equivalents to CDI, #38, and Flare Metal. Their only limitation is that their stats are garbage across the board, with no member exceeding 3000 in either stat . . . but that can't be called much of a limitation, really.



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This archetype combines the deck searchability and mill power of the Reptile-type while changing into Zombies on the field/in the grave and taking advantage of their grave spam.  They are an archetype chock full of level 4 and 5s with 0 DEF whose effects tend towards inhibiting the opponent over progressing themselves.  They have a handful of tuners but their in-archetype Extra Deck monsters are Fusions.


Like the monsters, the archetype has a handful of traps that like to stun the opponent.  Each of their conditions are slightly restricted, but they all make up for it by searching/special summoning after they trigger or by skipping your opponent's next battle phase if destroyed.



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EARTH Machine-type that have the effect to be treated as another type while on the field or in the grave. This allows them to use other synchros that are type-restricted while using their own. The Synchros makes use of the main decks's types like getting stat manipulation or destroying cards for each monsters on the field or graveyard with different types.


Riverend (River + Reverend)

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A rather interesting archetype, with two distinct parts: "Riverend Relic", a series of counter Traps and normal Spells based around various items used in Catholic Church services and "Riverend Reader", all monsters that reference various religious practices. They are united by "River End's Riverend", a cont spell that allows you to trade then in for each other or dump them for stat boosts or protection. Decks made using both series tend to be rather grindy, as the Riverends themselves can discard a WATER monsters to protect themselves, and being either WATER Spellcasters, Aquas or Fairies, and either level 2 or level 6, they've a wide tool box to reach into. They also have a few archetypal Xyz and Fusions, including a Critas style one. The Relics focus more on banishing WAtER as cost and have a thing for shutting down specific things, e.g. Stopping the effects of all level 4 monsters until the end phase, preventing summons of monster with the same name as one in the graveyard or field.




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Imagine if the Power Rangers smoke a TON of meth. That's the Oversaurs. They're Dinosaur-Type monsters based off the most famous of prehistoric beasts, and they focus on nuking your opponents board, and gaining a fixed amount of ATK when they do. Their only flaw is their lack of in-archetype support S/T's and ED monsters. They're just Level 4, Level 5, and (one) Level 7 Effect monsters, meaning you have room to run whatever S/T's you want. They aren't exactly great at swarming, but they last in combat, since every single Level 4 risks breaking the 2000 ATK rule. Their boss is the Level 7 Oversaurus Rex, a T-Rex that makes Blue-Eyes look like a chump and has the same ATK/DEF.


EDIT: Awwmoeba

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Archetype of WATER Aqua-Type monsters. They have poor ATK and DEF. However, their effects more than make up for it. They are capable.of equipping to your opponent's monsters from the hand or face-up from your side of the field to take control of them. Their Spell/Trap Cards each come with an additional effect in which you can banish said Spell/Trap Crad to Special Summon 1 "Awwmeaboa" monster from your hand or Graveyard.


Maximum Security Prison

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Maximum Security Prison takes a new meaning to the word control. Coming in with more Field Spells then Tramids, these DARK/EARTH Warriors Psychic types can cycle through Field Spells by milling a Maximum Security Spell or Trap- and all Field Spells have effects if sent to the graveyard while all Traps (mostly normal traps that lock down draws, attacks, etc coupled with the a continuous trap for their own draw power) can banish to protect another Security guard. The Security themselves can Synchro and Fusion- at the same time. The Synchros are the inmates of the prison while the Fusions are the specially assigned guardsmen. As such, the Fusions further the control while the Synchros rampage while your opponent is helpless. To Fusion and Synchro at the same time, their Tuners can do it or a few of their field spells.


(They) Of the Oblivion

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Of the Oblivion


A large archetype consisting of DARK monsters. They have powerful destructive and drawing capabilities, but they cannot use them if there are any cards in your graveyard. On the plus side, whenever they would be sent to the graveyard, they're banished instead. Though the monsters have powerful stats, their win condition their win condition is a spell card that inflicts damage based on the difference between the number of face-up banished cards you have vs your opponent (and you still have to have no cards in grave).



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Regale: an archetype of noblemen WIND Spellcasters who provide broad WIND support in the form of buffs and protection. Problem? They are all level 8. Fortunately, they settle for one WIND monster as a tribute. The bigger problem is keeping more than one of them alive at a time, because they don't protect themselves, and their only boss is a fusion called Regale Hurricane, the lady of the Regale household.


Paradox Golems

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WATER Rock-Type monsters that break from the tradition of Rocks being for defensive purposes; no, they're full-out offensive and have very little defensive power so to speak of, but that doesn't really matter. Their main focus is heavy damage and making sure the opponent has very few options to really counter them, either through their own style of negation or destroying the opponent's monsters very quickly. One issue you may have with these guys; they are extremely vulnerable to all forms of removal and the mirror matches suck. Rock Burn loves these guys.


Speaking of the Type/Attribute combo, it's a paradox on its own; don't rocks normally ERODE in water? Meh, it's a good reason to tell players to knock off the semantics about Rocks being traditionally EARTH and being more passive; these literally say that. 



Brilliant Rider

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Brilliant Rider


Imagine Ghost Rider, except they shine brightfully instead.

LIGHT Zombie Pendulums that has effects of destroying themselves to destroy opponent cards. They allow Pendulum Summoning of the banished but if they do only banished cards can be summoned. Boss is a Fusion Pendulum with a summon procedure similar to that of ABC. 1 of its effects is essentially Macro Cosmos. Spell/Traps helps further more on the destruction.



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Archetype of DARK Aqua-Type monsters that force themselves onto the opponent's field and otherwise make their lives harder if they are foolish enough to destroy your monsters. Basically, if they're destroyed; they'll turn your opponent's field dependent on the amount of cards your opponent has on the field and Graveyard, meaning your opponent better restrict what they play. However, taking influence from biological cells, they're also small monsters that require each other to be effective at their job and they're extremely effective at it. 



Archer Premiére 

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These Frenchmen love arrows. They have mostly level 3 and 6 monsters, and they deal direct damage as they hit the field, in staggering amounts, and some of them chain off of burn damage to be summoned. Their Defense isn't great, but most of them make good beatsticks. They lack s/t cards, but they have a rank 3 that puts Gustav Max to shame when it comes to burn, primarily through it's flexible summoning. Basically, the -chacha archetype goes to the next level.



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Archetype of WIND Plant-Type monsters. They're each named after a type of tea. They focus primarily on easy Summons to easily set up Synchro or Fusion Summons (as their Fusion monsters are Summoned via Contact Fusion, like Ritual Beast). Their Synchro and Fusion monsters also each cone with a removal effect that activates upon Synchro Summon.


Midnight Assassin

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This archetype revolves around some DARK Warriors, level 4, who are unseen on their card pictures. They cannot be targeted by Spells or Traps. That's because these ladies of the night have pledged themselves to The Midnight Assassin, a Level 4 DARK Fiend Ritual monster who equips the monster tributed to summon him and can use its ability/atk , plus when your opponent activates a Spell or Trap card it costs them 800 life points. The Ritual Spell of the archetype is cable Blood of an Assassin.



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Time for Japan to roll out their waifu versions of The Terminator, hehehe...


But yeah, the above description pretty much sums the whole thing up; basically robots that are literally shaped like anime females and other kawaii characters, and assassinate things. By assassinating, you get it; mess up the opponent's field, kill off resources in the Deck, hand, Graveyard so nothing can respond. Admittedly, the weaker ones aren't as cute, but as they get cuter in appearance, so do their killing capacities (and we're talking Towers/Ultimate Ruri level of pain).


(Be warned haters, for the waifus have returned with a vengeance and they stop at nothing.)



Olympic Draco

(See Rio Olympics)


You are not actually required to base said cards off of the Rio games (that's just the motivation behind it), so do whatever you'd like with this. Just make a good prompt.

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Five Dragon-type monsters with an Exodia complex: having all five in your hand will end in many salty tears as you can activate all of their effects simultaneously, as well as summon them. They make good beatsticks, but their effects, especially all five of them, is truly a brutally debilitating onslaught. They don't have much splashability, depending on each other to do anything beyond be there. But they do fit well into any Dragon-type deck and they come in five different Attributes,making them varied enough to fit in almost any deck as filler. They have one spell, which searches them out kind of like ROTA.


Heroic Crest

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Heroic Crest

A two-part archetype, similar to Noble Knights/Arms or Fluffal/Edge-Imp, composed of Holders of the Heroic Crest and Knights of the Heroic Crest. They're an effective Synchro Fusion archetype, with all the Holders being Union Tuners that are stupidly easily searchable. In terms of what they do, Heroic Crests commit to impressive combo-based plays that end in having multiple large beaters with different kinds of negation on board at once. Interrupt the combo and they're screwed, but if it goes through . . . picture an archetype that can consistently field 5 bosses and you get it.


Cyclone Peas

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OK, the motto of Cyclone Peas is "if it's stupid, but it works, it's not stupid." These French vegetables are hard to take seriously, regardless of their effectiveness in battle. They each have 1000 ATK and DEF and they are all level 1. Jean-Claude can blow straight onto the field by shuffling one of his brothers into the deck. When your deck is shuffled with Philippe in it, you can send him to the graveyard to summon another from your hand. And when Francois is Summoned, he can pull un frere vert from the garbage bin!


Then there is their contact fusion: Hurricane Blownaparte! That's not a typo, that's a pun. Blownaparte is a once per turn Giant Trunade with 3000 atk and defense that requires one of each pea. Aesthetically, Blownaparte is just the three peas under a green and gold Napoleon-style coat. They have a Quick-play Spell called "Pea Cyclone", a nuke-meets-defusion spell for Blownaparte.


L.O.G. (ludicrously oversized guns)

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basically, this is how Mother Nature say "ENOUGH!!!" to majority of humans who uncontrollably destroying nature. as the trees and vegetation around the planet uproot and mystically reshape themselves to turn into an army of  gigantic-and-far stronger version of humans naval and land artillery. besieging the humans around the world with both absolute despair and wondrous awe


all of them are either EARTH, WIND, and WATER Plant-Type monster with level ranging from 9-12 that focuses on support high rank xyz summons and perform a specialize soft-lock that tandem with forcing opponent to pay huge sum of life points

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