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Archetype Game


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a sereis of extra deck monsters that as their name suggest are zenophobic not allowing neither the summon nor the activation of effects of any card the same turn they are used

they have built in future fusion-like summons to compensate the absence of main deck monsters

their boss summons itself by banishing face up monsters of the archetype (min2)  and flips them face down both as cost for effect and as a ritual to sustain itself 

next: ceramic

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6 minutes ago, i exist said:

next: ceramic

"Ceramic" is an archetype with a shuffle game method. Cards in this archetype have a shuffle effect that will trigger other effects continuously to help win a match. also has Spell/Trap cards which have the effect of shuffling cards, whether from the field, GY, or banished cards into the deck. Example:

Ceramic Diodorro

LV 4/WATER/Rock/Effect


You can target 1 monster you control, except "Ceramic Diodorro": Shuffle that target into the Deck; Special Summon this card from your Hand. When this card is Shuffled into the Deck, you can add 1 "Ceramic" card from your Deck or GY to your hand, except "Ceramic Diodorro". You can only used each effect of "Ceramic Diodorro" once per turn.

Cera-Ceramic Floor

(Field Spell Card)

Once per turn, you can target 1 card you control and 1 card your opponent control: Shuffle those target into the Deck. Once per turn, when this card you control would be destroyed by card effect, you can shuffle 1 monster you control or in your GY into the deck instead.


Next: Magmafrost

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A fusion archetype of FIRE Aqua & WATER Pyro monsters with 0 ATK designed to win Duels through burn effects.

The archetype's main focus is around their key Quick-Play Spell:
"Rimefire Fusion"


Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using 2 monsters from your hand or field with different types and Attributes as Fusion Material. If a Fusion monster you control is sent to the GY while this card is in the GY: You can add this card to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Rimefire Fusion" once per turn.


While the card doesn't itself deal burn damage, the Fusions each have burn effects and can easily be fused into each other while cycling Rimefire to prep for further plays.

While the deck is quite effective at burning, the cards often have conditions that limit how much damage can be done in a turn (3000 as the typical max). Carefully setup your plays to burn during your turn and use your quick play fusion to interrupt and dodge opponent effects during your opponent's turn!

Next: Furral (Fur + Feral)

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3 hours ago, Tinkerer said:

Next: Furral (Fur + Feral)

"Furral" is an archetype of Beast and Fiend with different attribute each other. With unique requirement to summon "You can Special Summon this card from your hand by tributing 1 monster on the field (including your opponent monster) with the same attribute with this card". Also, some of monster in this archetype had a effect to change the attribute of a monster on the field, and will help other "Furral" monster to summon. This archetype also have Synchro and Link monster with an effect "gains 200 ATK for each different attribute on the field".


Next: Baztossa

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  • 2 months later...
On 9/23/2023 at 8:49 PM, Yuma Kaiba said:

Next: Baztossa

An archetype based on flipping coins... Except the coin flips themselves don't do anything.

Rather, the backrow all have conditional effects that allow you to flip a coin, and the monsters apply effects whenever you do.


Carrion Coin Feeder of Baztossa DARK, Level 3 or 4, Winged Beast or Fiend, 900/200

Once per turn, whenever a coin is tossed, all monsters you control gain 1000 attack and lose 1000 defense. If you control a "Baztoss-A-Coin!" card, if the result of that coin toss was a heads, all monsters you control gain 1500 attack and defense, instead.

Bazztoss-A-Coin! Meaningful interjection!, Continuous trap.

Whenever a "Baztossa" monsters effect activates, gain 500 lifepoints. Once per turn, when your opponent draws a card, you can flip a coin. If you controlled a level 7 or higher "Baztossa" monster when you activated this effect, and the result was "Heads", the card they drew is shuffled into it's owner's deck.

Next: RPG class systems (think the bravely default series).

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4 hours ago, eseer said:

Next: RPG class systems (think the bravely default series).

"Dragon Nest" archetype. Is an archetype of Warrior, Spellcaster, Psychic and Dragon monster. Had many Extra Deck Dragon boss monster, like Link, Synchro, Fusion, Xyz. This archetype gain advantage if destroy a card(s) (either by battle or by their card effect).

Example card:

DN Lulumoon the Alchemist

LV 3/LIGHT/Psychic/Tuner/Effect


You can target 1 other card you control and 1 card your opponent control; destroy those target. At the end of Battle Phase, after this card was destroy(s) a card on the field (either by battle or by its own effect) and was not negate; you can Special Summon 1 "DN Lulumoon the Physician" from your hand or deck. You can only used each effect of "DN Lulumoon the Alchemist"

This archetype had a Spell/Trap to support them, focusing on Quick play and Counter Trap. Also had Field Spell to gains more advantage if the effect triggered.


Next: "Plasmablast"

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/3/2023 at 7:09 PM, Yuma Kaiba said:

Next: "Plasmablast"

Plasmablast is an Archetype of Light and Fire monsters that work to control the board while burning your opponent and banishing their cards. They can activate their effects by returning a monster with a different attribute then their own from the field to the hand during your opponent's turn or by controlling the other attribute during your own and excavating a number of cards equal to the number of cards you control. with improved effects the more of a certain type you reveal (LIGHT wants to excavate FIRE and Traps and FIRE wants to excavate LIGHT and spells). This makes them a little splashable in decks that use the other Attribute and backrow.

Their boss monster can only be summoned at the end of a turn from hand if neither player controls monsters or both players have equal LP (Both conditions must be met to summon from GY).


Next: Evolving Fortress

Edited by Loleo
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9 hours ago, Loleo said:

Next: Evolving Fortress

Evolving Fortress "Archetype"

An archetype with game mechanics that are fun to play. By developing Rock type monsters with certain conditions so that they can evolve into Machine or Psychic types and become stronger. Monsters that are "evolved" have a strong effect when special summoned. Machine or Psychic types have their own character effects. For example, the Machine type, whose effects will cause damage and destroy the opponent's cards, while the Psychic type will provide a protective effect, as well as searcher cards. Spell/Trap Card support for this Archetype can help the Rock monster you control to "evolve" more easily.


Next: "Starfiend"

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(I hope you don't mind I slightly modified the name from "Starfiend" to "Star Fiend")

(TL;DR The next prompt is "Lost World")

Star Fiend!

Is it a alien from a far off planet, a mistake of science let loose on an unprepared galaxy, or a future evolution of mankind from the 8th dimension?! All anyone knows is they've never seen a hero like him before and to never get on his bad side. Tune in later this week for the action packed climax of The Star Fiend's origin! Same Fiend time, Same Fiend channel!

Inspired by serialized cheesy Sci-Fi stories, "Star Fiend" uses a central cast of monsters meant to search, recycle, or protect the "Episode" cards. First the titular Hero "The Star Fiend", a LIGHT Fiend (in case the name wasn't obvious enough) goes out on adventures and searches out "episode" cards on summon. His plucky mechanic, an EARTH Warrior, grants protection to your "Episode" cards while "The Star Fiend's" love interest, a bodacious stellar EARTH Warrior babe, will search out other "Star Fiend" monsters. Lastly, the hideous, loveable scamp of The Star Fiend's dog, monkey, reptile animal companion, a fellow LIGHT Fiend, will dig up any "Episode" cards in your graveyard whether destroyed by your opponent or sent there yourself.

As for the "Episode" cards, they're broken down into "Episode 1" and "Episode 2" cards which grants a 3 unique effects: one on activation, one for controlling both an "Episode 1" and "Episode 2", and the final, typically a powerful effect, requires you to send itself and the other kind of "Episode" card to the GY. The gimmick derives from most of these serials putting cliff hangers at the ends of their episodes and the viewer is rewarded for investing by "coming back next week"; as you the player will be rewarded for investing in putting both kinds of Episode cards on the field. Most Episodes will focus on buffing "Star Fiend" monsters or destroying/negating key pieces on your opponent's board so that the Hero "The Star Fiend" can swoop in to save the day. 

I've provided an example of these kinds of interactions:

Further support, not shown in this example, can involve spells for cycling between the different Episodes and monsters or traps that dramatically shift the favor in your direction; big plot twists, Deux Ex Machinas for the "The Star Fiend" to take advantage of. 
Card Examples:

Name: The Star Fiend


Level 4

ATK 1950/DEF 1650

Effect: If this card is Normal or Special Summoned; You can add 1 "Star Fiends" Continuous Spell from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "The Star Fiend" once per turn. You can activate set Continuous Spells during your opponent's turn. 


Name: Star Fiend Episode 1: Journey to Mad Space

Continuous Spell

Effect: When this card is activated; add 1 "Star Fiend" monster from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Star Fiend Episode 1: Journey to Mad Space", once per turn. While you control a "Star Fiend Episode 2" Continuous Spell: if a "Star Fiend" monster battles an opponent's monster, after damage calculation; Banish that opponent's monster. You can send this card and 1 "Star Fiend Episode 2" to the GY (Quick Effect); "Star Fiend" monsters you control are unaffected by card effects, and cannot be destroyed by battle, until the End Phase.


Name: Star Fiend Episode 2: Hunter's Hunted

Continuous Spell

Effect: When this card is activated: target 1 monster your opponent controls; destroy it, then if you control a "Star Fiend" monster or another "Star Fiend" Continuous Spell, you can target 1 card on the field; destroy it. You can only use this effect of, "Star Fiend Episode 2: Hunter's Hunted", once per turn. While you control a "Star Fiend Episode 1" Continuous Spell: "Star Fiend" monsters you control gain 1000 ATK.  You can send this card and 1 "Star Fiend Episode 1" Continuous Spell to the GY; this turn, "Star Fiend" monsters you control can attack your opponent directly. 




Apologizes for the long post, but I had too much fun making this. If you like the art, check out Charles H. Crabtree's Facebook page where I found the art work at "The Space Fiend" (won't post an actual link cause don't wanna cause problems with the mods).

Next: Lost World 

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(Lost World) Is an archetype of a Psychic type monster in the form of a Dinosaur with the 💦 WATER attribute. This archetype has a playing mechanism to make opponents exchange their monsters for "Lost World" monsters, meaning Swapping/Switching monsters when the effect is triggered. Example: (If this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the GY; you can SS this card to your opponent side, and if you do, take control the monster that destroyed this card),  (Target 1 "Lost World" monster you control and 1 monster your opponent controls; switches control of those monsters with each other). This archetype also has an Extra Deck monster in the form of a Fusion monster that can use "Lost World" controlled by the opponent as fusion material. Of course, this archetype is also supported by a capable Spell/Trap card. For example, "Lost World Polymerization", which has an effect like "Super Poly" but specifically for "Lost World" monsters.


Next: Holy Grail

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/4/2024 at 5:37 PM, Alien Nation said:

Next: Holy Grail

An archetype of Warrior, Spellcaster, and Fairy monsters. It's akin to Tribrigade/Raika-No in how it uses a trio of types, and pretty much locks you into them. The Warriors focus on attacking and destruction, the Spellcasters fill up your backrow, and the Fairies bring out The Big Ones. All of them have an expiration effect, which I'll explain in the lore post which Baron has inspired me to make.


Holy Grail

Field Spell

Whenever a card destroys itself with it's own effect, or is destroyed due to a battle it declared, you can target one card in your deck with the same the destroyed card had on the field: Apply the appropriate effect, then, if that targeted card included "Holy Grail" in it's name or text, you can add another "Holy Grail" card from your deck to the hand.

●Monster: Special Summon that targeted card.

●Spell or Trap: Activate that card directly from your deck.

Holy Grail Warrior Aster

LV 3/Warrior/LIGHT/Effect


Once per turn, when this card destroys a card by battle, or it's own effect, you can draw a card. While this card is face-up on the field, your other "Holy Grail" monsters gain 500 Attack and Defense.  After the Sixth Standby Phase after this card was summoned, destroy this card.

Holy Grail Caster Jonah

LV 4/Spellcaster/LIGHT/Effect


Once per turn, you can pay 500 lifepoints: Destroy a monster you control, then you can add one "Holy Grail" Spell or Trap from your deck to your hand. Whenever a "Holy Grail" card is destroyed, except by the effect of a "Holy Grail" card, gain 500 lifepoints for each card destroyed.  After the Sixth Standby Phase after this card was summoned, destroy this card.

Holy Grail Saint Vivien

LV 1/Fairy/Tuner/LIGHT/Effect


Your opponent cannot target your "Holy Grail" monsters with card effects or attacks. When this card is summoned, you can reveal 1 Synchro monster in your deck: Synchro summon it, using three "Holy Grail" monsters you control, then you can destroy all other cards you control. If you do, that Synchro monster gains 300 Attack for each card destroyed this way. After the Second Standby Phase after this card was summoned, destroy this card, then place it on the bottom of the deck.

Next: A pantheon. Can be any pantheon.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/27/2024 at 5:11 PM, eseer said:

Next: A pantheon. Can be any pantheon

Ichorren are a Xyz archetype that use a rum style similar to the Exostister's Rank 8. The main deck monsters are composed of many different types and attributes, notably many are DARK. The Rank 4 monsters are based on the 12 Olympians, sans Zeus and Poseidon who are Rank 8's along with Hades.



Charon, Ferryman of the Ichorren Rivers

DARK/Level 4/Zombie/Effect

Atk: 0/Def: 2000

Effect: You can discard this card: Special Summon 1 level 4 "Ichorren" Monster from your Hand, GY, or Deck. You cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck, except "Ichorren" monsters, the turn you use this effect. You can only use this effect of "Charon, Ferryman of the Ichorren Rivers" once per turn.


Cerberus, Guardian the Ichorren Underworld

DARK/Level 4/Beast/Effect

ATK: 1600/DEF: 1600

Effect: If this card is added from your Deck or GY to your hand by a card effect: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. You must control a "Ichorren" card to activate this effect. You can only use this effect of "Cerberus, Guardian of the Ichorren Underworld" once per turn. A "Ichorren" Xyz monster that was Summoned using this card as material gains 300 ATK × its Rank. 


Gorgon of the Ichorren

EARTH/Level 4/Reptile/Effect

ATK: 1800 DEF: 800

Effect: If this card is Special Summoned by the effect of a "Ichorren" monster: You can target 1 Level 4 or lower "Ichorren" monster in your GY; Special Summon that target. You can only use this effect of "Gorgon of the Ichorren" once per turn.


Athena: Ichorren of Strategic Warfare

LIGHT/Rank 4/Warrior/Xyz/Effect

ATK: 2100/DEF: 2100

Pre-Req: 2 "Ichorren" monsters

Effect: While this card has material, your other monsters cannot be destroyed by card effect. (Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material from this card and target 1 card; destroy it, and if it was a monster card, inflict damage to your opponent equal to this card's ATK. You can only use this effect of "Athena: Ichorren of Strategic Warfare" once per turn.


Poseidon: Great Ichorren of the Torrential Seas

WATER/Rank 8/Aqua/ Xyz/Effect

Pre-Req: 2 Level 8 monsters

Effect: You can also Xyz Summon this card by using 2 Rank 4 "Ichorren" Xyz Monsters you control as material. (Transfer their materials to this card.) While this card has an Xyz monster as material, the ATK/DEF of all monsters is halved, except "Ichorren" monsters. You can detach 2 materials from this card and pay 2000 LP; Flip all cards your opponent controls face-down. You can only use this effect of "Poseidon: Great Ichorren of the Torrential Seas" once per turn.

Edited by Hentai hub
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/13/2024 at 7:51 PM, Hentai hub said:

Next prompt: Magicasso (Magic + Picasso)

An archetype with a Spellcaster type monster, which has a playing style that swaps its stats with other monsters when the effect is triggered. For example, "if this card is a Normal Summon" we can target one monster, whether on the field, GY, or hand (our or opponent's monster). So replace the stats of this card with the target. Plus various support cards that make it easier to search for cards, protect them, and make it easier to trigger the effects of monsters in this archetype. Also accompanied by boss Xyz and Link monster.

[Sample Card] "Magicasso: The Old Blind Guitarist"

DARK/Level 4/Spellcaster/Effect


If you Summon "Magicasso" monster or if "Magicasso" monster is destroyed by your opponent card's (except this card's): You can Special Summon this card from your hand, and if you do, target 1 monster on either GY; this card Original ATK/DEF become equal as that target. You can only Special Summon this card's once per turn this way.


Next: Clashmythical

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/23/2024 at 7:49 PM, Alien Nation said:

Next: Clashmythical

This is an archetype filled with level 6 and level 1 monsters, Warrior and Spellcaster types with the WIND and FIRE attribute. Which has a summoning treat similar to a "Dragon Ruler". For example: [If this card is in your hand or GY: You can shuffle a total of 2 Warrior and/or Spellcaster monsters you control and/or from your GY (except this card) into the Deck; Special Summon this card.] Plus [If this card you control or in your GY is shuffled into the Deck: You can add 1 (according to the type) monster from your Deck to your hand.] Archetype that has the power to do Special Summon in large numbers, but will still be offset by restrictions only for Warriors or Spellcasters, or perhaps only for "Clashmythical" monsters. Considering that the status of the monsters in this archetype is relatively weak, a Boss monster from this archetype is needed, in the form of a Link and Fusion monster, which has an annoying shuffle effect on the enemy. A brief overview of the Summoning requirements for Link and Fusion monsters from this archetype: Summoning requirements for Link: [2 Level 1 WIND and/or FIRE monsters]

[2 Level 6 "Clashmythical" monsters]

[2+ "Clashmythical" with different Levels]

[2+ "Clashmythical" with different names]

Summoning requirement for Fusion: Of course by shuffling 2 or even more monsters from this archetype, without having to use "Polymerization". I hope you'll guys can imagine how this archetype works 💭 Thank u. 


Next: "Calamission" Calamity + Mission (bring a disaster). 

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  • 7 months later...
On 3/8/2024 at 5:35 AM, Yᵤₘₐ ₖₐᵢbₐ said:

Next: "Calamission" Calamity + Mission (bring a disaster). 

Within the vast expanses of space, a desolate space ship drifts aimlessly. On the spaceship are the Calamissions, a group of machines designed to avert any possible calamity their creators could face. Yet their planet is nowhere to be seen, the spaceship the only remaining relic of a one great planet. What could have happened to the Calamission robots that they outlived the calamity they were meant to prevent?

Design wise, the "Calamission" Archetype is a collection of EARTH and DARK Machines that focus on trying to prevent disadvantageous situations for their players ("calamities" such as card destruction, taking damage, having effects negated, etc.). The Main deck "Calamission" machines are all EARTH attribute, and each member refers to a specific calamity they were meant to prevent. The monsters are levels 2-4, and they don't have the greatest attack or defense. Besides having some Rank-Up-Magic Spells, there won't be many spell or trap cards, and they will mostly focus on bringing out the "Calamission" monsters perfect for the situation.

However, the deck isn't purely reactionary. Within the "Calamission" group, there are some members which have... deviated from their original purpose. Rather than wait for the opponent to attack one of their own, these XYZ "Calamission" will banish those monsters before they can even attack. All XYZ "Calamission" machines are DARK attribute, and take preventative measures to the absolute extreme. These XYZ monsters start as low as Rank 2, but they can get up to Rank 7 using their own Rank-Up-Magic Spells. At the highest Rank, "Calamission Extinction" will banish all of your opponent's cards from the field... if you are willing to pay the price of all of your cards on the field being banished as well.

Example Cards:

Calamission Tornado

Level 3 EARTH


1300 ATK/ 600 DEF

If a Set Spell/Trap Card(s) would be destroyed by a card effect (Quick Effect): You can Special Summon this card from your hand, negate the effect, and if you do, add 1 "Calamission" Spell from your Deck to the hand. Once per turn, while this card is on the field, you can target one Spell/Trap on the field, return it to the hand.

Calamission Rank-Up-Magic Preventative Force

Quick-Play Spell Card

Target 1 "Calamission" XYZ monster you control, XYZ summon 1 "Calamission" monster 1 Rank higher than the targeted monster, using the monster you targeted as material (transfer XYZ materials to the new monster). If this card is in your GY, except the turn it was sent there (Quick Effect): You can attach this card to a "Calamission" XYZ monster you control as a material.

Calamission Extinction

Rank 7 DARK


2800 ATK/ 2300 DEF

2 Level 7 "Calamission" monsters

When this card is XYZ Summoned: banish all cards on the field, except this one. Neither player can activate cards in response to this effect. You can detach 2 materials: for the rest of this turn, neither player can summon Monsters from the hand. This card cannot attack while there are no cards on your opponent's field.


This took quite a while to design. I may have jumped the gun with "Calamission Extinction" 's effect, but I basically wanted to simulate, well, an extinction on both sides. Hopefully having to use multiple Rank-Up-Magic spell cards can also help to keep this card in check.

Anyway, time to go back into dormancy for quite a while. Not before posting the next archetype prompt.

Next prompt:

Symbotany ("Symbiosis" and "Botany")

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  • 4 months later...
On 10/26/2024 at 3:25 PM, Time Wanderer Rosemary said:

Symbotany ("Symbiosis" and "Botany")

"Symbotany" focuses on planting support cards, controlling resources, and benefiting from the synergy between different plant-like creatures and their symbiotic counterparts. The deck utilizes plant monsters, but it also includes a mix of insect, beast monsters that 'symbiotically' work together. The aim is to establish powerful synergies by using effects that grant benefits to both the plant and its allies.

Example Cards:

Symbotany - Pollinator Dragonfly

Level 4 / Insect / Effect Monster

ATK: 1500 / DEF: 1000

Effect: When this card is Normal or Special Summoned; you can add 1 "Symbotany" monster from your deck to your hand, except "Symbotany - Pollinator Dragonfly." If this card you control is destroyed by battle or card effect; you can add 1 "Symbotany" S/T from your deck to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Symbotany - Pollinator Dragonfly once per turn.


Symbotany - Blooming Mycelium

Level 2 / Plant / Effect Monster

ATK: 0 / DEF: 2000

Effect: If this card is sent from the field to the GY; you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Insect or Beast monster from your GY, and if you do, that monster gains 1000 ATK. You can only use this effect of "Symbotany - Blooming Mycelium" once per turn.


Symbotany - Sacred Fury Mongoose

Level 8 / Beast / Effect Monster

ATK: 2400 / DEF: 2000

Effect: During your Main Phase, you can destroy 1 Plant or Insect monster you control; Special Summon this card from your hand or GY. You can only Special Summon "Symbotany - Sacred Fury Mongoose" once per turn. You can target 1 Plant or Insect monster in your GY; Special Summon it, but its effects are negated, also, you cannot Special Summoned a monster from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn (except, "Symbotany" Monsters.) You can only use this effect of "Symbotany - Sacred Fury Mongoose" once per turn.


Symbotany - Vinebound Partnership

[Continuous Spell Card]

Effect: Once per turn, if a Plant, Insect or Beast monster you control is destroyed by battle or card effect, you can Special Summon 1 "Symbotany" monster from your Deck with a different type than the destroyed monster in the GY.


The deck thrives by adapting to the situation. If a plant or insect is destroyed, a new one can quickly take its place, and the deck has multiple ways to get monsters back from the GY or search for others.


Next: "Psychocean" Archetype (Psychic monsters with attribute WATER)

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Psychocean is an archetype based on the "Remove Brainwashing" card. It uses spell cards to summon a powerful boss monster to its opponent's side of the field and then takes control of it. The main 3 cards that it uses to do this are "Psychocean Rising Tide" a spell card that sets up the field, "Pshychocean Serine Temptress" which is used to gain control of you monster from the opponent, and "Psychocean Maelstrom Berserker" which is the boss monster.

Psychocean Rising Tide

Quickplay Spell

If you control no monsters or if the only monsters you control are Psychic monsters: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Psychocean" monster from your Deck, then Special Summon 1 Level 9 or higher monster from your Deck to your opponent's side of the field ignoring its summoning conditions.

"Psychocean Maelstrom Berserker" 

Level 10 WATER


3200 ATK / 1000 DEF

Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned to your opponent's field from your hand by sending 1 WATER monster from your field to the GY. 

When control of this card changes: You can destroy 1 card from your hand or field; Your opponent Banishes all cards they control until their next End Phase.

Next: Kaiser Paladins (Level 9 Warrior and Spellcaster monsters)

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